Chapter 128
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"Xiaobai, I've eaten all the strawberries!"

I just got up in the morning and just walked out of the room when my fat nephew hugged my thigh.

"Then we'll go pick strawberries after we've finished our breakfast. It will definitely fill your belly."

Qi Ping teased his cute little nephew, this kid is alive and well, playing with Pooh and King Kong very happily, and eating happily.

"I only ate a little bit, Pooh and King Kong ate a lot."

Holding Xiaobai's neck began to act like a baby, Xiao Benben and Xiaobai have the best relationship now, and now they don't need their parents to hug them.

It's a little funny, and I think it's normal; the strawberry taste in the forest farm is nothing to say, and it's normal for children to like it.Not to mention Xiao Benben, even Qi Ping's parents, brother and sister-in-law also like these strawberries.It's just that the little guys like Benben and King Kong have eaten up all the 'inventory' very quickly, and now they have to pick it up.

"Fortunately, I was prepared. A small adjustment was made on the strawberry field. I planted some strawberries, watermelons and grapes. This time it was a coincidence. The next time we come to our forest farm, there will definitely be more fruits. "Qi Ping is very high-spirited, he is starting to upgrade the strawberry field.

I used to only grow strawberries, but it turned out that there are too many strawberries to eat, and it is not a good thing to have too many fruits. Fruits such as watermelon and grapes can still be considered.As for fruits such as peaches and apples, there is another point; these are not for production and sales, but for satisfying one's own appetite.

The weather in California is very good, with plenty of sunshine; in addition, Qi Ping himself is willing to spend money, so those fruits that are more interesting and favorite are more or less planted a little bit.This is just the beginning, and Qi Ping believes that the variety of fruits in his forest farm will become more and more abundant!
"When I go back, I will bring more strawberry juice and strawberry jam. They taste very good. You can also send us some more. Fresh ones are not easy to send, so send more squeezed juice." Qi Weihui filled a large spoon Strawberry jam, he likes these strawberry jams; he can eat a small bottle, which is about a catty, for a meal.

"That's good, don't worry about spending money, anyway, you can make some money now. This strawberry jam is said to be rich in nutrition, right? It's the queen of fruits, right? It's delicious and healthy. Send it to your brother, and we will I'll get it when it's time." Yu Lan nodded, not only because of her health, but also because her fat grandson likes to eat.

"OK, I'll definitely send it to you, it doesn't matter if you open it up and eat it. Then the boss will give me the mailing address, and I will ship it to China at that time. Our hometown probably won't be able to deliver it." Qi Ping nodded, Kate The hot dog tastes good. This is a breakfast made with care. It tastes better than the breakfast made when there are only two people. It can be eaten on the same level.

Xiao Benben is actually unhappy, he doesn't know why his parents, grandparents and grandparents are chatting with Xiaobai and Xiaoma.Little Benben had already finished his breakfast, a piece of bread, a piece of ham sausage, and drank half a bowl of porridge. In the end, he was struggling with milk.

But Benben has already finished his breakfast, but the adults haven't had a good breakfast yet!
"I'm done eating, Xiaobai, I've had my breakfast!"

Xiao Benben had finished his breakfast, which was agreed with Xiaobai; after breakfast, he went to pick strawberries, and Xiao Benben had already eaten, so he could go to pick strawberries.

Qi Ping felt that he had really dug a big hole, and now he had no choice but to jump down.

I have found a good helper, a good assistant who can solve my troubles at the critical moment; at the critical moment, King Kong and Winnie extended a helping hand, and they stepped forward to allow the eldest brother to continue to eat.

King Kong jumped off the dining table, and Pooh finished his breakfast huffing and puffing; if they were helping Big Brother solve his problems now, especially King Kong.

Holding Ben Ben's little hand was going to the door, and Pooh ran to the front to lead the way.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Although he is very happy that King Kong and the others can come forward, although Xiao Benben is also very happy to plan to pick strawberries with King Kong and the others; but Qi Ping knows that he can't be lazy at this time, because these little guys are really unreliable, Because the strawberry field is still a little far from home.

You have to take these little guys with you to be reliable, otherwise you don't know what trouble will happen.

"Let Kate take it with her. She can take care of these little things. My sister-in-law can also go with me. Anyway, my sister-in-law can speak a little English. Speak slowly and use simpler words. In fact, King Kong and the others understand a little bit of Chinese." There is still no need for Qiping to start by himself, Kate is going to go out to pick strawberries with these little things.

Kate had to bring these little things to pick strawberries together, and her sister-in-law followed; this was completely reassuring that Kate could take good care of them.

King Kong and Pooh may have come to their senses now, they can’t be so rushed to go out to pick strawberries; especially King Kong, although he is very happy to go out to play, but he knows that he is going to pick strawberries, so the preparation is to be thoroughly sufficient, You can't just go out with a mouth.

"Mom, take off the small cloth bag on the hanger, King Kong's fruit bag. Take another basket for strawberries." Qi Ping was eating and drinking with his head sullen, but he also knew what to do now What to order.

Kate was carrying a basket, which was used to hold strawberries; as for King Kong, he stretched his head and patted his stomach, which was about to hang its fruit bag.This is the standard outfit for traveling. King Kong is very keen on picking fruits and going out to play, so he also needs to bring all the clothes.

"King Kong is really fun like this, and he really looks like a human. Not only is he holding hands with Benben, but he is also carrying his own small bag." Qi Weihui was a little funny, watching King Kong holding little Benben He also laughed when he went out with Kate. He thought these little things were really cute and interesting.

"It also knows how to pick fruit by itself. Pooh and they don't know how to carry backpacks, but they know that they will come back when they are full in the strawberry field. Don't worry about them, Kate will take them there. We are discussing some important things now, and we will discuss them later Go to Kate's house, you guys are still experienced, help me think about it more." Qi Ping is also a little nervous now, if he goes to Kate's house now, it is indeed something worth getting nervous about.

"We came here this time to help you do these things, but the customs and habits of the United States are different from ours, and it may not be completely in accordance with the style of our hometown. We are now summing up, this thing really can't happen too much Too many ideas." Qi Weihui was naturally a little worried, because the customs and habits of the United States may not be very suitable.

"No problem, it's almost the same. Kate also talked to me a little bit, and then we will go to Kate's house to have a chat and try to satisfy everyone as much as possible. Now we are doing as much as possible in the United States. Let's follow the customs of the other side, and follow our customs when we return to China, so that everyone should be satisfied." Qi Ping thinks that this matter really can only satisfy everyone as much as possible.

This is indeed the case. After all, these are families from two different cultural backgrounds, so many things still need to be considered more.As for how to better host this engagement banquet or the next wedding, this needs to be worked together, and it needs to be considered more carefully.

Xiao Benben went to pick strawberries happily. He has many good playmates, and it is also because his mother and little mother are playing games and picking fruits with him.As for Qi Ping, he was constantly discussing with his parents at home. This was a meeting between the two in-laws, and the most important thing to discuss was.

Very busy, but also very fulfilling, of course, the most important thing is very meaningful. (My novel "The King of the Mountains and Forests of America" ​​will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right to add friends ", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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