America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 129 I Didn't Spend Money Randomly

Chapter 129 I Didn't Spend Money Randomly

(I want to hear more of your voices, I want to receive more of your suggestions, search and pay attention to the WeChat public account "qdread" now, and give more support to "The King of the Mountains and Forests of America"!) "You give the translation , just follow their customs and habits, and there really isn’t much to pay attention to in our hometown. Engagement is similar to housekeeping in our hometown, and there is not much to pay attention to.”

Yu Lan reminded Qi Ping to quickly translate. In fact, he also knew Kate's family; but the communication was a little inconvenient, so he still needed to translate.

"Mom, we'll just come over and eat and drink. We didn't plan to make a big show, but the two families sat together for a meal and invited a few relatives and friends. The key is to wait until the official wedding Besides, anyway, we agree to get married around Valentine's Day and hold another one in China."

Qi Ping's main task now is to translate, the translation does not need to be so standard, as long as the meaning is reached.

Little Benben, who is sitting on the floor and playing, has found an organization, not only King Kong and Pooh can play games together, but also Uncle Joshua.It's just torture for Joshua; he considers himself a big guy now, and playing games with a four-year-old is really bad.

Regardless of the children's affairs, despite Joshua's depressed look, he still showed off a small part of his collection; communication is a bit difficult, but a little richer body language is fine.He is still playing games with Xiao Benben now, and the little remote control cars start to collide, which is still very interesting.

"I need to learn more Chinese in the future, honey, you need to teach me this stupid student." Kate sneaked to Qiping's side, and the two were still whispering sweetly; as for everyone, they saw it. I saw it, anyway, we are going to become a family soon.

"I think you are very smart. You have learned a lot of Chinese with me. Keep going, I believe you may reach Benben's current level soon."

Kate laughed happily and gave Qi Ping a rewarding kiss; but she quickly realized that it reached the level of Benben?Just kidding, Benben can speak a lot of Chinese now, but he often still can't speak clearly, and Benben is still a little too young.

Kate coquettishly wanted to fight with Qiping, and she wanted to teach Qiping a big bastard; the two of them were laughing and joking again, and originally followed Pooh who ran to the kitchen to start a small stove, turned his buttocks and ran out. I can't stand it anymore, I've seen too much of the intimate fight between Qi Ping and Kate.

"It's delicious, delicious, I like this potato pancake." Qi Ping laughed. My mother's English level has also improved a lot, and I still know some of the simplest and common English words.

So well, Qi Ping started to need further translation, to help the mother and future mother-in-law communicate more smoothly, and communicate in cooking.It is definitely the busiest, not only the mothers need to chat, but also the fathers are also chatting; the English level of the elder brother and sister-in-law, although they have obtained the English level four and six certificates, it is really difficult to communicate.

This is indeed a pity, but Qi Ping thinks that these things can be solved slowly; after all, he can learn in the future. He believes that Kate will definitely be able to speak some Chinese in the future. Kate is also learning now, but it is still very difficult. Just the basics.

Thinking about it now, I still haven’t thought about it. I didn’t think so much. For example, when two families communicate with each other, there will be difficulties; but Qi Ping will not regret or regret. In the final analysis, sometimes some things really can’t be rational Yes, he will not slowly consider the cultural background, language differences, etc. before deciding whether to date Kate or not.

This may be some small trouble, but it is also a trouble that can be solved, and this is enough.

Eat and drink enough, and then go home; little Benben is a little regretful and unhappy, he has just played with Uncle Joshua, and now he is going home, the little guy is of course unhappy, little Ben who likes to play What Ben likes most is excitement, which is very fun at home, but little Benben still likes to have more people to play together.

"Where did you spend all the money you earned? It's not that you're short of money. Why are you so stingy with this engagement ring? Money is important, but you can't just be a miser!"

Yu Lan began to teach her precious son a lesson. When Kate was around, she couldn't say much, even when Qi Ping's sister-in-law was around; but now she was only facing her youngest son, so Yu Lan would not be polite anymore.

"I really didn't waste money. The investment in the forest farm is really too much. Didn't I say a little bit that although the vegetables in my forest farm are good, they have not yet obtained the USDA standard certification, and follow-up investment is needed. And other places It needs a lot of investment, and I am also tight; I earn a lot of money and spend a lot. This year will be much better, and there should be a little surplus." Qi Ping screamed, he really spent a lot Money; but extravagant squandering is really out of the question.

Qi Weihui and Yu Lan didn't say much, and they naturally knew a little bit; the forest farm is indeed great and has great potential, but the follow-up investment and development here has always required a lot of money.As for how much money is needed to completely meet the needs of the forest farm, not to mention that they have no idea, even Qi Ping is sometimes trembling in his heart, anyway, this number will definitely not be small.

"The gross income is just over 2000 million U.S. dollars, but many supporting facilities in the forest farm still need to be upgraded. Now I plan to save hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars every year, thank God, and I really can't get out more." Qi Ping is also embarrassed , everyone thought that he had made a lot of money now; in fact, he had indeed made a lot of money, but there were really many places to spend the money.

"Kate is my daughter-in-law, and I definitely love her. I think the investment in the forest farm really has no bottom line, and I don't have any bottom line in my heart. But when I'm going to marry Kate, I'm sure I won't invest all my money in it. According to a certain proportion of investment, what should be lived is still to be lived." Qi Ping also thought about this problem, the forest farm really needs too much investment, and the current speed of making money can't keep up at all.

The simplest reason is that the top-level jade needed by the spirit-gathering formation is definitely not a small amount; even if the entire forest farm is covered with spirit-gathering formations, it is certain that there are formations in most places.This is a huge expense. It is definitely not enough for three or five pieces of jade, and even three or five yuan for top-level jade may not be enough.

And it's not just jade that costs money, there are many other places that need to spend money; the vegetables in the forest farm are considered to be 'closest' to the usda standard grade, which means that it has not yet reached this standard.The forest farm does have excellent natural conditions and foundation, but there are still many areas that need to be improved; not only the improvement of experience and planting technology, but also the purchase and upgrading of equipment and so on.

"It's good that you know it in your heart. You can't make enough money. You can't just focus on making money and forget your own life. You can't just forget about your career just for eating, drinking and having fun. This requires a certain balance. You are doing very well now , we are also relieved. But we all believe that you can do better!" Qi Weihui encouraged his son, but now it seems that it is a bit of an afterthought, and he said it with full confidence after knowing the living conditions of the forest farm and Qiping if.

There is nothing to say. Of course, the family members don't need to pay attention to those empty and polite things. For Qi Ping, enjoying a good life with the family is the most important thing.He now has such abilities, and it is also his responsibility to make his family's life better. (My novel "The King of the Mountains and Forests of America" ​​will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right to add friends ", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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