America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 114 Here comes!

Chapter 114 Back!
The reunion with his classmates is still very happy, but Qi Ping still needs to return to the United States; as for the reunion with his classmates, there is still a chance, because soon he will attend the wedding of his classmates, and there will definitely be more With more classmates, it will naturally be more lively and interesting.

When he arrived in Los Angeles, Qi Ping didn't stop there, and now he couldn't wait; although it was only a little more than a week, for Qi Ping, the difference in this period of time really made him fall in love with Kate very much, and fell in love with Kate in the forest farm. life.

Direct transfer to San Diego, although the drive from Los Angeles to San Diego is only about two hours, but when there are flights, it is naturally more time-saving.As for arriving in San Diego, it is natural to be able to see Kate immediately.

I bought a bouquet of flaming roses, and then took a taxi directly to the kindergarten where Kate worked.

"Hey, Kelly." Don't look at Qi Ping, who is nestled in the forest farm like an otaku all day long. It's just an illusion. Anyway, he still has a lot of outdoor activities. As for some of Kate's colleagues, Qi Ping naturally knows him, and he actually comes here often Kindergarten.So outside the door, naturally, he and Qiping have a good friendship.

"Dude, you are here again." Kelly smiled and helped Qi Ping complete the registration. In fact, Qi Ping didn't need to do anything at all, Kelly was able to handle these, "I heard that you returned to China, I didn't expect it to be like this long time."

"Haha, our Spring Festival naturally takes such a long time." Qi Ping smiled and took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to Kelly. Once we had a pleasant chance to hide together and smoke."

"I don't need to hide away, I can be safe. But boy, I got you gum, I think it's okay. Got 10 minutes, get out and get some air so it doesn't smell like smoke. Believe me, That’s what I’ve learned over the decades.” Kelly grinned and pulled a box of gum out of a desk drawer, which was clearly his plan as well.

Chipping was tricked by the old bastard Kelly, and Kate is still in class now, but it's an outdoor class; so obviously when Chipping ran into kindergarten chewing gum and holding a rose, he was quickly dumbfounded .

"I've known for a long time that Kelly is very unreliable, so stay away from me now!" Kate smiled and took the rose from Qi Ping, but a hot kiss was temporarily impossible; There are a lot of children here paying attention, and it is also because Qi Ping is chewing gum now, which means he has smoked, "I told you many times, this is a kindergarten, don't smoke in front of the children."

"We never smoked in front of the children, we hid in the corner." Qi Ping begged for mercy with a smile. To be honest, he smokes occasionally, but it's not addictive; the most important thing is that Kate knows this, although he doesn't agree with it , but she knows that Qiping can handle these things very well.

Although it's only a little over a week, it's really sad for Qi Ping and Kate who are in love; the knife of lovesickness is unforgettable, even if there are video and phone calls every day, but that is far from being possible Satisfy.It's better now, where we can hold hands and hug each other.

It's just that this is a kindergarten after all, and Kate is also working now; so I only report here from my girlfriend, because Qi Ping can't wait to see Kate.As for the next thing, in fact, we still have to go back to the forest farm.

"I'll pick you up after get off work." I took the car keys from Kate and went straight back to the forest farm; and Kate's car was the Ford that broke down on the road when I first met her. "Goodbye, dear."

Kate smiled and waved her hands. Although she can't wait to go back to the forest farm with Qiping immediately, Kate also knows that she has to work; it doesn't matter, since Qiping has come back, then it doesn't matter, time will pass quickly, belongs to In fact, the two-person world of two people will come soon.

The one-hour drive from San Diego to Ramona is not too far; Qi Ping is also very happy to be back here.Not only because of meeting Kate, but also because Qi Ping still misses those little guys at home very much. He can also be sure that those little guys must also miss him very much, there is no doubt about it.

Driving past Kate's house, it's just that Kate's parents should be busy in the flower garden now, and Joshua is probably suffering in school now.Then it doesn't matter, it's the same when you come back at night. Since you have already returned, of course there is no rush for a while.

When I saw the gate of my own forest farm, I felt a sense of accomplishment and belonging; I have to say that this is Qiping's home, Qiping's land!

Even if I came in quietly by myself now, it seems that I didn't get any welcome, but this is my home, and I don't need those empty-headed things at all, so I came here naturally.

"Heitan!" Driving quickly towards the house at the foot of the mountain, halfway through the drive, he saw a black horse strolling leisurely by the side of the road from a distance.

Heitan pricked his ears, and he was still very familiar with Kate's car; but Heitan was more familiar with the voice just now.How can I sit in the car now, jumped out of the car, and watched Heitan running over with a cheerful snort.

"Hey, you pretended to me when you were in front of me every day, and you often ignored me. You haven't seen me for a long time, so you must be thinking too much!" Heitan's big head plunged into into Qi Ping's arms, Heitan is indeed very affectionate to Qi Ping now.

Smiling and touching Heitan's big head, Qi Ping was also very happy; of course he knew whether these little guys had a cold attitude or not, but what was certain was that these little guys were really clingy to him .It certainly feels good to be the support of these little guys and to be warmly welcomed by these little guys.

Qi Ping drove the car slowly, and Heitan also trotted along with the car; Heitan is very happy now, since the eldest brother is back, of course he is not worried that no one will play with him.

"Big brother!"

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, who were climbing high and looking far away, were very happy, they just stood on the roof; naturally they also saw Kate's car slowly coming back, and the most important thing was the person in the car, this is what they missed the most Big brother.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai flew over quickly. Although they can only fly for a short distance now, the distance is not a problem.Hearing Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai's bluffing, the people who were originally basking in the sun on the lawn at the door rushed over quickly.

King Kong's reaction was also very fast, and he ran over happily yelling; as for the silly one, it was naturally Pooh.Sitting on the grass stupidly, I don't understand why everyone ran away in an instant; but it doesn't matter, since everyone ran out, it's fine for it to follow.

Silly Pooh was running after everyone, but when it saw the person coming up from the car, it immediately yelled, and it was still a little childish, but at least it had some The demeanor of the beast.As for being clingy, that's for sure, the most clingy person in the family is actually Pooh.

(End of this chapter)

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