Chapter 110
For Qi Ping, although it is true that he is going to return to China soon, the things that need to be arranged slightly need to continue.Even if his vacation is only about ten days, Qi Ping knows that this forest farm really cannot leave him.

"Man, I need you to speed up the progress of logging. It's already spring, and I can't wait too long." Riding the horse to the mountain, it's just a small hill, which is no problem for Heitan.

"Qi, we are already speeding up, I don't think it will delay your forest development, I promise." Terry assured again and again, he naturally knew what kind of person this young forest owner was; he was very strange. , like his pets.None of that mattered, though, and Terry didn't care about dealing with weirder people as long as he could make money.

"I hope, I don't hope this place hasn't been cleaned up when I come back." Qi Ping curled his lips, and the 180-acre mountain forest is actually about [-] acres of land; it looks like a lot, but it's not a lot.The efficiency of Terry, the owner of the logging camp, is indeed not high enough.

This is really wronging Terry. Although he is only the owner of a small wood processing factory, he can be regarded as having some strength anyway.It's just that Qiping's requirements are very high, and this mountain forest is completely cut down without leaving a single tree; in addition, because of the subsequent construction team stationed in, they are constantly plowing the land and laying pipelines. More or less affected the progress of some felling.

For Meijin's sake, Terry didn't mind these things; it was also because he knew that this young forest owner had great ambitions.The first cooperation is of course very important, because Terry knows that Qi Ping will definitely continue to cut down this huge forest, so this project is naturally very profitable, and he does not want to give up this opportunity.

It is difficult to make money, although the United States claims to have the most developed economy, but there are also many poor people here; for example, these loggers, in fact, they really don't have much money in their hands.As for Terry, the owner of the timber processing factory, he can barely be considered a middle class; so in this forest farm that can bring them a lot of income, naturally they dare not slow down, because they are afraid of losing this opportunity to make money.

In fact, Qi Ping is urging Terry so much because he is about to start arranging formations; the idle jade in his hand also needs to be used. This time, Qi Ping intends to create evidence of 'absence'.

Although Professor Bruce is still researching with great interest, it is true that he has not researched a reason; but every time the flush development will become a place with a good environment, this is really unreasonable.So Qi Ping intends to pay a little attention to the impact, at least not too high-profile.

Of the three pieces of good quality jade that I bought originally, one was used for the development of Muse Lake, and among the remaining two pieces, the one with good quality was naturally used to develop the forest.As for the remaining small piece, keep it as a spare; in fact, in the final analysis, it is because the quality of these jade stones is average, so the scale of the formation is relatively limited.

Even if the quality of the jade on hand is 'limited', it is enough for Qi Ping; after all, he has some money now, but there are many places to spend it.Take your time step by step, Master Tang said; you have to eat every bite, and you have to walk step by step on the road.The stride is too big, click! It is easy to tear the egg.For this, Qi Ping is deeply convinced!
In his own forest farm, he felt like a thief; arranging some jade stones made Qi Ping need to be careful.There is no way, some things cannot be disclosed to the outside world, or there will be a big mess; for things like formations, let Qi Ping bear such a secret alone, and only Qi Ping can know about this matter .Of course, it doesn't matter the King Kong who follow behind Qiping, they won't betray Qiping anyway.

"When you are at home, you must listen to Kate's words, and you must also listen to Joshua's words. Kate has gone to work, and you are just playing in the forest farm. I have agreed with Uncle Huang, and I will prepare meals for you at noon. Kate's parents I’m here to take care of you too.” Holding the chubby Pooh, Qi Ping is also arranging the lives of these little guys.

Kate is naturally fine, but Kate also needs to go to work, and it is impossible to take these little guys with her all the time; so Huang Siqing and even Kate's parents are also needed to help, such as the lunch problem of these little guys.Three meals a day, these guys actually eat on time, no matter how crazy they are playing outside, they will definitely not forget when it is time to eat.

Pooh and King Kong are indeed very smart, but they don't understand these things now; it doesn't matter if they are so ignorant, at least they are carefree.Even if it is only about ten days, such a time is quite difficult for Qi Ping and Kate; in the end, they are now in the period of passionate love, and they wish they could stick together all the time. It's hard to accept.

Although this is only a temporary separation, the two of them are still reluctant to part; explaining the forest farm is also a good preparation for returning to China.During the Spring Festival, I have to go home no matter what; it is also because Qi Ping is in the United States after all, and I also take advantage of this time to get together with some classmates for a while.

"You seem to be in good spirits, don't be jet-lagged." The elder brother in Shanghai naturally came to pick up the plane, and Qi Lei was very satisfied with Qi Ping's mental state. "Why don't you bring Kate back and let the family spend the New Year together."

"She has to go to work, and she still needs to take care of the forest farm a little bit." Qi Ping said with a smile. Although he only met his family on New Year's Day, he still misses his family very much. As for flying for nearly fifteen hours, it is naturally impossible The problem is that the first-class cabin is relatively comfortable. After two nights of sleep, you are basically on the ground.

"You can bring it back next year. Anyway, you are not short of money as a rich man. It doesn't matter if you go to work now. She will be a full-time wife after a while. Kate is nice, has a good personality, and pays special attention to her family." Although English The level is very average, but Qi Lei also chatted with Kate a little bit; for this default sister-in-law, Qi Lei is still very satisfied, it is very suitable for his younger brother.

"That's right, it's not that the family doesn't stay in the same family. Kate and I have similar personalities. They are a bit meek and slow, and they don't want to make a big career. In fact, it's good to live their own little days. As for being able to make some money, it would be great." Padding his ass, he was a little uncomfortable.

"I'm used to driving good cars, aren't you used to sitting in my car?" Qi Lei joked, although now he has opened his own real estate agency, but for Qi Lei, there is really no need to buy a luxury car; My brother has money, but it's not my own, "I think your sports car is very good, it's exciting when you push the accelerator!"

"I'm not used to it. My car seat cushion and the like are really better." Qi Ping told the truth, what kind of politeness is there with his brother, "I regret that sports car, it's too ostentatious to drive out It’s not very convenient at all, but it’s more practical than an SUV.”

"Rich people are like this, they are used to problems." Qi Lei smiled, since the younger brother has returned to China, he can also prepare to go home for the New Year; he is outside all year round, for life and career, in fact, in the final analysis I still hope that the family can live a good life.

It is indeed very convenient to go back to my hometown with my elder brother and sister-in-law. We all have cars; life at home is definitely getting more and more prosperous, which also makes Qi Ping very happy.In fact, it's not just one person who is happy, the whole family is very happy now, because everyone knows that this is just a good beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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