Chapter 89
The arrogant voice of Zhu Shijie came from far and near from the foot of the mountain.

"Grass mud horse, you yellow blunt teeth, do you believe it or not?!"

"If you dare to put this pig god in the same row as a lowly creature like a dog, you might mistake the toad for a golden toad, and be blind!"

Zhu Shijie's insolent words were spoken urgently and quickly, as if being side by side with a dog could pollute his blood.

The corners of Chen Ning's mouth twitched, and his eyebrows twitched. He didn't even need to think about it, the big black dog was definitely about to go crazy.

Sure enough, when he took a closer look, the Black Emperor let go of Li Furen, and was looking at the mountain pass with gloomy eyes. His appearance probably couldn't be better.

He patted his forehead: "Ma Dan, isn't it a bit too urgent to summon him now?"

Chen Ning felt a little regretful, a pig and a dog are not good birds, and I am afraid that he will not be able to survive in the future.

It's just that in his imagination, Li Furen must still have a secret, and he wanted to make the old clapper spit it out. Now it seems to be good.

A real place of creation?
Chen Ning's eyes sank. In the secret realm of the Wild Dragon Realm, this old man really knows a lot about the real place of creation.

The Ten Rings of Pigs stands upright, with its two hooves behind its back like a human being, and the pig's buttocks wriggling. It looks full of ambition!

That's right, one game, it can be said that he has made a lot of money, how can he not be excited.

"Old man, this pig god is here, you... what the hell! There is really a dog?!" When Zhu Shijie saw the Black Emperor, his eyeballs suddenly popped out, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Hey! Where did the dog spirit come from, dare to appear in front of your grandpa pig, why don't you kneel down and kowtow in submission!"

"Wang! Damn it, where did the pig monster come from? How dare he be so arrogant when he sees this emperor!"

"Presumptuous! Little dog spirit, I will kill you with a single ass!"

"Grass! Human pet, kill this dead pig quickly, and eat pork today!"

"Damn it, dead dog, fight for [-] rounds, whoever loves you is the dog!"

"Grass mud horse, whoever coaxes is a pig!"



Suddenly, two rays of light, one black and one white, collided together.

What the fuck? !
Black and white Chen Ning glanced at each other, and they both saw the bewilderment in each other's eyes. Can this shit, a pig, and a dog still do it?
Li Furen laughed from the sidelines, especially when he saw that the big black dog and the ten rings of pigs were not happy, and now that these two guys were fighting, it was as if he had taken a sip of ice water in the dog days, it was so refreshing.

"Black dog, come on, bite him, damn it, can you bear it? Leave me alone, I can't bear it!"

"Damn pig, fuck him! You fucking fart him, let him see the power of your pig god!"

"Yes! That's it, kick him in the crotch, and make this dead pig look like a human being... What the hell? How did you stand up?!"

Li Furen was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so he stood beside him, his old face full of satisfaction.

When Chen Ning saw his expression, his face turned black unconsciously, damn it, it's not a thing!

He greeted Black and White Chen Ning, and at the same time let the disguise doll carry a brick, and the four of them walked over with eyes on each other.

"What the hell?! You... what do you want to do?" Li Fu stuttered, his two yellow teeth chattering.

Chen Ning bared his teeth and said, "Come on, Mr. Li, let's talk about good fortune."

"Tell me, what does true good fortune mean?"

Hearing this, Li Furen rolled his eyes, his face showed a daze at the right time, and he pretended to be crazy and said: "Huh? What are you talking about? Why can't the old man understand? Boy, let me go, this thing will kill the old man!" Out of breath."

"Don't tell me?" Chen Ning revealed a row of white teeth, and laughed, and Li Fu's scalp felt numb when he laughed straight.

"Come, come, let's loosen up Uncle Li!"

Chen Ning greeted.

"System, I really want to have fun!"

Suddenly, with a flash of light, a mutton jade bottle emerged, and Chen Ning grabbed it.

This thing is obtained by punching in his card. The aphrodisiac in the world of cultivating immortals is probably not that simple.

"Are you sure you won't tell me?"

Chen Ning showed a harmless smile, but in Li Furen's eyes, it was full of malice.

Perhaps this real good fortune was too important, a look of hesitation flashed in Li Furen's eyes, and he became stiff again.

"Grass mud horse, boy, come on, I won't believe it, you can beat me to death if you have the ability!"

After speaking, Li Fu tilted his head and ignored Chen Ning.

Ouch I rub?

You fucking panda shit, it's either shit or shit!

"You, go up, give this idiot a brick! You two, go, damn it, there must be a female orangutan in this deep mountain and old forest, grab one for me, I don't believe it anymore, I can't cure you! "

Chen Ning said viciously: "I'm not dead, I'll give you another chance, say it or not!"

His face changed faster than turning the pages of a book. One second he was still smiling, but the next second he was completely dark.

"Tell you, did you see it, do you know what this small bottle is? Aphrodisiac! Do you know the aphrodisiac?! Damn, when I catch the female orangutan, I will throw you two into this cave!"

Holding grass?

No way?This kid is so cruel?

And the Heihuang and Zhu Shijie who were beating each other on the side seemed to hear it.

Hei Huang yelled: "My pet, I think you have a good idea, let's do it!"

Zhu Shijie was also shouting: "6666...a giao, I am a giao!"

One dog and one pig, they fought back and forth.

In fact, Chen Ning is very surprised at the moment. He knows the origin of the Black Emperor, and he has a relationship with those big bosses. Although he has not grown up yet, with his ability to harm, I am afraid that ordinary people or beasts will have finished their lives long ago, but The fact that Zhu Shijie was able to match up with him made Chen Ning think about it.

"The origin of this dead pig is probably not simple!"

A bright light flashed in Chen Ning's eyes. In fact, he had guessed for a long time that the ten rings of pigs were not cultivated at a high level, but the physical body was extremely strong. At this moment, he could even compete with the Black Emperor. You must know that this dead dog was used by that big boss. Those who have baptized their flesh with the blood of their own emperor!

While he was thinking, the Black Emperor cursed again: "Pig demon, quickly bow your head, I will spare you!"

"Fart, you bastard, damn it, I'm invincible in heaven and earth, how could you be defeated by a little bastard?! Go to hell, little idiot!"

"Grass! I chopped off your pig's head!"


A dog and a pig fell down the mountain and collided violently in the valley, causing a big earthquake. The surrounding mountains collapsed and the rocks cracked.

Chen Ning came back to his senses, and turned his attention to Li Furen again. Anyway, that dog and pig are not good birds, and they can't die.

Thinking of this, he put his mind on the "true good fortune".

"You old man, why don't you say it? Ma Dan, they went to catch the female orangutan!"

Intimidating, Chen Ning deliberately took the mutton jade bottle to Li Furen's eyes and dangled it around.

"Give him a brick, pour aphrodisiac directly when he faints, and throw him into the cave!"

"Fuck?! Kid, are you fucking serious?"

"That's still fake!?" Chen Ning stared.

"Okay, okay, Lao Tzu said, you are a ruthless horse."

Li Furen gritted his teeth and said reluctantly: "The remains of the real dragon!!"

 Ask for collection!Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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