Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 340 The Prelude to the Coming of Innate Divinity

Chapter 340 The Prelude to the Coming of Innate Divinity
The sky is full of divine clouds, covering the entire sky. At a glance, it seems that the sky of the entire human world has become a piece of color, beautiful and magnificent.

Chen Ning was not immersed in such beautiful scenery, he felt unprecedented divinity!
Filled the whole world!

At this moment, his whole body was trembling, not the trembling of being threatened, but the trembling of excitement, and it was self-generated, not under his control!
Every inch of flesh and blood is shaking, and the divinity between heaven and earth is astonishing. If you take this opportunity to practice, you may be able to make a huge difference in one day!
Needless to say, the people around him are all cultivating, including Fenghuang and others, even Zhu Shijie and Heihuang are frantically devouring the divinity that wanders between heaven and earth, Ximen Chuuxue and the other three are also closing their eyes, hoping to use it These divine healings.

Needless to say, everyone can arouse divinity, but Chen Ning cannot.

"Fuck?! Why? I can't do it?!" He is not reconciled, Mahler Gobi, although he knows that this is not the innate divinity, but it is also a divinity, and he can absorb as much as he can, but now he is I can't absorb it at all, and I'm talking about a hammer!
He knew that nine out of ten it was because of the system.

"Damn it, system, you're cheating on me again! I'll fight with you!"

With a loud roar, Chen Ning performed the reincarnation of gods and demons, regardless of whether it was exposed or not, and directly drew a black and white rotating black hole. The terrifying force of pulling erupted instantly, and countless free divinities were swallowed up.into the black hole.

His crazy devouring of course attracted the attention of others, everyone glanced at him, Fenghuang and Longyuan saw the black and white hole in his hand, their expressions changed, but they didn't say anything, they just quickly backed away, Choose a location and reabsorb the divinity!
Now it should be regarded as a blessing before the advent of innate divinity. This kind of good luck does not happen often, of course the more the better!
Everyone is devouring like crazy!

This is the case in the entire human world. The monks stop, choose a location, and devour these free divinities. Although mortals have no ability to actively absorb them, these divinities seem to enter their bodies consciously and autonomously!
It can be said that this is a great fortune for the entire human world!

All races benefit immensely!

Chen Ning was completely crazy at the moment. After those divinities entered his body, they seemed incompatible. Only a small part was absorbed, and the rest returned to heaven and earth again!
"Damn it, I don't believe it anymore, system, you forced me to do this!"


At this moment, Chen Ning's aura opened up, and Yuan Ying's cultivation suddenly exploded!

The magical power of ice muscle and jade bone, and the skill of reincarnation of gods and demons have all been operated to the extreme, and his whole body has become like a demon god who has come across the years!
The terrifying power of pulling directly bloomed, swept away, and devoured all the divinity within a radius of ten miles!
Gather in him!
At this moment, his whole body was wrapped in divinity, becoming divine and extraordinary!

Zhu Shijie wanted to yell at him at first, but when he saw Chen Ning in such a state, he was crying, and almost rushed up to hug Chen Ning and gnaw on him!
It's so tempting!
Not to mention the ten precepts of pigs, even the Black Emperor was swallowing hard, and finally turned his face away, afraid he couldn't help but rushed forward.

Chen Ning didn't know it, he was frantically competing with the system, and most of the divinity that had been swallowed into his body was forced out again.

However, a few remained.

"I don't believe it, I can't keep you!"

"System, you just have to draw the lottery well, don't disturb me to absorb the divinity, can you?"

"If you continue to make trouble, I will go crazy!"

Chen Ning looked ferocious, these are not the so-called innate divinity, if the innate divinity is also rejected by the system, then how can he get rid of a hammer? !


He devoured it crazily, but Chen Ning, who fell into madness, did not realize that the divinity swallowed by him was slowly casting a radiant meridian!

And at this moment, the divine glow in the sky has taken on the appearance of layers, layer by layer, extremely thick!

The blessings of the human world are coming!

"Get ready! The innate divinity is coming! This is the real innate treasure, which is related to our future path!"

"Everyone, each according to his own ability!"


The sky trembled!

Shenyin washes away!

The sky is chaotic, and the ground is swarming with golden lotuses!
You can even see fairies dancing and fairy children walking in the glow!

All kinds of visions are emerging!

The entire human world is clearly visible!
Chen Ning didn't have time to look up at such a scene, he was fighting against divinity, trying his best to keep them in his body, and the radiant meridian was [-]% complete!

About to condense into shape!


There was another tremor in the sky!
The people of the human world looked up, waiting for the blessing to come.





A series of 36 thunderous sounds resounded throughout the human world!

Countless people raised their heads. At this moment, no matter if they were monks or mortals, they all stopped what they were doing and looked towards the sky.

At this moment, the system finally drew a character card!
"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you got a character card!"

Chen Ning is not in the mood to pay attention to the system, he has also discovered the abnormality in his body now, the radiant meridian has been completed [-]%!
Only the last one is left!

But suddenly, happiness came!

Divine splendors of various colors descended from the sky!
There is cyan, which seems to contain endless vitality!

There is purple, the meaning of nobility rushes to the face, and the air of the emperor sweeps thousands of miles!
There is gold, majestic and upright, and evil worship does not exist!
There is black, and the killing spirit is astonishing, making people frightened!

Wisps of light descended and spread throughout the human world!
Innate divinity!
At this moment, countless monks soared into the sky!

These monks who were fighting evil spirits for the human world just a moment ago are now fighting for the innate divinity!

Someone yelled!

And Chen Ning was waiting, he was waiting for the meridian in his body to take shape!


Although he didn't know why, he felt that this thing should be more important than the so-called innate divinity!
After a quarter of an hour, the meridian finally took shape!
Chen Ning's whole body shook quietly, as if there was some kind of change, but there seemed to be no change at all!

He didn't have time to feel it carefully, because the battle in the sky had already entered a fever pitch!

All kinds of divine splendor are up for grabs!
The three of Ximen Chuuxue also participated in it. What shocked Chen Ning was that the cultivation of the three of them had returned to the spirit emperor again!
"Fuck! System, what's going on?"

"Ding! The three of them used secret techniques to temporarily escape the control of the system, and re-entered the realm of the spirit emperor!"


What else can be said about this operation?I can only call 666.

It should be impossible to get rid of the control, maybe it is to use secret techniques to forcibly break through the side effects of that elixir, and return to the spirit emperor.

"System, summon the target person!"

Just now he has seen who is on the character card, so to speak, it fits his idea very well!

 Friends, the author has opened a new book.

  The name is "I'm Really Not My Lord Immortal Emperor"

  You can go to search and see, quality assurance, five changes a day.

(End of this chapter)

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