America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 109 The Drinking Horse

Chapter 109 The Drinking Horse
The recording of the Allen show went smoothly, although in the final broadcast, it was actually only about ten minutes of appearance time; but for Qi Ping, this is enough.After all, the Allen Show is one of the most popular talk shows in the United States, so the ratings are naturally nothing to say.

It is true that King Kong and the others are more cute in this talk show, but this is enough; it is also because Qi Ping is indeed advertising more in this talk show, and it is finally rewarding.

"I filmed an advertisement once, and people only remember the actors in the advertisement; this time the talk show is actually the same, but it is finally a TV promotion in the United States, and I am very satisfied!" Sitting on the sofa with Kate hugging, the two I was also watching the Allen show; as for King Kong, they were all smirking and watching their performance. Things like going on TV are very happy for them.

"It's true. The effect of this kind of publicity is not even worse than that of an advertisement. But I believe that although the requirements you listed are very high, after seeing King Kong's performance, I believe that many producers and advertisers will be moved." Kate is still very proud. She thinks her boyfriend is the most powerful person, which is why she has such an outstanding forest farm and such an outstanding partner.

Heitan's big head protruded into the room, and the guy snorted and urged Qi Ping; in fact, Heitan did a lot of things like entering the house.Although it is a big horse, its figure is still good, and there is absolutely no problem entering the house.

"Does it want to drink again?" Kate was a little uncertain, but also found it a little funny.

"I think this may be the case. I seem to have made a big mistake. Heitan, it is really not an ordinary horse. Although I knew it was different a long time ago, I never thought it would be like this." Qi Ping was a little helpless, but he also felt that there was really no way to do it.

There is plenty of sunshine in Southern California, so it is possible to drink some small beer in the current weather; it is fine to drink, but Heitan and they are all greedy.

King Kong and Pooh, although they were very curious about the drink that the eldest brother liked; but after tasting it, they regretted it, and they would never drink those messy things again.As for Heitan, who was always lingering around him, he snorted comfortably when the beer was poured in.

Heitan, now he has developed the habit of drinking beer; although Qi Ping feels that he does not want Heitan to develop a bad habit of drinking, but compared to Heitan's body, three cans of beer a day is really nothing .

Heitan, in fact, is a quarter horse, considered to be an ordinary member of the horse; it is not a noble horse such as a bloody BMW or an Arabian horse.Even among the quarter horses, Heitan's apprentices were not particularly pure.

But such an ordinary-looking Quarter Horse is relatively intelligent and spiritual, and it grew up in a forest farm with the most spiritual energy.So Heitan is actually very powerful. It may not be a Maxima, nor can it be said to be fast, but Qi Ping can guarantee that Heitan is definitely the smartest and most spiritual horse, perhaps none of them.

Think about it, in fact, in some novels, some generals in ancient times had their own BMWs; such as Chitu, Delu, or Zhaoyeyu Lion.In fact, thinking about it now, Heitan is not bad; as for the template of Heitan, maybe you can find a little shadow.

In "Shuo Tang", it was originally the "Four Treasure Generals" who loved the horse, and later it was acquired by Qin Qiong; it was one foot long and eight feet high, and it was a dragon colt.Its bark is like a tiger's roar, this horse does not usually bark, there is a sarcoid under the jaw, and there are three hairs on the sarcoid, when the owner grabs the sarcoid horse, he barks lightly, if he pulls the hairs on the sarcoid, Hu Leibao screams like thunder. "Miscellaneous Zu of Youyang."Yu Zi": "Tang Qin Shubao's horse was suddenly thundered, and he often drank wine.

Naturally, Heitan is not as weird as Huleibao, it is a black horse with pure coat color; as for sarcoma, there is no such thing.As for roaring and the like, it's normal, anyway, it's not tiger roaring or anything like that.And Heitan usually likes to hiss, he shouts twice when he is happy, and naturally he will not be silent when he is unhappy.

Maybe it's the same as Huleibao, this is an extra habit of drinking.

Qi Ping thought it was very funny, but he didn't expect that all these little guys in the forest farm had become spirits; as for the drinking habit, as long as it wasn't an alcoholism, Qi Ping still drank a little wine occasionally, and There is no need to wrong your good brother.Anyway, it's just drinking, but Heitan is still very powerful now, at least he is no longer the one who doesn't want to run around with Qiping on his back.

Seeing that Qi Ping opened the refrigerator, Heitan kicked and kicked into the room happily; looking at Kate, he felt that it was important to drink now.After drinking three cans of beer, he was in a good mood, so he naturally went out for a couple of laps; anyway, Heitan lived a leisurely life in the forest farm, except for going out with Qiping occasionally, he was carefree.

"I won't go to China during the Spring Festival. I don't have a vacation, and I need to help you take care of these little guys. My dear, I know this is a difficult decision, but I really can't leave the forest farm now." Kate felt a little regretful, she Knowing that Qi Ping will soon return to China to spend the most important Spring Festival with her family; but she can't leave now, not because she doesn't want to go to China, but because she really can't leave now.

"I can understand, but I think it's just the Spring Festival this year. In the future, you will spend the Spring Festival with me and my family." Qi Ping smiled and kissed Kate to express his understanding. Now it is true to take Kate back for the Spring Festival not suitable.

King Kong and they really need to be taken care of, although Joshua and even Huang Siqing can take care of these little guys temporarily.But obviously, besides Qiping, Kate is the one who has the best friendship with these little guys.Besides, Kate is still working now, and the kindergarten does not have a Spring Festival holiday. This is the United States.

So now that I think about it, Qi Ping still has to go home alone.As for bringing these little guys back to the country, Qiping didn't care about the air ticket money, and he didn't even think that bringing these little guys would cause much of a stir.It's just that the quarantine of entry and exit is too time-consuming; once the quarantine is completed, Qiping will have to spend the Spring Festival.

Regarding the matter of the forest farm, Qi Ping really doesn’t have much to worry about now; in fact, Qi Ping is also doing some work during this period. According to the Gregorian calendar, it is actually a new year, so Qi Ping here Not only do we need to make some New Year's work plans and arrangements, but we also need to make some summaries.

Vegetables have been sold for almost half a year, and the results are generally very good; Qi Ping has received a total of 300 million US dollars in income during the past six months.Aside from costs, there is naturally a profit of 1000 million US dollars; as for tax payment and the like, lawyer Paul and private accountant Taylor are not only helping Qiping manage these accounts, but also thinking about tax avoidance.

As for paying more taxes, Qi Ping definitely doesn't like it; so in terms of reasonable tax avoidance, Qi Ping still has a lot of research and is very serious.Fortunately, the tax payment policy in the United States is not to pay immediately when you make money, but once a year.In addition, the United States encourages consumption, so you can actually pay less tax if you spend some money.Although there are many and complicated means of tax avoidance, for Qi Ping, as long as it is a reasonable tax avoidance, he is willing to do it.

It's just that although he made a lot of money, he spent a lot of money this year; it seems that he needs to pay a lot less tax, and it has indeed laid a good foundation for the future development of the forest farm, but When you think about it, sometimes your pockets are still not big enough, which is enough to make people feel aggrieved.

"Uncle Huang, you seem to be in a good mood." He rode a horse to the vegetable field and was about to return to China. Naturally, he needed to explain some things to Huang Siqing.

"Of course I'm happy. I'm happy to be able to make a lot of money working with Boss Xiao Qi. No, I plan to work overtime and wait for a little more dividends next year." Huang Siqing joked with a smile. His salary is considered good; but these The salary can only be said to be a very normal level, not necessarily much higher than other farmers.

But not long after, Qi Ping paid out the dividend; Huang Siqing, as the supervisor, received a dividend of [-] US dollars, which is the annual salary of the average American middle class.This also made Huang Siqing excited, his own salary is very good, plus this kind of dividend, in just half a year, he has earned a lot of figures that the American middle class would envy.

"That's good. I'm going back to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The forest farm will continue to operate in the same way as before. Let Kate decide on small things, and call me on big things. If it's okay, don't bother with Professor Bruce; Luo Yi will arrange the sales, and you just need to grow vegetables and manage them.” Qi Ping is in a good mood, it’s only a week, and the forest farm can still operate normally without him!
(End of this chapter)

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