Chapter 71 Robbery!

Chen Ning screamed happily, but no one could hear his voice in the cockpit.

But the huge bomber was seen clearly by everyone.

"Grass! What's going on today? I saw some weird things!"

"Why can this thing fly in the sky? It's a good thing, if I get it, wouldn't it mean that I can even go to some dangerous places?"

Not long after, someone had a wrong thought, and the light in his eyes changed from fear to greed.

Chen Ning sneered, although the people below couldn't see him, he saw the people below clearly, and the greed in their eyes was not missed.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't rob... ah bah, I didn't ask you to rob the rich and help the poor, but you are better off, and you put your mind on me."

"Hehe, this is forcing my uncle to take action!"


This fellow reached out his hand to fish under his crotch, and the big trumpet that was exchanged in Xuanhuang City reappeared.

"Ahem!" Chen Ning coughed twice, opened the bomber cabin, and the guy jumped onto the fuselage, the strong wind howled, messing up his black hair, and Chen Ning looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, his face With a look of melancholy, he said: "Everyone, I have some business and want to talk to you!"

"I'll go! There are people there!"

"What kind of magic weapon is this? It's so huge, but you can't feel the slightest aura fluctuations. How is it suspended in the air?"

The eyes of the crowd once again turned into horror.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ning couldn't help feeling a little bit smug.

Ma Dan, are everyone deaf?Or do you mean not to take Lao Tzu seriously?

Thinking about it this way, this guy immediately turned dark.

With the sound of the loudspeaker, Chen Ning yelled again, straight to the point: "Robbery!!!"

"The male stands on the left, the female stands on the right, and the shemale...hehe, neither male nor female stand in the middle!!"

"Take off all the valuables on your body for me!"

Chen Ning roared heartily, and he felt refreshed after saying something.


He spoke recklessly, but the people below were stunned and looked at each other in blank dismay.


I'll go, what's wrong?
Is the robbery still on my head?

This is what everyone thinks, it is true, they are all the arrogance of the major forces, where have they not been the stars, when have they seen such a bold person?

How dare you threaten to rob!

furious!It's crazy!

"Huh? Why is there no movement?" Chen Ning stood on the bomber and touched his nose, feeling more and more ignored.

He was about to go crazy, but he stopped suddenly, his eyes flickered for a moment, and he snorted softly and said softly: "Damn, forget it, look at your dog eyes that don't know Mount Tai, I won't go crazy this time. One more warning."

So, Chen Ning raised the horn and said solemnly: "Everyone, now is the robbery time, now is the robbery time, please actively cooperate with the robbers' work, I warn that this may cause casualties!"

"Warning again, this is something that may cause casualties!"

As soon as he finished speaking, when he was full of ambition, he thought it should be better this time, right?
The aura of dominance has been revealed, and you and the other rats still don't obediently bow their heads and surrender?
But before he could be happy for a moment, bursts of shouts suddenly sounded from below.

"Presumptuous! Who are you? Dare to speak to us like this, do you know who we are?!"

"You're looking for death! Boy, I order you now, quickly hand over that huge magic weapon, and I will spare you!"

"Ignorant children, don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!"


What the fuck? !
Chen Ning's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he was confused: "Is there really someone in the world who is not afraid of death?"

it is good!
It's a man!

Chen Ning raised his hand, gave a thumbs up, and said with admiration: "6666, I give you my thumbs up, you are really a tough guy!"

"However, in the spirit of humanitarianism, I still want to warn you once."

Chen Ning was condescending, his eyes swept over everyone's face.

"This is really a robbery, believe me, you will die!"

What he said was so sincere that he almost engraved the three big words "you believe me" on his forehead.

"Oh, rampant! Do you dare to kill us? Can you kill us again?"

"That's right, a late Yuan Condensation Realm, look, which one is not a late Yuan Condensation Realm?"

"Come and kill me if you have the ability, kill me, you see, this storage ring is yours!" One of them took off the ring on his hand and looked at Chen Ning with a mocking face, as if sending an invitation, Come and kill me!

"What the hell...?"

Chen Ning was stunned. It turns out that there really are such people in the world.

"Hey, that's nothing to say. I have always satisfied this kind of weird request if I can meet it. If I can't meet it, I have to meet it even if I create conditions."

"Tsk tsk, you're lucky. It just so happens that my uncle has the conditions." Chen Ning looked like you were taking advantage.

He put away the loudspeaker and slid into the bomber cab with a bang.

"You idiot, I'll give you a sample first!"

"Missile launch!"


In response to the sound, the mountain peak on the other side collapsed in an instant, flying sand and rocks, the sky was full of fire, and black smoke billowed.

At this moment, the world was silent, except for the reverberating sound of explosions and the sound of burning fire, this space was peaceful.

Those Tianjiao with eyes higher than the top have been frightened, their faces are pale, their eyeballs are almost frightened, and they are full of fear.

Even the one who just took off the ring was frightened by the huge explosion and collapsed to the ground, trembling.

Chen Ning fired a cannon, opened the cabin and jumped out.

This fellow wiped his hair from front to back, showed a chic smile and said, "Everyone, how are you?"

"Come, come, I need to make another statement."


"Hurry up, stand in the position I just said, otherwise, hey, please eat the real monkey Sailei!"

Originally, he thought that it would be more or less the same if he raised his hands and surrendered after the cannon shot, but the reality was just the opposite, and it even exceeded his expectations. He almost thought that the world was full of tough guys with strong bones.

Just like the great philosopher on the earth in the previous life, the law of "true fragrance" swept the world with one hand, and became a "holy" immediately!
"Hmph! I don't believe you dare to kill us!"

"Yes, if you dare to do it, there is no place for you in the sky or on the earth!"

"You will be hunted down endlessly when you return to the Four Realms!"


When Chen Ning heard it, Ma Dan, is this a counter-threat?
So this guy immediately stared, without saying a word, went straight into the bomber cabin.

"System, let's use a less powerful missile! Also, can you take back the group of robots first?"

"Ding! The W-CLX small missile comes from the world of technological civilization. It costs 50000 credits to purchase."

"Ding! The medicine picking robot has been recovered."

Everyone below was focused on the bomber, and no one saw the group of robots disappear.

Chen Ning heard the prompt, and then sneered, "Damn it, I want to see if your mouth is the hardest part of your body!"

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(End of this chapter)

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