Chapter 111
"I said it's better to find someone who knows the basics. If you find a foreign daughter-in-law, your living habits will be different, and your parents may not necessarily learn English." The aunt next door persuaded her earnestly. She looked the most dissatisfied after she got married.

"Kate and I have a very good relationship, third aunt, I know what you mean, so I don't need to go on." Although he must be a little unhappy in his heart, Qi Ping is not easy to lose his face.

Back in the village, Qi Ping naturally received attention; not only because Qi Ping was the first in the village to go abroad, in fact, going abroad now is not necessarily so remarkable.But when he found out that Qi Ping was holding an American green card and was still earning a lot of money in the United States, this made the seven aunts, eight aunts and even all kinds of aunts next door come out.

Whose family doesn't have many relatives, so there should always be juniors who can match their age; being a matchmaker is good, but it doesn't mean that they fancy red envelopes.Instead, it contributed to a good marriage, which is also a good relationship. It is naturally quite good to have a good relationship with a rich man.

Qi Ping really didn't expect that he is actually a 'hot item' now; it's normal when he thinks about it, who made him hold an American green card now.The most important thing is that Qi Ping is rich now. Just look at some photos of Qi Ping. There are only two good cars worth more than one million yuan, and a helicopter. This is definitely a lot of money.

"In the past, one or two people looked down on our family. Now that our house has been built, you are doing well outside, and this one or two are also running hard. It is said that our family is on the same level. I'm dating, and I'm talking about this and that every day." Yu Lan was a little unhappy, although she couldn't understand Kate's words, she knew that Kate was a pretty girl, and the most important thing was that Qi Ping liked her.

As for the girls introduced by these people, there may be good ones, but Yu Lan may not be at ease.It is said that Americans are unrestrained and have a chaotic private life, but Yu Lan also knows that many people in the United States are also conservative, especially some devout believers or some rural areas.As for the country, some big cities are not necessarily so good.

The people introduced now are nothing more than seeing that Qi Ping got a green card, and that Qi Ping is now able to make a lot of money.As for those bastards who say that as long as they can take them to the United States, even if they are going to get a certificate immediately, Yu Lan really wants to drive these people away directly!

Such a messy person is really unreliable, this is not a conversation partner, this is to go to the United States!And now that she wants to marry Qiping, maybe it's not just for going to the United States, but also for Qiping's family property!So now, Kate is better than that girl; although she is in love with Qi Ping, she doesn't spend a lot of money and still has her own job. some messy things.

Although it is true that some unsatisfactory things have been encountered, these are rare after all; Qi Ping is still very happy when he returns home.

"Little Dia, let's chat with King Kong and Pooh!" Seeing Xiao Dia sitting at the door chatting with some uncles, Xiao Ben ran over; he liked that Xiao Dia chatted with Pooh and them every day, so that Ben Ben could I saw Pooh.

"Not yet, they are sleeping, I will call you tomorrow morning." Kissing his nephew's chubby face lovingly, little Benben still can't understand the jet lag.

"Pooh is sleeping again, little sloth bear!" Little Benbun pouted, since Xiaobai stopped chatting with Pooh, Benben also stopped pestering Xiaobai, he was going to play games.

Seeing the fat nephew cheering and taking out his remote control helicopter to show off, Qi Ping also had fun; Ben Ben remembered that Xiaobai had a helicopter at home, which was the same as Ben Ben’s helicopter, except that Xiaobai's plane is big enough to accommodate people.

"In the United States, how should I put it? If you have money, you can live well, and if you don't have money, you can't live well. But buying a car is indeed a lot cheaper; the price of those cars in the United States is basically half that of domestic cars. The cuts may be more than that, otherwise I would definitely not be willing to buy those cars." They all grew up together, and Qi Ping naturally didn't exist after earning money and then being less than one with these people.

"Then your car is not cheap. The last time I saw the picture you found was an Aston Martin. Even if it is cheap in the United States, it is 200 million. You still have a sports car and an SUV, and a helicopter We got into a fight." Liu Fei envied and hated him, he never thought that the boy who followed him to fish in the river when he was a child turned out to be a legend.

"That can't be helped. If I have some money, I'm shaking. In fact, my helicopter is needed for work, and the plane is actually not expensive. At most, it is my SUV. I modified the SUV, and it really cost a lot. A lot of money." Qi Ping showed off a little bit, this was not to show off his wealth, but to show off in front of his friends.

Now it's time to talk about the topic. They are basically young people who grew up together; although they are doing their own jobs now, they basically don't have the ability to buy a car.But young people love cars, that's for sure.Can't afford a car, can't we talk more about cars? !

Modifying a car in China is not allowed by law, at least modifying a car on the road must be uncomfortable.But in the United States, it is very normal to modify cars; so everyone is actually very curious about Qi Ping modifying a car worth millions.

Modifying a car does not mean changing the shell or changing the wheels; although it can be understood in this way, the modification mainly includes body modification and power modification.But the real modification, the threshold is still very high.

Qi Ping felt that he was lucky, and met a friend who was playing with modified cars; naturally, it was his bad friend Steve and his friend Amar who met in the United States.Although we don't meet and contact often, the relationship is always there. We all get along well, and we discuss some interesting games from time to time.

There is really no change in the appearance of the flush car; but in terms of internal shape and mechanical performance, there are still a lot of changes here.

For example, to upgrade the brake system, this is to ask the expert Amar to change to larger brake discs and multi-piston brake calipers.Qi Ping is still very satisfied with the modification of the car, anyway, it feels more exciting to drive.

All kinds of bragging and farting, this is Qi Ping's state at home; although many people say that the taste of the new year is getting weaker and weaker, but this time the village is also lively, and the villagers who are working outside are all back .Therefore, Qi Ping is naturally an indispensable object of bragging.

"Mom, I miss you!" Xiao Benben, who is occupying the computer, shouted in a childish voice, chatting with Xiaoma, you can also see Pooh and King Kong, and Xiao Benben is now aware of the time; Morning and evening, both are fine.

"Benben, hello." Kate smiled and waved to the video. She and Qiping had video contact every morning and evening;As for Kate's Chinese proficiency, a simple greeting is no problem.

Benben became happy because he saw Pooh, King Kong, and four cute dogs in front of the camera; but the big bird Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai didn't speak, which also made little Benben a little depressed.

"Honey, tomorrow is New Year's Eve. It is the most important meal of the year for our Chinese descendants. The family reunion is the same as your Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to and hope that you will be with us next year , because we are a family." It was hard to get rid of Xiao Benben, who was occupying the computer, and Pooh, and they saw the big brother; as for now, it is time to talk sweetly with Kate.

"Are you proposing to me? I won't agree to you so easily!" Although she is looking forward to it, Kate is also joking; as for next year's Spring Festival, she believes that she will definitely be with Qiping, Even next year is just the beginning; because Kate believes that every important festival she will be with Qiping, she firmly believes. ?
(End of this chapter)

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