Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 341 Playing around?

Chapter 341 Playing around?
"System, summon the target person!"

"Ding! Do you choose to let the target person arrive immediately?"

Chen Ning glanced at the battle on the sky, touched his chin and said, "No, it will be half an hour later!"

"Ding! The summoning begins!"


After solving the problem of character cards, Chen Ning soared into the sky and directly threw himself into the battle.

The whole person turned into a ray of light, and his shots were even more merciless. For him, the innate divinity is the only way to get rid of the control of the system's experience value, and there can be no mistakes!


The reincarnation of gods and demons is in operation. At this moment, he turned into a demon god who has crossed the long river of time, and his body is full of dark demonic energy, but this demonic energy is not like that of the demons. The demonic energy of the demons is only domineering, and the demonic energy on him Qi is not only domineering, but also has a hidden sense of holiness!
It's very strange, with the holy will appearing in the devil's energy, it is estimated that he is the only one in the world.


He raises his hand to form Zhenxing Fist, this fist is so violent that even the stars will explode with one punch, let alone a human body?

Immediately, there was an empty space in front of him, and many people looked at him in horror, as if they did not expect that this half-dead man could display such terrifying combat power!

That's right, when Chen Ning condensed the radiant meridian in his body before, these people regarded him as half-dead, and they didn't notice it at all.

Now this half-dead man taught them a lesson thoroughly.


With one punch, the heroes retreat!

In front of Chen Ning, a ray of dark divine radiance wandered, filled with monstrous magic. The innate divinity actually dodges and escapes directly!
"Damn it? You've become a master? Can you still avoid capture?" Chen Ning's eyes widened, unable to believe it.

He observed other people carefully, and found that the same was true for others, not only facing attacks from the crowd, but also "playing" with innate divinity!
It often looks like it is about to catch it, but the thing escapes with a dodge.

Even Ximen Chuuxue and the three of them haven't caught a wisp so far!
It seems that this thing is the same for everyone regardless of realm.

Chen Ning took a deep breath. Damn it, I still don't believe it today. A living person can play tricks on you with a little bit of innate divinity!

"Don't run, damn it, stop for me!"


An extremely strange scene appeared in the sky.

A lunatic, holding a machete, chasing dozens of strands of innate divinity!

Chen Ning's speed is very fast, his calligraphy is unparalleled, and he has practiced to the extreme, even involving the field of time, but now he is far from that level.

"Don't run, damn it, stop obediently and let me cut you!"

"One knife 999, send you to see your mother!"


Zhu Shijie and Heihuang were dumbfounded.

"666! Boy, awesome, so awesome, why didn't this pig god think about it, what the hell, this pig god chases a ray of innate divinity and chases it to death, but if you chase dozens of strands, you are still dying, Then why not chase dozens of strands?"

The brain circuit of Zhu Shijie is so simple and unpretentious.

He spat out a machete from his mouth, Wuyu was more than twice as big as Chen Ning's!
"Damn it, stop this Pig God!"

Suddenly, another strange scene appeared in the sky, a pig man stood up, holding a machete in its two front hooves, chasing dozens of strands of innate divinity and running around.

Heihuang was also taken aback, and then trembled all over, as if some kind of wonderful switch had been turned on.

This guy actually stood up, so the strange scene happened again.

Everyone stopped and looked at the sky. One person, one pig and one dog were roaring wildly. One person and one pig were holding a machete, and one dog was holding a big copper bell with its teeth and claws. The gods run around.

Thanks to the blessing of the human world this time, there are enough innate divinities descended, the entire human world, basically everywhere, otherwise it would not be enough for these three pits to catch up with.

"Damn it! Damn it, are you a rabbit?" Chen Ning yelled strangely, he could run away too much, he couldn't catch up at all, and he couldn't do it with secret words, and he felt like he was going to catch it a few times. The crystal brilliance passed by his fingertips!

Damn, that thing isn't real at all!
No matter how you grab it, it's useless!

"Boy, I think we are being played like monkeys!" Zhu Shijie also found out that these innate divinity can't be captured at all, it's too slippery.

"Judging from the current situation, we should have been played by a bunch of these things!" The Black Emperor was also grinning, extremely angry.

Chen Ning looked up at the others, and found that the same was true for others. So far, no one has captured the innate divinity.

Even the spirit emperor is no exception, it's too difficult, it doesn't matter if these things run fast, the key is that they are not real entities, they can't be grasped or touched!

"Fuck, I don't believe it!"

Chen Ning immediately lost his temper!

"Prisoner seals the road!"

I saw him pointing out, immediately.A strange fluctuation came, and then the space stopped, as if everything was frozen for a moment, but he found that those innate divinity still had no effect, even the power of sealing was useless!

Could it be that the human world is playing tricks on us?
He touched his chin and couldn't help but think so, otherwise how could it be like this?
Can't catch it at all!
"Brother Huo, have you seen innate divinity before? How did you capture it?"

There is no other way but to ask, he knows too little about this.

"I've seen it before, but we didn't participate in the capture at that time, and the people who participated never revealed it, so no one knew that the innate divinity was so difficult to capture!"

Huo Ziyang said bitterly, he was almost exhausted, and there was nothing wrong with the innate divinity in front of him.

For example, now that he has stopped, his innate divinity has also stopped, and he is still trembling, as if he is looking at him.

"Damn, there must be a special way, otherwise wouldn't the blessings of the human world become a joke?"

Chen Ning stared at the dozens of strands of innate divinity not far in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe it!"

He pointed out again that this time, he used the method of speaking out!
"Leave it to me!"


At this moment, even the human world seemed to shake!
But then, Chen Ning was dumbfounded, those innate divinities are still fine!
The moment of turmoil in the human world just now directly broke the power of his words!

This also shows that these innate divinities can be stopped at any time with the help of words, but the human world will intervene!
"Male Gobi, you're still playing with a hammer!"

Chen Ning is so angry!
He was promoted to the Nascent Soul Realm, and he could barely use it once, and he couldn't use it a second time.

Now even a ray of innate divinity has not been captured.

 Friends, the author has opened a new book.

  The name is "I'm Really Not My Lord Immortal Emperor"

  You can go to search and see, quality assurance, five changes a day.

(End of this chapter)

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