Chapter 43

Nie Xuanji's Taoism is peculiar, showing infinite starlight, the day turns into night in an instant, the sky is densely covered with stars, the stars are brilliant, and there are faintly visible stars across the sky.

"Starry Universe?" Chen Ning raised his eyebrows and smiled. He was familiar with this thing. Someone in the Shrouding World used to perform similar Taoism, but it was broken by Ye Heizi's brute force.

He also has a lot of methods now, such as God and Demon Opening Heavenly Hand, Xuanbing Slash, Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, etc., but he is not easy to use. Now he is wanted, and using these methods rashly will easily expose his identity.

Of course, if you are in a hurry, it’s okay to use it once. Anyway, it’s going to change the law, at worst, just change your face.

In the final analysis, this fellow is still reluctant to part with Guan Xi's handsome face!
"Without these, I can still break you!"


The first form of Zhuxian Sword Art is performed, the power is terrifying and boundless, it is definitely a shocking inheritance, but it is forgotten by the world, there is a big secret hidden in the holy city, and it was punched out by Chen Ning.

Going forward, although there is only one style, it is extremely terrifying.

In an instant, the starry sky was turbulent, the big star exploded, and brilliant fireworks erupted, which was extremely gorgeous.

Nie Xuanji's expression changed, but she didn't lose her footing. She made a fist with her hands, and the sky changed again. At this moment, it was not a dead star, but... a blazing sun!
Immeasurable light descended, and the fiery state raged. In an instant, the temperature of the Holy City rose, and it seemed to be facing the sun!

Many people watching the battle in secret nodded secretly.

"That's right, this little girl from the Nie family is really powerful. The Third Emperor has picked up a treasure this time, and marrying the Nie family, I'm afraid there will be another change in the Eastern Region."

Of course, there are also people who are observing Chen Ning: "Where did that kid come from? The sword art he used is too terrifying, but why there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he has seen a claw somewhere."

The fight continues.

Seeing the sun setting, Chen Ning didn't change a bit on his face, and there was no look of fear.

"It's just an illusory sun, if you arrest the real sun, then so what if I'm slaughtered!"

Chen Ning smiled indifferently, and secretly performed the magical power of icy muscles and jade bones. This power was created by the god emperor, and it should be a peerless heavenly power. However, Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion has been swept away and cherished. It has never been carried forward, but has a faint tendency to decline. Instead, it radiated the light it should have.

In an instant, his body showed a pale ice jade color, of course it was only for a flash, he didn't dare to let people notice, otherwise everything on Chen Ning's side in white would be in vain.

Under the skin, the flesh and blood are like ice crystals, and the bones change into ice, and wisps of cold air emerge to counteract the heat of the sun.

"Whatever method you have, use it as much as you can!"

With a wave of Chen Ning's hand, the sword light criss-crossed and shattered the sun into pieces.

Nie Xuanji's demeanor changed again, and finally she looked at Chen Ning squarely, not daring to be careless.

"Who are you? When did the Eastern Territory have such a proud man like you again?"

"Heh, are you trying to strike up a conversation?" Chen Ning grinned, straightened his hairstyle, and said rather flirtatiously: "Hey, since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully, in order to protect A woman's... ah bah, in order to maintain world peace, implement love and true kindness, a handsome and handsome righteous character, Guanxi, I am the little prince who travels through the galaxy with a golden spear!"

Chen Ning pushed his hips, "Of course, you can also call me...Little White Dragon in the Waves."

After hearing this, Nie Xuanji's face turned dark. Although she didn't quite understand what she heard, she knew intuitively that it was not a good word.

"court death!"

She cast the spell again, but this time, the night disappeared and the day came again, but Chen Ning became serious. He had a feeling that it was not an exaggeration to say that it was a whim, but he felt that the day was more dangerous than the night just now!
"Is the little girl of the Nie family going to use that trick? Who is that kid? He was able to force the little girl of the Nie family to such a degree. Could it be that he is a genius taught by a hidden family or sect?"

"The little girl of the Nie family has mastered the battle in the sky. I'm afraid that kid will have a lot of hate."

Some big figures who watched the battle in secret were not optimistic about Chen Ning, thinking that he would die next time.

Even some melon-eaters who were watching closely were not optimistic about Chen Ning, thinking that he would die soon.

"Hey, a good life, one wrong step, and the whole game is lost." The old man shook his head again, sighing again and again.

"It's all fate..." The old woman also lowered her head and sighed.

Hearing the pessimism in his ears, Chen Ning almost rolled his eyes in anger.

Does Lao Tzu look so weak? !

Damn, it's because I can't use a lot of tricks, that chick knelt down and sang Conquer long ago!
But he couldn't help it.

I saw Chen Ning turned around and said to the old man and grandmother angrily: "Please, I beg you, I hope I get better, okay?"


Now it's the old man's turn to be confused, how can it be like this?Can the war be distracted?

The two veterans looked at each other, and they both saw compassion in each other's eyes.

"Oh, what a fine lad!"

"Well, it's really good."

"Unfortunately, I'm about to die."

"Hey, God is not fair!"

"Old man, since he asked us for help before he died, let us help him. It is right to do good deeds and accumulate virtue."

"Okay, old lady, you come first."

The old lady nodded, with compassion on her face, her old body sat down slowly, and then the old man also sat down, and the two put their hands together at the same time.


Chen Ning was stunned watching this scene, what do I beg of you?

Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

However, he soon knew.

"Please God! Help this lovely boy!"

"God, open your eyes, look, what a kind and innocent child, how could he die young?"


"Fuck! You two old guys!"

Chen Ning's face turned dark, and he gritted his teeth, wishing he could rush forward and bite these two scumbags to death.

"You're the one who's going to die! You're so old, how dare you curse my master! Idiot! Old man, you will be pointed at when you play chess in the future, and you, the price of vegetables will increase in the future!"

Chen Ning roared angrily, and uttered a peerless curse, which was so vicious that it was outrageous!
Immediately, the faces of the old man and the old woman changed.

"Young man, you are not authentic. We are praying for you. Why do you curse us in turn and utter such a terrible curse!"


Chen Ning pouted, ignoring these two veterans, and then faced Nie Xuanji.

It's just that in this moment, when he looked again, Nie Xuanji seemed to have changed into a different person. If he said that he was ethereal and immortal before, he has degenerated into a demon now!
The night becomes a fairy, and the day turns into a demon!
Chen Ning's pupils shrank suddenly, and a fatal crisis suddenly hit his heart.

"What kind of Taoism is this? It is somewhat similar to the reincarnation of gods and demons."

(End of this chapter)

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