America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 119 A Trip That Said To Go

Chapter 119 A Journey That Said to Go
Although she blushed a little, although she hadn't completely finished the work at hand, Kate still set off with Qiping amidst the booing of her colleagues. She was a little moved and a little happy, and she thought this kind of life was very good.

"This is a walk-and-go trip. There is no plan at all. In fact, there is a plan, which is to take you out; as for where to go, this is to look at our intuition." Qi Ping tilted his head to see Looking at Kate in the co-pilot, he said something irresponsible.

"But you should give me some time to prepare, honey, I'm not prepared for anything now." Although her eyes were full of smiles, Kate still complained.

"It's already been prepared, your luggage has been packed Caroline. In fact, you are the only one who doesn't know about it. We have already prepared it. This is a happy spring break. Let's have a talk and leave Let’s travel.” Qi Ping smiled triumphantly, Kate didn’t need to prepare anything, just follow along; and Qi Ping did make a lot of preparations.

Kate hugged Pooh with a smile. Although this little guy is chubby and heavy; but Pooh is still very clingy. Pooh should be almost one year old now, but he is still a little guy. I like it. The little guy who messes around with people.

"Shouldn't the southeast and northwest follow the past this time, and they will continue to work?" After counting, only the southeast and northwest did not keep up; Heitan, there is no way to keep up; although the RV is big, it is still not enough for Heitan use.

"Yes, they are slowly learning how to work now, and they can't always follow me around. The zoologist named Bobo who came to the forest farm for a temporary investigation a few days ago told me that if I continue to do this Going on, they will most likely become the most common ornamental pets, which will lose their nature." Looking at Pooh and them, Qi Ping also felt a little regretful; after all, they were the first to follow Qi Ping, some kind of It is also the most emotional.

Kate can naturally understand some of Qi Ping's feelings now. After all, they are not watch dogs like Chihuahuas; so now that these little guys have grown up, they will naturally start to learn some jobs slowly.

As for Pooh and King Kong, or Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, there is really no need to worry; their positioning is actually to engage in entertainment in the forest farm. If these little guys are aggressive, they can also consider taking on other jobs.But looking at the lazy Pooh and the playful Liang Shanbo, it is estimated that they still prefer to play around.

"Where are we going? I'm looking forward to this trip. It should last for a week. This is completely our time!" Kate excitedly sat on the large co-pilot and kicked her fists. She felt that this A trip will definitely be very interesting.

"Actually, I really don't know where I'm going." Qi Ping was a little embarrassed, but this is a trip that just goes and goes, and there is no need to think about where to go.

"Honey, but this kind of RV rented needs to go to some designated campsites, I know." Kate was a little funny, she thought that Qi Ping must have drawn up the route, but now he is still doing something mysterious of.

"Actually, we don't need to care about that at all. This car has a global positioning system. Don't worry about me driving this car away. The most important thing is the car rental company introduced by Steve. I also paid enough deposit. Dear , believe me; we don't need to care about campsites or anything like that, we can go wherever we want. The most important thing is if it's really just camping, we can stay in the tree farm, I don't think other campsites Better than the tree farm."

What Qi Ping said is the truth, camping is very interesting, but if it is just camping, then it is really better to be in the forest farm, because Qi Ping is very confident, and those camping spots are definitely not as good as the forest farm.

Kate was taken aback, and now she also knew that what Qi Ping said was serious, that is to say, this was really a trip without too many plans, and he went wherever he went. It feels like a trip.

"Go to Highway [-]!"

Kate thought about it, and then found a place she suddenly wanted to go.

California Highway [-] is known as the most beautiful highway in the world. After all, Kate grew up in California. Although the family conditions are very ordinary, it is considered a favorable time and place.Even if you haven't thoroughly visited the beautiful scenery along the road, you can still see a lot of beautiful scenery.

It's just that this time is different, with enough time, she can also thoroughly visit this beautiful road; it must be very romantic to visit such a beautiful road with the person she loves the most.

"I'm going to take a trip on Highway [-]. I want to know why you thought of chasing me while traveling on Highway [-]! My dear, maybe it will bring us new surprises and discoveries."

Kate's triumphant laughter made Qi Ping laugh too, which was not the case more than half a year ago; it was in the process of visiting Highway No. [-] that he suddenly felt it, and then ran back without hesitation Confess to Kate.

There is no doubt that it was a very correct impulse, it was a very special 'go with the feeling'.All in all, this beautiful California Highway [-] is also a testimony of the love between Qi Ping and Kate. During this trip that follows the feeling, it is natural to relive the romantic feeling, and maybe there may be new discoveries .

The California Highway [-] connects San Francisco and Los Angeles from north to south, winding along the west coast of the United States; so now, Qi Ping is naturally driving a big RV towards Los Angeles, although the two people's goal is indeed Highway [-].But two people are also very unreliable, because they may find some interesting things along the way, which can slow them down.

"Stop! I want ice cream!"

Parked the car, and immediately ran to buy ice cream.

"Those toys look good honey, the car needs some balloon accents."

Without further ado, I hurried to buy a few inflatable balloons that the children liked; Kate naturally wouldn't grab these balloons, just let them float in the car.As for the two balloons, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, who flew up, poked them with their sharp mouths. It doesn't matter, just be happy.

The two of them had a lot of fun. Although it was only a two-hour drive from San Diego to Los Angeles, when the two arrived in the suburbs of Los Angeles, it was already completely dark.It was already late in the afternoon when I went to pick up Kate, and the two of them were playing around along the way, which naturally delayed the time even more.

"Today we won't live in the car, let's go to the hotel. I can't guarantee how long we will live in the car, so let's hurry up and enjoy the current treatment." Fortunately, King Kong they can move in, After completing the formalities, Qi Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, settle Pooh and King Kong, we're going to go shopping. I know you've made a lot of preparations, but there's still a lack of a digital video camera, the camera alone is not enough, we need to record the beautiful scenery along the way!"

Well, Kate has entered into a state, a state of crazy fun; it seems that Kate likes this instant trip very much.

So no problem, this time I came out to play just for fun, Qi Ping thought it was no problem, of course he would meet Kate’s little request; the most important thing is that Kate’s proposal is really good, there is no reason to object.As for the money, Qi Ping thinks that it is not a problem if he can spend money to do good things now; since he is out to play, who cares about the money!
Rich and willful!
(End of this chapter)

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