America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 106 Interesting Experience

Chapter 106 Interesting Experience

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Qi Ping feels that his Aston Martin is destined to be a hidden gem. Although he has a great sports car, there are very few opportunities to drive it. It is an SUV that has a lot of space and many seats, which is very suitable for Qi Ping. demand.It is also because there is no way to bring all the little guys except Heitan, even if it is not an SUV.

"King Kong, I'm your assistant today. I hope you understand one thing. I'm carrying a fruit bag for you. You shouldn't be asking me for fruit when you're in the car. We will arrive at the recording site later, and when we are recording You should come to me so frequently, so that I can appear on camera!" Hearing the 'teaching' from Joshua in the back seat, Qi Ping and Kate both laughed.

It is no problem to take Joshua to participate in the Ellen show, but it is impossible for Joshua to go on stage; so Qi Ping came up with a bad idea, special assistants are still necessary, especially the "big star" King Kong them.

"Joshua, let him eat all the bananas now, but you have to keep the strawberries. King Kong is very smart, he knows that the strawberries produced in the forest farm are very different from the strawberries on the market." Kate is actually very fond of Joshua's, because she is 12 years older than Joshua, so she naturally dotes on this younger brother who is ten years younger.

"No problem, I brought at least five pounds of strawberries!" For his dream of appearing on the Allen Show, Joshua also spent a lot of money; these two days have been making friends with King Kong and them, hoping that King Kong and them will be at the critical moment Can help, "Bananas are fine, but I'm worried King Kong is full, even though I know they're gluttonous."

"Then you can rest assured that they are definitely not full. Five pounds of strawberries is not too much. Let's see when the time comes. You can coax Pooh with pears. He likes to eat pears." Qi Ping is very happy. Knowing the food intake of these little guys at home, about five pounds of strawberries are actually about four and a half catties, which is nothing at all.

"I still believe in the deliciousness of strawberries. Pooh likes strawberries more. I have no choice but to go southeast and northwest. They won't be tricked by me at all. Pooh and King Kong are more reliable." Looking back, he lay obediently at the end The four big fat dogs on the seat in front of him, and then look at the little chubby bear squatting on his lap who seems to be flattering and looking at him, or whether Pooh is reliable!
In fact, Qi Ping has only heard about some big names in the Allen Show, but Qi Ping is really not very familiar with this popular talk show; but after receiving the invitation, Qi Ping still took a little tutoring.After all, I am not a star, so I am very unfamiliar with such scenes.

Overall the Ellen Show has a loose, cozy homely feel to it, with fun and laughter coming from games, dancing and Ellen's gentle, good-natured humor.In fact, there are a lot of spoofs in the Allen show. Qi Ping and Kate also discussed it for a long time. They felt that the last talk show also needed to be careful, so as not to become a "joke" and be spoofed.

King Kong and Pooh are indifferent attitudes. Although they are more comfortable in the forest environment, they are not so "coddled". As long as they come out with Qiping, these little guys still like such things very much.

"Mr. Qi, hello." When we arrived in Los Angeles, we also met the director of Ellen Show at the hotel we had agreed in advance. "I'm Michael Bell, the director of Ellen Show."

Qi Ping smiled and shook hands with the bearded director. Although this Michael Bell may not be the chief director or something, he should have a lot of power.As for getting in touch with the members of the director team in advance, that's what it should be; although talk shows and the like seem to be improvised, they also require a little outline.

List the direction and content of the conversation in advance, as well as some details. This is a formal process, and Qi Ping needs to be familiar with these now.It is also because Qi Ping is a rookie after all, and although King Kong and the others are very smart, they are not human after all, so the preparation work naturally needs to be more adequate.

In fact, he doesn't have much experience, and it's also because Qi Ping is not a celebrity after all, so there is no topic of interest in his private life.In fact, more people feel curiosity and anticipation about King Kong, they are the protagonists, so it is very important that many topics are still unfolded on these cute little guys.

"No problem, they are smarter than you think, and this small performance is absolutely fine. But there is one thing I hope everyone may need to pay attention to, they are not so easy to touch, they are very proud, so Don't tease them, they don't like being touched by others." Qi Ping felt that this point must be mentioned, because although King Kong and them are very cute and friendly, it doesn't mean that they like others like kittens and puppies affectionate.

Michael expressed his understanding. He knew that many animals were actually very proud; this point must be understood. Since Qi Ping brought it up, these things also need to be paid attention to.As for other things, it really doesn't matter, because Qi Ping seems to be a very good partner, so there shouldn't be too many problems in this recording.

"Mr. Qi, our show has an interesting project, which is spoof. We hope you can cooperate with your guys, it will be interesting." Michael also suggested that the spoof that Kate and Qi Ping worried about did not come true , It's just that they are spoofing others.

"But Pooh and King Kong are not suitable for these. They look a little aggressive. Although they are very friendly, I am worried that they will scare people." Qi Ping thinks that as long as they are not being played by others, then it should be very interesting; But King Kong and the others do seem to be in some danger.

"We will arrange for you and your dogs to be security inspectors. You know, every audience who enters the venue will undergo security inspection. Maybe you can successfully help us record some interesting scenes, such as you and your The buddy found some prohibited things, but you need to ensure that your buddy can cooperate." Michael came up with an idea, speaking of spoofing, the Allen Show still has a lot of tricks.

"No problem, my girlfriend and I can do this, it's not difficult." Qi Ping thinks that this matter is indeed no problem, and it can be easily done in the south, east and north.

We briefly chatted about the process of program recording and so on. Qi Ping also felt that although this matter seemed a little exciting and unfamiliar, it was also very interesting and fresh. Qi Ping actually enjoyed this matter quite a bit. For Qi Ping Generally speaking, this matter is really not too difficult, and it is enough to enjoy this interesting process.

King Kong and Winnie are staying in a hotel for the first time, and they are actually very curious about this strange room; but Qi Ping is a bit big-headed, these guys are indeed too naughty, it is obvious that they are not particularly obedient, and they are now Playing around on my own.

Obviously, when I was in the forest farm, I didn't have much chance to climb high and look far away; now these little guys just lie on the floor-to-ceiling windows and watch the busy traffic outside the window. This is also a very interesting thing, at least it is very strange and novel to them things.It's not that I haven't seen many people or cars, but I haven't seen so many people under my feet.

For Qi Ping, this should be a very interesting experience, I believe it is the same for King Kong, especially for a while, I like to watch my performance on TV or on the computer, even if they have countless It’s the first time I’ve seen my own videos or advertisements, but I still enjoy it, and I have to watch these performances every day to get excited.

Guys who love smug beauty, compared to boring Qi Ping, these guys still don't know how to cover up, so they are despised by Qi Ping time and time again!
(End of this chapter)

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