Chapter 107
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"Put your bag on the table, we need to check it, get out!", wearing security clothes, standing at the door of the recording hall, Qi Ping swaggered and started to spoof. "You drank? That's not good news."

The scene of the Allen Show is actually mostly women, and most of the time they are younger women.This is also quite interesting, Qi Ping and Kate took Dongfeng and Nanfeng here to pretend to be security personnel, of course it was a prank.In fact, those people have nothing to check at all, but this is deliberately asking for trouble.

The siren sounded, which means there are prohibited items; Dongfeng and Nanfeng performed very well, and the sudden low-pitched roar made many spectators confused, because they didn't know that they were carrying What contraband.As for Dongfeng and Nanfeng, Qi Ping and Kate are now calling them drug detection dogs, which is still very scary.

Kate actually found it quite interesting, although in the process it was mostly Qi Ping who was there to scare people; the members of the director team also said that they did a great job, such sneak shots and tricks are also a feature of Ellen's show .In fact, although these audiences may be a little nervous and worried at the beginning, they can often realize that they have been spoofed.

This is indeed an interesting spoof, but it just needs a little mischief, which is also a tidbit of the show.For Qi Ping and Kate, the spoof this time was already very successful, especially Dongfeng and the others looked like they were facing an enemy, which really scared many ignorant audiences. A shepherd dog that looks big and fat is not easy to provoke.

"Believe me, this performance will definitely be a success, but guys, you must remember me, I am in the audience!" Backstage waiting room, this is to see Joshua with King Kong, Pooh, Liang Shanbo, and Zhu Yingtai are discussing, this kid is completely in the mood now, just to please these little guys.

Seeing Joshua scratching Pooh's itch and stomach again, and busy delivering fruit to King Kong, Kate really felt that her younger brother was really too showy.Forget it, there is really nothing to worry about with such an 11-year-old child; looking at Joshua, who is still handsome and cute in a new suit, Kate thinks that Joshua must be able to be a part of the school. man of the hour.

Well, in fact, Kate is the same as Qi Ping, that is, the type who protects his shortcomings and does not help his relatives; anyway, he has already brought Joshua to the Allen Show, so naturally he will try his best to let his little brother Also show your face.Although each episode of the Allen Show lasts about 10 minutes, the time for each guest to be on camera is actually about [-] minutes, but the recording time is still a little longer, as long as you seize the opportunity, you can still do it.

The Ellen show, for Kate, is to watch the excitement, which is one of the most popular talk shows in the United States; Joshua, of course, wants to gain knowledge and brag about going back to school.As for Qi Ping, this is for advertising; in fact, the commercial atmosphere of the Allen Show is still very strong. The important thing is to advertise.

The front desk has already started the Ellen show, Ellen's signature dance; as for the first ten minutes, this is Ellen's one-man show, she is humorous, interesting, and also mobilizes the emotions of the audience.But Qi Ping was really shocked. The audience shouted and cheered wildly. It seemed that Allen's popularity was incredible. No wonder Allen's show is one of the best talk shows in the United States!

"Guys, you need to get ready to play." The recorder reminded Qi Ping, although it might only be broadcast on TV for about 10 minutes before introducing the guests, but it must be more than that at the scene; Qi Ping also knew Alright, now it's time to play, you can't just stay in the waiting room all the time.

Qi Ping and Kate stood up, which naturally caused a lot of commotion; Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai still chose to stand on Qi Ping's shoulders. The room here is too small to fly.As for Pooh and King Kong, as well as them, they just need to follow in the footsteps of Qiping and Kate.

"Guys, remember our agreement!" Joshua reminded Qiping again reluctantly before leaving with a big fruit bag on his back; Joshua was relieved when he saw Qiping make an OK gesture ;Since Qi Ping agreed, then there is no problem, because Qi Ping has always kept his word.

Standing in the background and waiting for Alan to introduce the guests, Alan on the stage is also leading the topic to the guests; for example, he mentioned the vegetable advertisements that have attracted much attention during this period, and the special protagonists of the advertisements.Obviously, this is the introduction of today's protagonists, King Kong and Pooh.

Qi Ping felt very happy, this time he didn't give away vegetables for nothing; this is also a feature of Ellen's show, and he often gives gifts to the audience.This time, it was some vegetables that Luo Yi and the others brought over urgently. There were [-] spectators, and each of them could get more than fifty dollars worth of vegetables.In fact, this is really not that generous. Ai Lunxiu was the one who gave away the Mercedes-Benz car award, and it was at the scene!
Although Pooh and King Kong were indeed very bold, when they walked out of the backstage, the cheers erupted from the audience still gave Pooh a big jump.So these little guys naturally found their backing.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai standing on their shoulders had nothing to do, they stood on Qiping's shoulders for support; King Kong who insisted on walking by himself immediately ran to Qiping's side, stretching out his little paws to hold Qiping with.The most disappointing one is Pooh. This little chubby bear has no time to run back and forth. He sat down with his arms around Qiping's thigh, and let Qiping walk with him.

"What an interesting opening, I believe that your appearance will make all the audience feel happy." Although seeing the four mighty-looking shepherd dogs seemed a little nervous, Allen still knew that these guys No problem at all, "Qi, Kate, say hello to the audience."

The big fat bear was sitting on his shoes, and Qi Ping could only drag his legs and lead these guys forward; he smiled and hugged and greeted Allen, although this was the first time they met, but who made this As for Lao Mei's way of greeting, Qi Ping also does as the Romans do.

"I'm sorry, they were shocked by the enthusiasm of the audience. They didn't see so many people when they were in the forest farm." Qi Ping was a little funny, and also comforted these little guys a little, "But I don't think so. The problem, they were just a little nervous at first, now they're looking forward to it."

Indeed, when they saw Qi Ping sitting on the sofa, they naturally followed Qi Ping's footsteps; while Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai looked at their poses for a while, and then jumped onto the back of the sofa.

As for King Kong, who was still a little shy before, now he is sitting on the sofa with a sloppy look; he still looks like he can't get on the table with his legs crossed. It seems that he is used to such a strange environment.Since the elder brothers are all sitting down, King Kong will also take out the most comfortable sitting position; as for the small fruit bag on his back, there are two strawberries in it, which can be eaten.

Pooh, who climbed down from Qiping's shoe, didn't need the help of others. He stood up and grabbed the sofa and climbed up; sitting comfortably on Qiping's right hand, he still couldn't do it after thinking about it.The sofa is relatively big so as not to be squeezed by strangers. Pooh is also trying his best to lie on the sofa, and the little meat ball stretches his limbs with all his strength, indicating that this sofa is already full, don't let others come to sit on it!

"Hey, guys, there's still my seat!" Kate smiled and patted King Kong's little head, blinked suspiciously, and then found that Kate didn't have a seat; It's for Kate's place.But King Kong still sat beside Kate and continued to eat strawberries with his legs crossed.

(End of this chapter)

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