America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 132 Engagement Ceremony

Chapter 132 Engagement Ceremony
(I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Search and pay attention to the WeChat public account "qdread" now, and give more support to "The King of the Mountains and Forests of America"!) "Do you still wear a suit? You're handsome, but it's a little too formal, I still like to see you in casual clothes. When you were working in a law firm, I was worried that your temper would be stifled. Fortunately, you are very escaped. " The more Yu Lan looked at her youngest son, the more satisfied she became. Andy Lau and Chow Yun-fat are not so handsome!
"My suits are basically hanging in the closet. There are only two sets. One is worn when I first attended some business cooperation, and the other is the current one. Kate and I went to buy it together. I don't I like suits, but I always find them too awkward to wear, and casual clothes are more suitable for me." Qi Ping laughed, if it wasn't for the tie, he would really want to loosen the hole in his shirt.

Yu Lan and Qi Weihui are very happy, and the youngest son is also getting engaged; this little meat ball has grown up, not to mention a handsome talent, and has his own career.

"Grandma, why don't I have new clothes?"

Little Benben protested, his clothes are not the latest, but the whole family has new clothes, both King Kong and Pooh have them, only Benben does not.

"Your clothes are new clothes. Who told you to wear them first. Today Xiaobai and Xiaoma are engaged. Don't quarrel. You are a good boy, and everyone will like you. Go out and take King Kong and Pooh, and Uncle Joshua together." , don't let them scare the guests." Looking at the cute fat grandson, Yu Lan looked forward to it even more, and she believed that there would be more and more grandsons and granddaughters.

Little Benben cheered and ran out. Although he couldn’t wear new clothes, it would be nice if he could play games. There are many people here today, and Little Benben likes to be lively the most. Now he’s going to take care of King Kong and Pooh, or they will be unhappy.

"Benben is really fun, and the skin is amazing. In the future, you and Dad will also help me raise the children, otherwise Kate and I are really inexperienced." Qi Ping was looking forward to it. He was thinking that he and Kate might also have children .

"That's for sure. I'll come over as soon as Kate is pregnant. I'll discuss it with your boss. It doesn't matter if you bring Benben here. You young people are neither serious nor experienced. I'll do it for you when the time comes." Nanny." Yu Lan laughed, she was looking forward to it, and the more people in the family, the more lively it was, "There is no family planning in the United States, have you and Kate talked about how many children you want?"

This time, not only my mother was looking forward to it, but my father, who was sitting in a daze, also seemed to have his ears pricked up.

"I haven't thought about it specifically, just let it be. But Kate likes children very much, and I like them too. I think it's best to have both children, but this matter can't be forced, just let it be." Qi Ping laughed, the child's problem It is indeed a big deal.

Parents were very satisfied with this answer; they also started to discuss, boys have the benefits of boys, and girls have the benefits of girls.By the way, I also played the side drum for Qi Lei, there are so many people in the country who are having a second child; they are not civil servants or the like, and they will be fined if they have a second child. Anyway, the family does not lack the money now, so many people are busy. Ben would have a company, too.

"Don't be humming there, let me tell you, it's a good thing to have two children. Look, you and Qiping always fought back and forth when you were young, but there is something for sure It’s two brothers going to the house together. You’ve seen it in other people’s houses more or less. It’s hard to tell if a child had a playmate when he was young, but it’s hard to find someone to help him when he grows up. Brothers are reliable, Benben will definitely like it There is a younger brother and younger sister."

"Let's discuss later, I plan to do a good job in my career first. If I really have a second child, I can't make up my mind on this matter alone. This time, the old and the young are engaged, and I ran here in a hurry It's gone; my intermediary company doesn't care about it anymore, this is just to build up relationships with the young and old, and now there is still a market for vegetable imports." Qi Lei teased Dongfeng, but it's a pity that this proud dog ignored him.

"That's not a one-sentence matter. Don't think about how much you earn. I can pay for how much money you want. The most important thing is that you open up the market first. You can contact me when you go back. No matter how many orders are now, I'll send you the best products on time and according to the quantity." Qi Ping is full of confidence, the boss's business is his business.

"Well, I also chatted with Luo Yi for a while. Although the domestic market conditions are different, they are not bad. You send me a batch of goods to test the water first, and let them have a look at the goods by the way." Money is a bastard; but no one thinks too much money, making money is still very important.

Qi Weihui and Yu Lan were both very happy. Nothing could be happier than seeing their two sons helping each other like this.

According to the custom, the engagement banquet was decided by the woman, and it was naturally held at Eric's home.Naturally, all the close relatives of the two were present, and several close friends were also invited to witness this happy moment.There are not many people, and the most important thing is that the atmosphere is very warm.

King Kong and Pooh were very happy to meet their acquaintances like Luo Yi, Douglas, and Steve; the most important thing was that some of Kate's classmates and girlfriends also came, and these cute little guys were naturally bursting with popularity.

Benben sat on the floor sullenly and hugged Nanfeng, who had just taken a perfect bath, and Pooh ran away to play games with those aunts.Although King Kong is still sitting next to him, Benben also hopes that Pooh can come back.

"Little Mom, they are all bad, they took Pooh out to play games."

Seeing Kate, Benben naturally found the organization; Benben spoke a little fast, but Kate barely understood.

Benben is a cute kid sometimes, and sometimes he is very hateful; Benben is clinging to Kate now, and Qi Ping is getting jealous.Finally, he tricked this brat away and asked him to go play games with Uncle Joshua; anyway, at Kate's house, Benben would never see outsiders.

"You are beautiful today." Looking at his fiancée's elegant dress, Qi Ping entered the silly mode.

"I'm usually beautiful, and I have the confidence." Kate pinched Qiping's face and smiled confidently.

Eric on the side rolled his eyes, the baby girl was cheated by that bastard long ago!
The engagement banquet started, and Caroline rolled out the engagement cake; Qi Lei was actually the busiest at this time, and he was holding a DV player. Naturally, this important moment needs to be recorded. I believe this will be a good memory for Qi Ping and Kate.So every detail of the engagement banquet should be recorded as much as possible.

Qi Ping and Kate clasped their fingers together, they stood in front of the cake; and their family members were naturally by their side.

"I met a jerk last year, and I was very grateful to him because he sent Kate home, and Kate was in some trouble." Eric was naturally going to speak at the engagement banquet; and his words amused many people. "I gave him a warm reception, I thought he was a nice guy, warm and friendly. But I soon realized it was a mistake, he just wanted to help Kate, maybe to get Kate's phone number. "

Qiping and Kate smiled at each other, everything was so beautiful, including their meeting; Kate was very grateful that her car broke down in time, which gave her a wonderful marriage.

"Today, my daughter is getting engaged. I have to admit, I am very sad, she is my forever sweetheart. But I will bless my daughter, because Qi is a wonderful boy; although I don't think so, I Insist that he's an asshole, but I think people have a good impression of him." Eric once again amuses everyone, including Qiping's parents who laugh when they hear the translation.

"They come from different ethnic groups and grew up in different cultural backgrounds. But I know it doesn't matter because they love each other, they can overcome difficulties together, they can understand and tolerate each other. Qi, you are a good man! I am very happy Rest assured to hand Kate to you, continue to take good care of my daughter and make her happy."

Qi Ping was very happy and very excited; although Kate had agreed to his marriage proposal long ago, the meaning of completing the engagement ceremony in front of all relatives and friends is naturally different.

"Qi, take care of your younger brothers and sisters, they look as bastards as you! This is an engagement cake, don't steal it!" Eric's distraught voice sounded, which also caused roars of laughter.

The gluttonous Pooh stood up long ago, and King Kong's little paws were also covered with cream; fortunately, this is a three-tiered engagement cake, so it won't be completely occupied by these greedy little guys.

It was a very warm engagement ceremony. With the blessings of relatives and friends, Qi Ping and Kate embraced each other gently. Everyone also got together and took a group photo. This is one of the most beautiful moments! (My novel "The King of the Mountains and Forests of America" ​​will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right to add friends ", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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