America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 112 Good News

Chapter 112 Good News

It's New Year's Eve, and the whole family got up very early, except for Xiao Benben who was still in bed. Although many people talked about the New Year's Eve dinner, many people in China actually got up at noon. Around the same time, the New Year's Eve dinner has already begun.

Cooking New Year's dinner is actually not easy. For example, you need to prepare some more meaningful dishes;

"You guys are busy, I'm going to take a New Year's bath." Mom and sister-in-law are busy in the kitchen, and Dad is also helping. As for Qi Ping, he still thinks it's more appropriate to take a New Year's bath by himself. Now that the family has built a new house, taking a bath is natural It is very convenient to have a water heater and the like.

"Hurry up and take a bath, and I will call your boss to take Xiao Benben to take a New Year's bath later." Qi Weihui was very happy. Of course, the family is happy to celebrate the New Year together, especially now that life is getting better and better.

Qi Ping, who was humming a song, finished taking a bath and walked out of the bathroom refreshed; but he saw his fat nephew in a cute cartoon panda costume waiting at the door of the bathroom holding a phone.

"Xiaobai, my mother's phone number." Qi Ping was stunned for a moment, he couldn't figure out what happened; what's more, the fat nephew definitely couldn't speak English.

"Kate's call seems to be related to something. I told you that you will call when you are in the shower." Qi Lei was also a little ashamed. His English level is actually not good enough, so he can only talk about daily conversations.

Now that Qi Ping knew it, it was just a phone call, no problem.

"Honey, I was taking a shower just now." Qi Ping smiled, 'darling', my brother still knows what it means, but Qi Ping doesn't care, it's just a little stinky, anyway, my brother will probably listen to it soon I don't know what to say anymore.

"Honey, I have good news for you!" Kate was also very excited and very happy. She knew that today was very important to Qi Ping, the most important New Year's Eve.

"Is there any good news? Let me think about it. Maybe you have a baby. This is really great news." Qi Ping laughed and joked. This is Qi Ping's small expectation. ;In fact, Qi Ping really thinks that he can have a lovely child with Kate now.

"No, this month's menstrual period is normal." Kate also felt a little frustrated. In fact, during this period of time, neither she nor Qi Ping deliberately used contraception; it's just that some things should go with the flow.

Although these things made Kate a little frustrated, she soon became happy, and now is not the time to care about these things.

"Qi, I have good news for you! Do you know the mountain you were cutting? It was discovered this afternoon, and the environment there is very good. My dear, this is the fourth piece of forest farm that has been verified to have an excellent environment. It's time!" Kate remembered, and it was also because Professor Bruce's fierce eyes were very stressful.

"Really?" Qi Ping was taken aback, thinking about it, it's almost the same. It is estimated that the formation has started to work, and it is normal to be discovered until today. After all, the early formation has just started to work, and the aura is still very thin. feel.

"Yes, we have been here all afternoon, Professor Bruce and his team are here to study." Kate said excitedly, but Qi Ping suddenly became vigilant at this time.

"Kate, is Professor Bruce by your side? I think it's already night in the United States, so go home quickly." Qi Ping was under great pressure, Professor Bruce, this old and hateful old man, was 'undead', "Leave quickly, or I will My pockets are about to be emptied by Professor Bruce."

Kate seemed to realize something, thinking that her boyfriend was often fighting wits with Professor Bruce, she knew that she should leave now, otherwise Qi would definitely lose a lot of sponsorship.Kate felt that she had been fooled, and she shouldn't have called at the instigation of Professor Bruce; but now, she was already fooled, and it was impossible to leave.

"Kate, Kate!"

Professor Bruce called Kate to stop, and when he saw that Kate wanted to sneak away, he could be sure that the call was connected; only that nasty boy knew that the forest farm had made new discoveries and needed to 'sneak away' quickly. The battle of wits and courage has been summed up by experience.

"I knew that he would definitely ask for sponsorship. Kate, tell him that unless you tell me those sudden ingredients and what kind of fruit is most suitable for planting, otherwise I will not be able to provide sponsorship." Now that Kate was caught by Professor Bruce, Qi Ping will naturally say some of his own conditions.

"I'm not a geologist, let alone a technical inspector!" Without Kate's message, Professor Bruce's roar had already been heard.

"Tell him, I won't back down. He has already applied for too many instruments from me, and I even suspect that he wants to make the institute the highest-end institute in the United States. There is no chance of bargaining unless you tell me where What kind of fruit trees are suitable for planting, and long-term technical guidance is required. Kate, don’t soften your heart, he is a hateful guy, and his research team includes land scientists, zoologists and botanists!" For Professor Bruce Qi Ping knows very well that he is a guy who just wants to get money and doesn't want to do things.

"Stinky boy, I promise you!" The angry Professor Bruce rushed over, shouted a few words and then left to continue his own research.

"Qi, I don't think you need to make things difficult for Professor Bruce. Those research equipment are sponsored by you, and they will actually stay in our tree farm." Kate couldn't bear to see Professor Bruce's back that seemed a little sad.

"Worried about Kate, no one but them will use those guys. I've seen it through, he just wants to keep asking for some equipment, although I know it's not the top, but it's definitely not bad. If one day they have to leave Forest farm, I will definitely give these instruments to him. He is smarter than us, and he is more greedy than us. Think about their research, in fact, they have not produced too many scientific research results, and they will leave at any time. So they need More instruments, I need more technical guidance, everyone gets what they need." Qi Ping also talked about his own ideas, which he and Professor Bruce have known for a long time.

Kate was speechless, watching what Professor Bruce was directing his research team to collect data overnight, and what Qiping said.It really makes sense, at least Kate knows that Professor Bruce's research team doesn't seem to have figured out why the environment here has improved, and even the air components that make people feel very comfortable have not been figured out.

Professor Bruce has indeed received a lot of sponsorship fees, and his help has given the forest farm a lot of advice, and he has also become a "free" technical consultant for the forest farm.Although Professor Bruce doesn't necessarily know how to grow vegetables, but his network is there, and he can still squeeze out a lot of good things.

This is really good news for Qi Ping; although this is his handwriting, he still needs to find a reason to share it with his family.Getting such good news on New Year's Eve is naturally even more enjoyable.

"Boss, Kate's phone call just now. My forest farm has found another piece of land that is gradually improving. Now besides the vegetable field, there is also my house and the small lake. This is another piece of land on the mountain. , the mountains and forests can finally be developed!" Smiling and sharing the good news with the boss, as expected, the elder brother also became happy.

This is good news that comes in a timely manner, and it adds some joy to the already joyous and happy New Year's Eve; this is just the beginning, and there will definitely be more good news in the new year!

(End of this chapter)

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