America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 113 Good things

Chapter 113 Good things

The Spring Festival is not just a family reunion, but also a tradition of visiting relatives and friends; Qi Ping naturally visits relatives, although he goes to every relative, but he also walks as much as possible, especially in relationships. Closer relatives.

As for Qi Ping's mixing is better now, if he has the ability, he can help him more, if he can't, he can only rely on himself.It’s true to say that Qi Ping’s elder brother is now running a real estate agency, and he hasn’t seen much help from Qi Ping, so don’t expect Qi Ping now, and the most important thing is to do your own thing well.

Qi Ping also has no choice. Now he has indeed earned some money, but what he really misses is that he can help his relatives more; unless he asks his cousin to help him grow vegetables, although this may be a good thing, But going abroad from home and not familiar with the place of life is really not suitable, and it is also because the current forest farms basically have enough staff.

If you are successful, you will help the world, but if you are poor, you will be alone; the current Qiping, at most, is no longer short of money, and even his own family has just been able to take care of it, so it is still so great.So now, it is more important to continue to make a fortune silently, and it is also because he really does not have that much ability to take care of his relatives now.

"You should continue to do a good job in your forest farm now. It is getting better and better over there, and it is naturally reassuring." Qi Weihui is still very happy. The youngest son is now completely broke out, and the eldest son is now It can be regarded as a good job, of course he is very happy.

"What I mean is whether the boss should consider changing his career. I dare not say that others can take care of him, but my brother is definitely fine." Qi Ping also mentioned such a thing, although he can't talk about it now. It's a big fortune, and at any rate it can be regarded as a small success, so naturally, I try to help my family as much as possible.

"Go to help you grow vegetables? No, I'll still be my real estate agency, as long as I don't starve to death, I really don't know how to do the rest." Although Qi Lei was a little moved, he was also very rational; of course he knew that he His younger brother has achieved very good results now, but Qi Lei also knows that he may not be suitable to do these things.

"Think about it, such as domestic vegetable agency rights and the like. I mean now, you know that domestic products are still very popular and affirmed, and people don't care about the price. The quality of my vegetables is There is nothing to say, if you have the intention, you can help me act as an agent in China." Qi Ping also thought about this for a long time, and this matter can indeed be done.

"Then let me think about it. Anyway, this is not a decision that can be made in a day or two." Qi Lei was silent for a moment, and he neither refused nor agreed immediately; after all, he is not young now, and it is natural to have a family. Need to be more stable.

"If you think about it, then tell me, I can sponsor some funds. In terms of sales, Luo Yi, who is working with me in the United States, you should have heard from me, and it's okay to let him teach you a little bit when the time comes. "Qi Ping's matter has indeed been carefully considered, not on the spur of the moment. "Some high-end restaurants or restaurants in China can do it. I will soon be USDA standard grade. Such organic vegetables are in demand everywhere. In our country, you are given the agency right of one person, but now the production scale is limited and you have to consider tariffs and the like, you can’t take all the goods away at once.”

In fact, Qi Ping really did a good job. Although he and Qi Lei are brothers, sometimes there are some practical situations that need to be considered.That is, both of them have grown up, and they are even going to start their own families.So Qi Ping may be able to give his elder brother 200 million at the beginning, that's no problem.

But this kind of thing can't go on forever; now Qiping can undoubtedly earn more, and one or two million yuan a year is actually about 200 U.S. dollars, which is true for Qiping's social status and income. A piece of cake.But this, really can't do it, it's a complete harm, not helping my brother.

So now, thinking about finding a better job for his brother, Qi Ping thinks that such a thing can happen.

Qi Ping's proposal is indeed very good, but this matter does require more careful consideration; this is a very normal thing, and Qi Ping is not reluctant.

Now that I am returning to China, it is natural to get together with my old classmates; although it may not be possible to get together, but as long as those who are close to each other can meet and drink some wine, of course, bragging is also indispensable. that's enough.

So Qi Ping was quite busy; he stayed at home until the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, and then set off again under the care of his fat nephew and his parents.Go to Shanghai first, and get together with your classmates.

In fact, college classmates really come from all over the world, and after graduating from college, they go their separate ways; especially now that it is Chinese New Year, and the number of people still in Shanghai at this time is even more limited.Although Qi Ping is indeed well-developed now, it doesn't mean that he proposes that all people will go forward and succeed, and it also needs to be based on the actual situation.

Those who have a deep relationship and are close to each other, of course, it’s okay to come here once; in fact, this is also very normal, after graduation from college, it’s actually those who are relatively close to each other.

"It's said that you are a big local tyrant now, and you should book a five-star hotel anyway. This is really not high-end. If I had known it would be like this, I would not have come." Zhao Qiang said jokingly, this is Qiping's university Classmate, that is the existence of spending nights surfing the Internet together in college, and a bad friend of DotA together.

"Nimma, if it weren't for the fact that you are not here, I would have planned to collect money. You pay for the bus ticket yourself, and I will pay for this meal. I will go to sing and take a bath at night, and return tomorrow. Everyone!" Laughing and hugging Zhao Qiangxiong, it was also a joke.

"It's a pity that Biaozi can't come. Luo Yi is still in the United States, otherwise we will get together." Zhao Qiang felt a little regretful that Qin Biao, one of the roommates, couldn't come.

"That can't be helped. The mother-in-law can't afford to offend her, especially if she hasn't got the certificate yet. But judging by his speed, it is estimated that we will give away money this year." Taking the cigarette handed by Zhao Qiang, he lit it skillfully On; Although I didn’t smoke much when I was in the United States, it doesn’t mean I can’t, especially my college classmates who know how to smoke and drink together.

A few classmates came one after another, Tian Jian, Ge Wei, Yang Jun... These are college classmates who have a fairly good relationship, and occasionally they can chat for a few words.Since we are so close, of course we got together; after graduating from university, there are really too few opportunities to really get together.

"I was hurrying so fast that I finally arrived in time. I'm not late if I haven't finished my table. Brothers and sisters, cheers!" Cheering Chen Zhihao happily pushed open the door of the box, and raised the cup of someone who didn't know who it was. road.

"Hurry up, punish yourself with three cups!" Qi Ping is not polite to roommates who are late, not to mention that Qi Ping is throwing stones into a well, for a guy like Mouse who is late and shameless, he must be poured down hard.

"Don't tell me, you must have arranged activities tonight. Wei Wei is here, healthy activities, don't worry!" Chen Zhihao smiled and poured three glasses of beer, which is a piece of cake for Chen Zhihao, a northern man , "Nimma, I was catching a plane in the morning, and it's a pity that you called me, otherwise I wouldn't come!"

"It's not kind to call us to come to Shanghai for dinner this time. I think you should let us go to the United States for a vacation with full board and lodging. It is said that your forest farm is very good, not only the photos in QQ are interesting, You even appeared on the Allen Show and became a star!" Zhao Qiang smiled and had a drink with Chen Zhihao, also joking.

"No problem, I will provide all board and lodging when I come to the United States. It will be very interesting to take you to have a good time." Qi Ping hastened to admit defeat, because he suddenly became a class enemy, so he should be more honest. better.

Since it was a class reunion, eating, drinking, chatting, and spanking were naturally indispensable; I also went to an Internet cafe to experience a DotA addiction of shouting and drinking together.As for singing and the like, it is also indispensable; although it is just fooling around together, it is really the best thing, because it is with these people that one of the best times in life has been spent, a wonderful university. time.

(End of this chapter)

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