America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 118 Let's Travel

Chapter 118 Let's Travel
"You can leave now, you are not welcome here!" Professor Bruce is getting more and more displeased with Qi Ping now. Qi Ping is a typical capitalist who can't realize the importance of science at all, and doesn't seem to have some great things at all. sentiment.

"Then leave it to you, I know you will take good care of the forest farm." Qi Ping left with a smile, although it seemed a little guilty, but this is also a very normal thing, let Professor Bruce continue Explore the mysteries of science and the magic of nature, this is the joy of Professor Bruce.

For the forest farm, in a sense, Professor Bruce is more concerned about it. He really wants to find out why a place suddenly pops up here every now and then and has a better and better environment.It has been almost a year here, but Professor Bruce still hasn't been able to figure out what kind of air composition is in the extreme environment that makes people feel particularly comfortable and allows creatures to grow rapidly.

Everything is very mysterious to Professor Bruce, and it is also full of fun; although he has not yet had more specific research results, he thinks this matter is really intoxicating.The process of research and discovery is naturally full of fun for Professor Bruce.

No matter so much, let Professor Bruce study it slowly; nature is so wonderful, if you want to find out the mysteries of nature, it is estimated that Professor Bruce may really be tied up in the forest farm completely.

Now it is not only necessary to study the environmental changes of the forest farm, but also to help Qi Ping to come up with ideas and make judgments; for example, for the current selection of fruit trees, although Professor Bruce has not researched any mysteries of environmental changes, there are still a lot of data .

Mango likes warmth and is not frost-tolerant.Temperature The optimum growth temperature is 25-30°C, and growth is slow below 20°C; mango is a hi-light fruit tree, and sufficient light can promote flower bud differentiation, flowering and fruit setting, and improve fruit quality.Mangoes are not demanding on the soil, and mangoes can be grown in areas below 600 meters above sea level.However, the soil layer is deep, the groundwater level is less than 3 meters, the drainage is good, and the slightly acidic loam or sandy loam is better.

Pear trees have strong adaptability to soil, and sandy loam soil with deep soil layer, loose soil quality, good water permeability and water retention performance, and low groundwater table is most suitable.Pear trees are hi-light fruit trees that require 1600-1700 hours of sunshine per year.

In fact, apples and the like are also good, but sometimes apples still need a little temperature difference; for bananas, the root group of bananas is delicate, and the selection of soil is strict. A little bit difficult.

So now, Qi Ping has actually made a choice; and now the newly opened 180-acre ([-]-mu) mountain land also has their uses.

Growing mangoes is because Qi Ping prefers this fruit, but also because Qi Ping knows that mangoes are more valuable, and most importantly, they are very suitable for the current mountain environment.

180 acres of land, 50 trees per acre with a relatively high density, which is [-] mango trees; American red mango trees native to Florida were selected. This variety has beautiful fruit color and good meat quality. It is deeply loved by consumers.Cultivation in rainy areas has almost no good fruit, and it should be planted in dry areas with little rain.

Qi Ping has solved a big problem, and now he can prepare for the trip with peace of mind.

I explained to Huang Siqing that it may take a long time to go out this time, so many things in the forest farm require Huang Siqing to take charge of the overall situation; in fact, Huang Siqing is not unfamiliar with these things, after all, most of the time Qi Ping is the shopkeeper, Huang Siqing only needs to do it. Basically, there will be no mistakes in the part of my own job.

The caravan was sent to the forest farm, and it was really timely, without delaying my own affairs.Qi Ping had packed his luggage a long time ago, and stuffed his big and small bags into the car. He also stuffed the refrigerator to the brim, and it was done.The main thing I bring is some fruits and vegetables, which are produced by myself; as for other things, I can buy them now, anyway, they are not bad for money.

"Hey, buddy. I'm so disappointed in you, you didn't take me with you!" Driving to Kate's house, Joshua had a sad face, full of resentment for being selectively forgotten.

"Sorry, buddy. This time is really inappropriate. It belongs to the two-person world of me and Kate. You can go to the forest farm to play. Of course, the most important thing is that I owe you a trip. You can make your request, and I will not refuse " Qi Ping smiled and rubbed Joshua's head, he was actually quite satisfied with Joshua's continuous 'selling out' Kate during this time, he really owed Joshua a favor.

"Well, I want to go to Hawaii during the summer vacation!" Joshua already knew that this was the two-person world of Qi Ping and Kate; although he was only 11 years old, it didn't mean he didn't know some things.And now that the goal has been achieved, the travel feast in Hawaii is the best, not what trip they take with Qiping.

"No problem, let me know when the summer vacation is over. If you have a girlfriend, you can also bring it with you." Qi Ping laughed, no problem, he is happy with the beauty of adults.

Caroline smiled and handed Kate's secretly packed luggage to Qi Ping. She had known Qi Ping's plan for a long time, and she was also willing to help Qi Ping surprise her daughter.So in the past two days, I have been constantly inquiring about some words carefully, and in the morning after Kate went to work, she secretly packed Kate's clothes and so on.

"Son, I wish you a happy holiday!" Caroline smiled and hugged Qi Ping. She felt very satisfied with her daughter's boyfriend; Kate's family is still very satisfied with Qi Ping.

"Caroline, believe me, we will definitely have a good vacation. By the way, tell Eric, if we forget the phone, don't have any accidents." After laughing and joking with Caroline, he was also talking to Sitting Eric, who was pretending on the side, continued to fight wits and courage, "Eric, Kate belongs to me, you have become a past tense, you are an old man who was eliminated!"

Eric dropped the newspaper, and immediately chased after him, but Qi Ping ran faster, and he waved his hand smartly and jumped into the car.I originally planned to catch up, but seeing the naive Pooh climbing up the car with difficulty, I still forgot; I don't want to fight with that brat anymore, it's for Pooh.

"Take care of Kate, if you don't want to duel with me!" Eric also felt a little emotional. The children have grown up, and he is indeed in the past tense, and he is no longer the most important person in the baby girl's heart.

"No problem, I'll take good care of Kate." Seeing Pooh struggling to climb into the car, forget it; set off straight away, or else you won't be able to catch up with the time.

Kate still doesn't know anything about this, she is still busy with work; she has been paying attention to the big RV in the parking lot for a long time.However, it is estimated that this should be that the parents of the students will take their children to travel, which should be very interesting.

"King Kong?"

Kate raised her head inadvertently, and saw that King Kong actually appeared in the cab of the big car; then she saw Qi Ping grabbing King Kong as if his butt was on fire. It seemed that Qi Ping was very annoyed that King Kong had been exposed .

"It's all you. How nice it is to hide here and play games with me. You have to forget about it. Now you don't have any sense of mystery!" Seeing King Kong lowering his head, Qi Ping was embarrassed to say anything more, " Let's pick up Kate and go on a trip!"

Seeing that Qi Ping took Pooh and King Kong out of the RV, Kate seemed to realize something, but she felt that it seemed a bit too sudden, and she was not prepared at all.

Although there is a half-sized bear and a half-sized chimpanzee, the children in the kindergarten are no strangers, and even the parents know it; this is the King Kong and Pooh that the children often mention, even in the caravan. Everyone knows the colorful parrots exposed in the cab, such as Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

"Kate, let's go on a trip!"

(End of this chapter)

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