America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 127 The man whose family status is not high enough

Chapter 127 The man whose family status is not high enough
"Little dick!"

Benben was very happy, and finally he didn’t have to sit on the plane to sleep, because he saw a lot of foreigners; Benben, who was sitting on his father’s shoulder, shouted happily, he saw Xiaobai, and also saw Xiaoma .

"Mom, I miss you!"

Benben still has a good memory. Although it has been half a year, he still remembers his little mother; not only because he came to the forest farm last year, but also because he can see his little mother occasionally when chatting with Xiaobai on the computer.

Kate happily hugged Benben who rushed over, especially when the little guy pouted and kissed her face hard a few times, which made Kate even more happy.

Seeing Kate chatting happily with Benben, Qi Ping just felt very speechless; Benben is only four years old now, although he can speak a lot, but sometimes the meaning he wants to express is not very obvious.As for Kate, although she has learned some Chinese from Qiping, it is obvious that Kate is not a language genius, and it is very difficult for her to chat with Benben now.

"Benben still likes Kate better, we are all ignored now." Yu Lan was a little amused, watching the happily chatting young daughter-in-law and baby grandson sitting in the back seat chatting happily, even though they often encounter communication barriers , but it doesn't matter, they still chat happily.

"They have found a common topic. Talking to us is a little stressful for Benben, but it doesn't matter if you talk to Kate. He can teach Kate. I guess he is looking for a sense of superiority." Looking at Kate holding Benben, Qi Ping felt himself Definitely found the answer.

"You have never thought of good things since you were a child, and you thought that everyone was just like you. It can't be that Benben likes little mom, you are jealous!" Yu Lan was complaining.

There is nothing to say, so don't say too much; I guess if you speak at this time, you will be unanimously criticized.Thinking about it, it's the same. Little Benben can be said to be the little sun in the family; and Kate is now the object of the whole family's attention.

After all, Qi Ping's current "family status" is very low; Qi Ping also feels that once he gets married, he will probably be tied with his elder brother and father at the bottom of the list. The biggest advantage is that they are not married, so they are not really 'adults'.

"The forest farm is comfortable, but our house is pretty good." Qi Weihui opened the window of the car, stretched comfortably and said, "Our family is also very comfortable when staying with people, but the air and environment in Qiping's forest farm are better."

Qi Ping laughed and said nothing, he is not a selfish person; he enjoys the beauty of abundant spiritual energy in the forest farm, and naturally he will not forget his family members, in fact, he secretly arranged a small spirit gathering array at home.Making money and so on is often to make the family's life better; since I have this ability, of course the whole family enjoys a good life together.

"King Kong!"

The adults were still chatting, but Benben made a discovery; the little guy shouted in a childish voice, he saw King Kong and Pooh, as well as Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

Qi Ping's family is no stranger to these little things; compared to seeing these guys a few months ago, they are already familiar now.Xiao Benben was really happy. He ran towards Pooh and King Kong just as he got out of the car. His main task was to play games with these little guys.

King Kong and Pooh are naturally very happy, they recognized Benben with a good memory, and naturally they want to play games with this little buddy.Seeing Benben clumsily trying to hug Pooh and King Kong, Qi Ping was too lazy to talk, let these little rascals play by themselves, I believe they can handle these things.

Qi Ping was still busy unloading the luggage from the car, and saw King Kong leading Benben happily running home; needless to say, Kate and her sister-in-law naturally followed their mother to take care of these things little guy.As for the remaining ones, the elders are mainly responsible for doing things at this time.

"It's okay. Your sister-in-law seems to have CET-[-]. Kate might understand if she speaks slowly and simply." Qi Lei wiped off his non-existent sweat, but he was still very appreciative; After the birth of his baby son, his family status has been declining; so it is normal to encounter these things now, but Qi Ping seems a little uncomfortable now.

What seems uncomfortable now is just being flush. Look at Dad dragging out the suitcase from the trunk without saying a word; this is a typical example that has long been ignored. He just needs to do his own thing well now , but also to help the whole family with too many things, this is the only way to be a qualified head of the family.

Well, this is the treatment of the three big men; but there is nothing to worry about, men should be responsible, and it is their responsibility to make their families live better.

"Damn it, I'm completely out of status now."

It's not to blame Qi Ping for swearing, but the impact was so great that Qi Ping felt a little unbalanced now.

You must know that in the past, only two people could sit on the three-seater sofa, that is, Qi Ping and Kate; but now, Little Benben is sitting there swaggeringly, and the idiot Pooh is playing and playing with Little Benben.As for King Kong, he ran to get the fruit in a doggy manner; he didn't want to get a few fruits or something, but after bouncing around and gesticulating, he finally brought the whole fruit plate with the help of Kate come over.

Benben was very happy. After chatting with Pooh for a while, he grabbed a pear and fed Pooh; King Kong didn't need Benben to take care of him, he could do it by himself.Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai were also protesting, and Ben Ben was still very friendly holding a strawberry and feeding Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who were standing on the back of the sofa.

Qi Ping is happy, and now little Benben looks like a little sun and the most popular, but little Benben has been tricked; King Kong and Pooh are feasting now, as for little Benben, he is just having fun, He hasn't eaten a few strawberries yet, he is just busy feeding these cute little playmates.

It’s good for Xiao Benben to be happy. Anyway, he is very happy playing games now, and occasionally eating a few strawberries, which is still very happy.For Xiao Benben, eating strawberries is naturally a very happy thing, but playing games is even more fun.

The family members came, which is of course the most joyful thing; Qi Ping felt very happy, and also started to think about these important things with his family members.

"Our idea is that at the end of the year, Valentine's Day will be very good. And we can go back to China at that time. Everyone in the first month is at home, which is convenient." During dinner, we naturally began to chat about these important things; Even if you are engaged, you will also consider the real wedding date.

"Well, now that the wedding is held in the United States, it is according to Valentine's Day. After returning to China, we will help you see a good day, which is around Valentine's Day." Qi Weihui nodded, since both Qi Ping and Kate have If they have an idea, what they need to do is to help Qi Ping make the wedding as perfect as possible.

They are happily discussing these things, and they are also constantly filling in the gaps; Qi Ping and Kate are very happy, because they have family members to help, Qi Ping and Kate don't seem to need to worry about anything at all, and now they just need to wait Just when the wedding day comes.

As for other things, or some customs and etiquette, there is really no need to worry too much; since the family has come to the United States, they are here to help Qi Ping get things done this time.Not only to attend Qi Ping's engagement banquet, but also to handle Qi Ping's marriage well.

(End of this chapter)

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