America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 108 Excellent Recording

Chapter 108 Excellent Recording

"They look cute, just like the ones we met in the advertisement." Looking at the lazy posture of these cute little guys, Allen just felt very cute and interesting.

"It's also very rascal and timid." Qi Ping finished speaking, which caused a burst of laughter; think about it, it is indeed the case, that little bear ran to hug his thigh, and that Little orangutans also need people to hold hands, isn't it just timid! "They still don't adapt to the environment here. I can guarantee that they have never appeared on such a big stage."

Pooh is better, now he is thinking about occupying the sofa, rolling and lying on his stomach; but King Kong sitting next to Kate, although he took out a strawberry from his pocket, he is also vigilant. wait and see.But Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai didn't dare to be careless.Even the southeast and northwest lying at their feet have their ears pricked up.

"I know they are very smart, can I let them say hello to the audience?" Although Allen thinks these guys are so cute, as a host, he also needs to care about the progress of the show; there is no doubt that now that the protagonist has appeared, Of course, we need to pay close attention to the progress of the program.

This little orangutan seems to be able to blow kisses, and the two parrots can also talk; this is not only seen in advertisements and on the Internet, but also the homework that Allen has done in advance.But now, these guys haven't shown a performance that makes the audience crazy. This is not good, and it doesn't meet the needs of the show.

"Alan, you can greet them. They have adapted to the environment here. In fact, as long as they are with Qi, they will feel safe." Although Kate was really nervous at the beginning, she has adapted now The environment here; looking at King Kong eating strawberries with Erlang legs up, she knew that King Kong and the others were no longer nervous.

Under Kate's signal, Allen began to call King Kong a few times, watching King Kong looking at himself in a daze, and Allen also blew kisses to King Kong a few times.

As for King Kong, he looked at Qi Ping and Kate suspiciously, and then reluctantly and perfunctorily returned a kiss.Alan is not someone King Kong is familiar with, and it is also because Alan is not beautiful or cute, and Jin didn't like Alan just now.

"Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai, I am Ai Lun, welcome!" After receiving King Kong's blown kiss, Ai Lun was very happy, and the audience burst into cheers; so Ai Lun came with confidence, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai It is also the focus of her attention.

"Hello, I'm Liang Shanbo!"

"Hello, I'm Zhu Yingtai!"

Although the voice is a bit weird, these two parrots can indeed talk, and they look very smart.

"Alan, you need to speak slowly. They are indeed very smart, but they are still young, and it is difficult for them to adapt to such a fast speaking speed. Try to speak as slowly and simply as possible, so that they can speak more Okay, I've communicated with you." Enthusiastically, Allen wanted to continue talking to Liang Shanbo, but looking at the parrots pretending to be one left and one right, Qi Ping knew that they couldn't understand now, so he ignored them.

"Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai, Fairyland Forest Farm?" Allen teased Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. The feathers of these two parrots were colorful and beautiful; the most important thing was that these two parrots looked very proud, and of course they were also very smart.

"Home!" Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, who were originally pretending to be one left and one right, came to the spirit, "Fairyland Forest Farm", isn't that home!
The loud yelling of the two parrots made everyone present laugh. It seemed that they were very familiar with Fairyland Forest Farm. This was a subconscious answer, and there was no need for any hesitation at all.

The performance of the two parrots really surprised the audience. It is true that many people like these cute and smart cute pets. There is no doubt that Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai will make many people envious and looking forward to them. It's really amazing.

"What's it going to do?" King Kong couldn't sit still anymore, he quickly settled the two strawberries with his legs crossed, and then stood up, pulling Kate again and again, also signaling that his pockets were empty.

"Its fruit has been eaten, and now it wants to continue to eat fruit." Kate was a little funny, it seemed that King Kong didn't feel strange because of this strange environment; the small fruit bag on his back was empty, King Kong is now of course It can't sit still, it wants to eat more fruit.

"Fortunately, we have made a lot of preparations!" Allen smiled proudly, and the recorder also brought a plate of fruit; this also disappointed Joshua, who was about to mix up the scene, or it was his time to appear, "King Kong , you can come and get the fruit, these are all prepared for you."

He looked at Allen regretfully, and after getting the affirmation from Qi Ping and Kate, King Kong immediately slapped his hands and jumped off the sofa; he ran to the small table, and quickly ran back with a bunch of bananas.Although Qi Ping and Kate were still being interviewed at this time, King Kong still kindly tore off a banana and stuffed it into Qi Ping and Kate's hands.

Thinking about it, this is still a little inappropriate. I put the banana on the sofa, ran to the fruit bowl, grabbed a big pear, ran back, and handed it directly to Pooh who was still rolling on the sofa.Seeing Pooh lying on the sofa and gnawing on a pear, everyone was amused.

This is not the ferocious black bear in people's impression at all, this little bear named Winnie is really too cute; it is clingy, timid, greedy and mischievous, but its characteristics are even more popular with people welcome.

King Kong is the one who knows how to care about his family. Since he still has so many fruits, he doesn't need to be polite. Anyway, he doesn't take them for nothing.

Joshua was happy, although he didn’t want fruit in the southeast and northwest, but when he saw King Kong staggering towards the auditorium with an apple in his arms; the audience thought King Kong was playing a fruit show, but Joshua knew that King Kong It must have come to find myself.

King Kong held the apple high with one hand, and he was also gesticulating the fruit bag on Joshua's body; it doesn't matter, the camera should be mixed, and that's enough.Satisfied, he took out a handful of strawberries from his pocket, and completed the fruit exchange with King Kong.

"That's Kate's younger brother, King Kong's good friend and special assistant. Maybe everyone knows something. Their advertisement is actually to promote our own vegetables. The quality of those vegetables is very good. We have prepared some for the audience." Although Participating in the Ellen show this time was very interesting, but Qi Ping did not forget that this was for advertising; King Kong's performance was great, Qi Ping could now advertise. "The quality of vegetables and fruits produced by Fairyland Forest Farm is excellent, so these little guys like their own products."

King Kong got a hint from Kate, anyway, bananas are not his favorite fruit, so those fruits on the stage can be generously distributed.I gave Allen a pear, and then set off with a fruit plate.

Joshua got excited and immediately became King Kong's bodyguard after receiving Qi Ping's instructions; taking King Kong to distribute fruits to the audience at the scene, of course, was also protecting King Kong and preventing the fanatical audience from harassing King Kong.

The atmosphere at the scene was very hot, and the performance of these smart little animals did not disappoint; the commercials they shot were great, but looking at their live performances, it is enough to show that the commercials are really just a drop in the bucket, and King Kong’s cleverness and cuteness are far from Not an advertisement can explain.

"Yes, we don't have too many plans to get involved in the entertainment industry. The development of the forest farm is very good, and our life there is very happy and happy. Although I did receive some invitations, but like Qi, I prefer the forest farm. Life. Ellen, I invite you to spend a weekend at Wonderland Forest Farm, I believe you will fall in love with it, just like its name, it is a real fairyland!" Kate smiled and said her plan, she did not intend to Going to enter the entertainment circle, and enjoying the good life with Qiping, this is the most important thing!
(End of this chapter)

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