Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 42 Give you a face!

Chapter 42 Give you a face!

Chen Ning made a quick move, Dou Zi Mi, and Buddha's Fury Lotus didn't dare to use it. Fortunately, there is also the first form of Zhu Xian Sword Art, which can be used to test it.


I saw him pointing at the same time, the color of the world changed in an instant, the intention of killing immortals surged, the ultimate murderous intent gushed out, and the sword light crisscrossed, as if it could shatter the sky for thousands of miles!

"Little idiot! Go to hell!"

Chen Ning grinned, "Damn it, you dare to slander me. Since you have said so, if you don't kill you, wouldn't you be blamed for nothing?"

There was a murderous intent in his eyes, and of course he didn't intend to really kill Nie Chen, among other things, just the reaction of the people around him made him a little scared, thinking that this kid might not have an easy start.

However, the death penalty is exempt, but the living crime cannot escape.

Chen Ning grinned, revealing his white teeth. In Nie Chen's eyes, he looked like a man-eating ghost.

"How dare you? How dare you?"

Nie Chen's pupils constricted, unbelievable, and he was stupefied. Chen Ning's aura was too majestic. Although he didn't know the origin of the sword art of Zhuxian, he dared to use the name of Zhuxian. Zhuxian Sword Art against the enemy, the murderous aura is amazing!
"Heh!" Chen Ning sneered and said, "You said that I'm going to kill you, so if you don't kill me, I'll show you. Wouldn't it be a fall to my prestige!"

Thousands of sword qi above Chen Ning's head roared freely. At this moment, the world was shocked, and the holy city was shocked, just because the sword qi was too majestic, and there was a kind of extreme killing!
"Who is it?! How can there be such a terrifying sword technique in the world?!"

"It's scary! It's like facing a terrifying aura that kills gods and immortals!"


"Zhu Xian... Sword Art!" In a corner of the holy city, a pair of golden eyes reflected in the darkness, as if they could cross space, looking at Chen Ning's direction.

"It has been lost for countless epochs, and it has reappeared..."

The deep voice echoed, but it was only limited in this space, unable to be conveyed, and gradually dissipated.

Chen Ning was about to cut him off, and Nie Chen almost peed in fright, fighting with both legs.

The people next to him felt sorry. Although Chen Ning had the upper hand, there was pity in their eyes, as if they had met his next misery.

"Young man, you'd better run, although you are very strong, but... this young man is not easy to mess with, don't just lose your life just for a moment of pride." The old man who shook his head first advised.

"Yes, young man, hurry up, or you won't be able to leave when the son's sister arrives."

"Let's go, let's go."

"Leave the holy city quickly, the farther the better."


The onlookers all began to persuade Chen Ning to leave the holy city quickly.

"Fuck?! So awesome?" Chen Ning's heart skipped a beat, "What's the origin of this kid's sister? How can the people of the Holy City be so afraid?"

However, he looked at Nie Chen who had collapsed on the ground. Because of the begging of the onlookers, this kid had once again turned into that arrogant appearance. Although he fell to the ground, he looked at Chen Ning with his nostrils. That gaze seemed to be saying, did you see, this young master is so awesome, if you have the ability to touch me, try it!

Chen Ning made up a lot of plots by himself, and immediately gave up, killing all the thoughts of running away that arose in his heart.

Grass!I'm going to fuck you to death!
Don't say your sister is here, come and do it together!


The more Chen Ning thought about it, the angrier he got, and he slapped Nie Chen again, "Look! Look at you! Look at you! Don't say it's your sister who's here, Ma Dan. Today is the king of heaven and I'm here. Grandpa wants to fuck you too!"


Zhu Xian's sword energy poured down, like a bloody river rushing down!

The onlookers were all dumbfounded, I'm going, how come the more persuasion and the beating became more ruthless?

In an instant, everyone ran away, fearing that Chen Ning would do it with them.

Nie Chen was scared to pee, really scared to pee, there were water stains seeping under his crotch, but at this moment, he didn't care about face problems, his life was gone, and he cared about the face of a chicken!
"Sister! Help!!"

"Call me sister? You can't even call me father!"

Chen Ning is extremely rampant and arrogant, damn it, boy, it's your fault, who made me angry?If you want to blame, blame that shit Arctic Ice Fairy!

And just when the sword light was about to pour down, a soft drink echoed instantly.


I saw a woman coming from the sky, seeing the blood-colored sword light all over the sky, her pretty face changed slightly, but her movements were extremely fast, with a wave of her jade hand, a colorful glass cover flew out, covering Nie Chen, blocking the overwhelming Zhu Xian sword energy.

"Little thief, court death!"

Seeing her younger brother was saved, Nie Xuanji focused her eyes on Chen Ning, the culprit. She shouted coquettishly, and rushed over in an instant. She raised her hand and slapped Chen Ning's chest, trying to punch him right through.

What the hell!

This woman is so fierce! ?

Chen Ning sucked in a breath of air-conditioning, the movement shrank into an inch, and narrowly escaped.

"Come here and die!"

It's just that Nie Xuanji doesn't intend to let him go. In her mind, bullying her brother is a capital offense!

"Fuck! Why do you think I'm afraid of you!"

Chen Ning is also furious. I just see you as a womanizer, and I don't want to do anything, but you are fucking shameless. It's just... a waste of my painstaking efforts!
At the same time, Chen Ning also scolded the system in his mind: "Grass, system, you cheated me, the charm halo is useless at all, this chick will hack me to death as soon as we meet, and get a chicken's favor!"

"Ding! The charm aura only increases the host's charm value by 10%, not 100%..."

"Go away, I want to return the product!"

"Ding! The charm halo is issued for the treasure box, and the system will not recycle it."


Chen Ning glared at Nie Xuanji viciously: "Little girl, I am telling you, don't mess with me, now I'm just a gas tank, I'll blow you up at one point, be careful!"

Nie Xuanji didn't know what the gas tank was, but she heard Chen Ning's warning, and she sneered: "What are you, come here, die!"

At this moment, Chen Ning was completely angry, damn it, I'm giving you shame!


A powerful aura erupted from him, and the first form of the Sword Art of Jade Immortals was fully displayed. In an instant, the sky and the earth changed, and the wind and clouds surged. In the sky, thunder flashed, and terrifying murderous intent rose into the sky, as if there was a catastrophe coming!
"Shame on your face, since you want to die, I will help you!"

Chen Ning waved his hand, and performed the Sword Art of Execution of Immortals. Although there is only one form, there are tens of thousands of changes, representing the ultimate killing, which can be used to exterminate immortals and gods!

Nie Xuanji's color changed and her pupils shrank slightly. What kind of sword art is that?It looked quite simple, but it actually made her body ache, as if it would disintegrate by itself in the next moment.

"However, why are you afraid!"


Nie Xuanji also erupted, and her whole body was shrouded in celestial brilliance, which was also extremely powerful. No wonder people in the holy city were afraid of her, and it was not unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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