Chapter 72 Auction
Chen Ning smiled proudly.

"You know nothing about technology!"



I saw a flash of fire, and then the Tianjiao below saw a small stick shooting towards them.

It's here in the blink of an eye!


A loud noise fell, the small missile exploded, and the flames burst out, engulfing the Tianjiao in it.


There was a sudden scream, and the wailing echoed in an instant.

Chen Ning witnessed this scene in the cabin, and said with a sneer: "A group of idiots, I have given you a chance, you are useless!!"

"System! Rent a temporary landing site!"

"Ding! The lease was successful and cost 30000 points."

In an instant, the land in the valley changed, and an aircraft landing passage was quickly formed.

Chen Ning smiled in satisfaction, coughed twice, "Pretend to be like the wind, always accompany me! The night is long, and pretend to be with me!"

"This shit, I want to pretend!"

I saw him operate a bomber and perform difficult maneuvers in the air, doing all the aerial maneuvers of a fighter jet.

The system has already engraved the piloting guide of the aircraft and the driving experience of hundreds of pilots in the technologically civilized world into Chen Ning's mind, so it is not an exaggeration to say that this operation is like a command.

a long time.

Perhaps this guy felt that it was too boring to pretend to be alone, so he swayed the bomber and landed it smoothly.

But at this moment, the gang of Tianjiao had fallen to the ground, everyone was seriously injured, and some even died on the spot.

Chen Ning walked over in small steps, looking at the mess all over the floor, with disgust on his face.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what's going on here? Ouch~~ Who did this poisonous hand to hurt the arrogance of our four domains like this?"

"It's too much, and I strongly condemn it!"

One of them who was still alive stretched out his hand in grief and indignation, pointed at Chen Ning tremblingly and said, ""

"Heaven... heaven and earth... all...there is no place for!"

I wipe? !

After all this, why the fuck dare to talk harshly to me? !

Really awesome!
What a tough guy!

Chen Ning couldn't help but looked up to the sky and sighed: "Hey~~ Why is the sky so unfair? Such a good man is going to die, God is not fair!!"

"Ah puff!"

This man spit out a mouthful of blood in a fit of anger, turned over, his chest was heaving, and he could not survive.


directly hung up.

"Damn it? Isn't it good for me to praise you for your fragrance? You don't know a good heart like a dog biting Lu Dongbin!"

Chen Ning looked at the man's unrepentant appearance, and turned his eyes away in disgust.

He looked at the others again, and immediately smiled: "Come on, let's talk about business, how about it?"

"Look, I have a Nine-Turn Golden Elixir here."

"Hey? By the way, do you know what the Nine-Turn Golden Pill is? Come on, my uncle will popularize the knowledge points for you, study it carefully, and read it carefully!"

Chen Ning seemed to have found some kind of G-spot, squatted down excitedly, and began to give a lecture to this group of half-dead people.

"What about the Nine-Turn Golden Pill..."

"It's the Nine-Turn Golden Pill!"

"Ah puff!"

Another person couldn't help vomiting blood, and with a bang, it was gone.

"You...what the hell are you trying to say...what are you talking about!"

"Oh, I just want to say, I have a Nine Rank Golden Elixir here, who wants it? The auction starts now, the one with the highest price will get it." Chen Ning said calmly.

"The starting price, well, let's set 10000 top-quality spirit stones!"

"How is it? The price is not high, right? Hey, I'm just like this. I'm old-fashioned and warm-hearted. I can't do cold-blooded things like others."

"Honest and reliable, Mr. Xiaolang is nothing more than that."

Chen Ning said happily.

As he spoke, he waved the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir in his palm and said, "Come, come, let's start now!"

A group of half-dead people showed hope for life in an instant. In fact, they showed shock when Chen Ning took out the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir. This kind of treasure, even the arrogance of their respective sects, had never seen it!
"I will give... 10000 top-grade spirit stones!" A young man in black raised his hand and said out of breath.

"Okay! 10000 top-quality spirit stones! Is there any more? Is there a higher one? What is this? Is it a elixir? No! It's not! It's the hope of life! It's the hope of being able to pick up girls in the future!!"

Chen Ning was impassioned, spitting all over the place, and at the same time looking at this group of half-dead guys, hoping that someone would bid again.

"I... issued... 15000 top-quality... Lingshi!"

"Okay! Someone offered 15000, is there any more? Huh? Is there any more?"

"I...I...I'm out...Pfft!"

"Damn it? Are you crazy? Don't spit blood if you don't come out of your mother's house? After all, you are also a genius of a big sect. To spit blood for such a small amount of money, tsk tsk, I really have no ambition!"


The blood-spitting man's eyes widened sharply, and he roared like a flash of light: "Hold the grass mud Mahler Gobi!"

After yelling, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up, completely dead.

Ouch I go? !
Chen Ning said that I can't bear it anymore!
Ma Dan, I saw that you were going to die, so I kindly took out the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir to save you, but still scolded me?
"Guys, I have some personal matters to deal with. You should discuss it with yourselves first, and declare in advance that I only have one elixir and I don't have many more. So which one of you will survive in the end depends on your luck."

After speaking, Chen Ning got up and came to the side of the person who had just returned to the light, lifted one leg and pulled it away.

"Damn, I think you're living a life without knowing what to do!"

"System, is there any feng shui inheritance? It is best to use the art of geomancy, burial can affect the family!"

"Ding! The product list has been compiled for the host."

Chen Ning entered his mind, and a series of secret techniques immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

"The book of source heaven, from the world of shrouding the sky, the supreme inheritance of the source of heavenly masters. The master's practice of changing the world comes from this book. It costs 660000 points to purchase."

"Fengshui secrets, the Fengshui lineage is widely spread, and most of the secrets are universal, and can be seen in all heavens and myriad worlds. It costs 230000 points to purchase."

"Inheritance of Tomb Robbery and Feng Shui Mystery was originally in the same family, and then it was divided into two. It costs 120000 points to purchase."

"The above prices are all discounted, please rest assured to buy the host."

Chen Ning thought about it, and then looked at the nearly 5000 million points in the column of points in the mall. He touched his chin, and suddenly thought, isn't this source book so expensive? !
"Buy the Yuantian Book and practice!"

"Ding! Purchase successful!"

"Ding! Start practicing! Five, four, three, two, one! Successful cultivation!"

Chen Ning only felt an inexplicable breath descending suddenly, and then a silver light flashed in his eyes, as if there was something different, but there seemed to be nothing.

He came back to his senses, looked at the man whose leg was being lifted by him, grinned and said, "Little brat, you are lucky to be buried with the technique that the big guy has practiced, tsk tsk, don't worry, I guarantee you The family sect has had bad luck ever since!"

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(End of this chapter)

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