Chapter 88
Chen Ning jumped up and down, and was chased and bitten by a big black dog. He finally knew how Ye Heizi felt back then. Damn it, this dead dog opened his mouth when he disagreed with him. He was too careless.

"Wang! Ren Chong, you haven't said why you are here!"

"Grass mud horse, you stop first!"

Chen Ning gritted his teeth, especially when he saw Li Furen's gloating expression on that old clapper's face, he felt even more shameless.

"Wang! My pet, I will teach you how to respect your master today!" The big black dog slammed into Chen Ning like a calf, flicking its bald tail.

"Damn it, dead dog!" Chen Ning's face was black, and he directly used the magical power of ice muscle and jade bone. His whole body was extremely hard, and he rushed to the big black dog and hugged the dog's neck fiercely, "I can't cure you anymore?!"

With all his might, his arms were like iron rings, tightly restraining the big black dog's neck.

"Are you convinced? Are you convinced? I'll ask you if you are convinced!"

Chen Ning and the big black dog wrestled together, as if they were gangsters fighting in the city.

Li Furen, who was bound by the fairy rope, stared wide-eyed and looked surprised. In the end, he feared that the world would not be chaotic, and shouted: "Black dog, come on, bite him! Oh shit, you are so special!" Isn’t it false? It’s as strong as a calf, so useless? It’s really stupid!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the scene fell silent.

Chen Ning looked at Li Furen in surprise, as if looking at a god-man, he hissed and took a deep breath.

666 Ah!
As expected of me, Uncle Li!
People don't talk too much, but every sentence pokes at the bottom of my heart!

Sure enough, as Chen Ning thought, the big black dog calmed down. He stared quietly at Li Furen and said, "Old Clapper, what did you just say? My emperor is old, so I can't hear clearly."

Li Fu couldn't figure it out, damn it, what kind of eyes does this dead dog have?
He pursed his lips, squinted and said: "God spirit, hurry up, that kid has a bad stomach, be careful he kills you and eat dog meat!"

The old guy tried to get Chen Ning to fight the big black dog again so that he could break free from the damn rope.

When he thought about it, it was just a dog, how could it be so powerful?

"Damn, look again, I will kill you!"

He rolled his eyes and thought.

When Chen Ning heard this, he hurriedly said: "My uncle didn't say, dead dog, look, I told you to bite that old clapper a long time ago, right? You must not listen, it's all right now, just let him see the joke."

To show his sincerity, he loosened his hand around the big black dog's neck.

"Heihuang, go up and bite him quickly, and accept him as a pamper!" Chen Ning was helpless, offering his ideas from the sidelines.

"Wang! This emperor sees that you are not good birds! Pets, if there is any magic medicine, quickly come ten plants and eight plants!" The black emperor has a big tongue, and when he opens his mouth, it is like a lion.

When Chen Ning heard this, his face immediately turned black. Damn it, this dead dog is still the same, greedy, and he returned ten plants and eight plants of magic medicine, I see you are thinking of farting!

Li Furen laughed straight away, a spirit dog actually opened his mouth to ask for ten or eight miracle medicines, this dog must have lost his mind.

"Heh..." He sneered.

Chen Ning was completely convinced, and he was almost on the ground, awesome, so awesome!

The fault was not to maintain his image, he wanted to raise his hand and shout "Uncle Li is invincible!"


His chuckle completely enraged the Black Emperor, and he bared his teeth and roared, like a black lightning rushing directly.


Li Furen was finally scared, he showed a terrified look, especially the Black Emperor's mouth was wide open, his teeth were thick, bloody and drooling, and he was about to die when he saw it, which scared him a lot.

"Boy! Boy! How dare you let your dog do it! Ah!! Dead dog! Let go! Let go! Boy, you are paralyzed, take your dog away!"

Li Furen howled miserably.

Down the mountain.

Zhu Shijie and Black and White Chen Ning were "touching the corpse" with great interest, when they suddenly heard this sound, they were immediately stunned.

"I'm going?! This kid is so ruthless?" Zhu Shijie's eyes were full of disbelief, "Damn, this is going to hell!"

He trembled, his whole body trembled, and he felt more and more that Chen Ning was so cruel that even a little old man could be tortured thoroughly.

So brutal!

"Let's not mess with it in the future."

In a short while, all the corpses here were touched.

"Tsk tsk, the harvest is good." Zhu Shijie was very happy. Although he didn't open the storage ring and storage bag, this place is full of talent, so the family should be rich.

He stood up, looked at Chen Ning in black and white, and pretended to say: "What about you? How is the harvest?"

Looking like a supervisor, in his opinion, the two boys in black and white are the helpers Chen Ning has found.

He still doesn't know that black and white Chen Ning is Chen Ning's clone.

"Damn it?! Is this dead pig installed?" Chen Ning in white was about to go up and slap Pig Ten Commandments twice, but was stopped by Chen Ning in black.

Chen Ning in black shook his head and said, "Go up the mountain first and see what's going on, the old clapper is the protagonist of this game!"

When Chen Ning in white heard the words, he nodded hurriedly. Li Furen's old man is the most important thing, but after hearing the scream just now, it seems that the main body is moving a lot? !

Ignoring the ten precepts of pigs, one black and one white soared into the sky, and reached the mountain peak in a blink of an eye.

"Hold the grass?!"

"what happened?!"

As soon as the two came up, they saw a strange picture, and they were immediately stunned.

I saw a big black dog, as strong as a calf, biting Li Furen.

"Damn it, old clapper, what I hate the most in this life is old clapper, idiot, pet, tremble!"

"Hurry up and kneel down, offer your loyalty, this emperor will take you to become a fairy, pet, don't make unnecessary resistance!"

"Woof! Woah! Human pet!"

Chen Ning in white: "...!"

Chen Ning in black: "...!"

The scene in front of them was so powerful that both of them were dumbfounded.

Li Furen screamed incessantly. Chen Ning stripped him of his dragon armor, and now he has nothing on his body except his shorts. Being scratched and scratched by the Black Emperor, he looked horrible for a while.

"Boy, you're a killer! Ah!! Help! Someone let the dog do the killing! Dead dog, why don't you let go, oh shit, damn it, you can't bite there!"

"Boy, boy, shit, let's make peace! Let's make peace!"

"Ah! Dead dog, let go! Marle Gobi, when I get out of trouble, I will eat dog meat hot pot every day!"

"Boy, take this dead dog away, and I will tell you a great fortune! Grass, a real great fortune!"

Li Furen wailed, and two big yellow teeth flew out.

"Favorite! Tremble! Despair! Kneel!"


Looking at this scene, Chen Ning just wanted to say, Uncle Li, don't say I don't take care of you, there is really nothing I can do...

Seeing Chen Ning's indifference, and even gloating, Li Furen couldn't help shouting in grief and indignation: "Boy, you are not as good as a pig or a dog!"

"Fuck?! Who? Who carelessly put this pig god and a lowly creature like a dog together? Damn, old clapper, is it you, don't you want to live?!"

 Ask for a ticket!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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