America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 133 Live Well

Chapter 133 Live Well
(I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Search and pay attention to the WeChat public account "qdread" now, and give more support to "The King of the Mountains and Forests of America"!) "Ben Ben is here Bian is playing crazy, if I don’t take him back, I think this kid will play wild sooner or later. Riding a horse, walking the dog, even arguing with Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai when he has nothing to do, if he doesn’t pay attention, he will follow King Kong and Pooh to pick fruit I can't control it anymore." Looking at the dirty baby grandson, Yu Lan was angry and funny.

"Children, it's natural to play. It's the same when I have a baby. I just play before the age of five, and don't ask for grades before the age of ten." Smiling, he took off his clothes for the baby nephew, watching the little guy quite Qi Ping was also amused as he danced and showed off the 'Little Elephant' with his little belly.

"You are rich, and it doesn't matter if your baby's grades are poor in the future. If the family has no money, it is easiest to get ahead by studying, at least you can find a job." Smiling and hugging the fat grandson, although the house is very warm, but also to wash take a bath.

My brother and sister-in-law have returned to China first, and I can't let go of work. I have been in the United States for a week, and I have to go back to China.As for Mom and Dad, they will stay with Benben for a few more days, and they are not in a hurry to return to China anyway.

Not only Xiao Benben likes life in the forest farm very much, Qi Ping's parents also like life here; the mother is still busy with taking care of her grandson and doing some housework.But Dad, he has entered the state of a farmer; he drove out in the morning to visit the vegetable field; not only to inspect the development of his own forest farm, but also to find something to do for people who are restless.

Qi Ping doesn't care, as long as the family is happy.

Although Qi Ping is the kind of character who eats and waits to die, it is best to be lazy on the bed; but this does not mean that everyone likes this attitude towards life, parents still like to do things very much, they cannot spend all day It's the people who have nothing to do at home now, that will drive them crazy.

"Dad is amazing, he must like life here. He asked me to help him find some horse riding lessons yesterday. It looks like Dad will become a western cowboy." Kate joked that she likes her current life very much.

"Dad, he treats that old horse as a treasure. He can't control Heitan, but that old horse is also good, with a very docile personality, suitable for novices. Western cowboys don't count on it. The difficult job of herding cattle Don’t think about things, it’s good to be able to ride a horse and keep fit.” It’s not that Qi Ping is here to see his aging father, it’s because of his father’s personality.

My father is only in his early 50s, and he usually pays attention to stability in his work; even on a spacious road with no one, his speed will not exceed [-] yards per hour, which is very stable.

"Mom thinks I'm lazy, she thinks the dishwasher is a waste, and we also hire housekeeping every week, and she thinks it's a waste of us. I think my mother is coming, I have to work hard, I have to learn How to be a better housewife, I still have a lot to learn." Kate is full of enthusiasm, and she feels that she still has a lot to improve.

Qi Ping smiled triumphantly, he and Kate are really a good match.

Both of them are lazy and don't have too many ambitions. It is enough to manage their own one-third of an acre of land; especially the two of them basically care about their small family.

As for being lazy, it is really wronged; there is still a generation gap, and the living environment is also somewhat different.Dishwashers and the like are convenient, but in the eyes of Qiping’s mother, it is a waste of water and electricity; washing dishes by yourself is not in the way, why buy such an appliance, it is a waste of money!

The two started laughing and joking, chatting about topics that belonged to them; they were already engaged, so there was nothing embarrassing about it.

"I support your choice. If we have children, their biggest task when they are young is to play games and give them a carefree and happy childhood. This is what we should do, and I believe we can do it ’” Kate beamed, and she beamed when she talked about the baby.

"I believe that our children will have the happiest childhood, and their childhood will be extremely exciting. Don't forget these little guys, they are the best at playing games, and they only know how to play games." Pointing and hugging Pooh, who leaned over and tried to pretend to be a ball, Qi Ping had known the virtues of these guys for a long time.

Kate also laughed, extremely proud.

With King Kong and Pooh as companions, I believe that the children's childhood must be extremely happy; while the children of other families do not have such a special group of playmates, she believes that the children's childhood will be envied by everyone.

Qi Ping is very happy because he is with his family and because he is engaged to Kate; there are too many happy things now, which makes Qi Ping look silly.

Small days are full of flavor, just have a barbecue for dinner, and add a little beer. I don’t know how comfortable this kind of life is. Anyway, Qi Ping likes it very much.

The little assistant, Benben, is standing aside holding the barbecue sauce. The little guy thinks that he is very powerful and can do many things; with this little pistachio, making barbecue is naturally happier.

"The beef in the United States doesn't seem to be as expensive as in China. The beef is good, and children can eat it with strength." Qi Weihui laughed as he watched Benben eating roast beef. "Benben's appetite has improved a lot with you, and it's probably a waste of energy to be mischievous every day."

"American beef is not cheap either. Beef is graded, and the price of high-grade beef is also scary. But in general, beef is still a little cheaper than domestic ones. Beef is the main meat in the United States. I don't plan to raise cattle, forest farms can't raise them There are so many large animals. I am thankful to be able to build a small farm. My chicken farm is still in the original mode.” After taking a sip of the old hen soup, the size of the chicken farm can increase to one old hen per day That's the weird thing.

"If you don't raise cattle, you don't raise cattle. Anyway, you are not engaged in ranching. It is no problem for you to buy some good beef. Even if the forest farm swallows investment, you will not miss a bite or two of beef. I see what you eat now The grades used are not low." Yu Lan felt that this matter must be supported, making money is very important, but it can't just be money.

Making money is for a better life; Qiping's current consumption and life concept needs strong support.It doesn't matter if you eat well and use it well, it doesn't matter if you spend a little more money.

"There is a specialization in the technical industry. I plan to do a good job in my vegetable planting and forestry development. This year I have developed a lot of new industries, not only vegetable planting, but also research on high-quality vegetable seeds. I can get a little bit of it. As long as the quality of the seeds passes the standard, money can never be earned, and I don’t want to aim too high, it’s enough to do what I’m supposed to do and what I’m sure of, and the money I earn is enough for me to spend.”

It's not because Qi Ping sees it openly, but because Qi Ping has self-knowledge; it's better not to swallow the elephant with insufficiency. There are too many benefits in this world that cannot be swallowed by one person.It is enough to do well what you are doing. Anyway, the potential and prospects here are great.

Benben doesn't know what Xiaobai is talking about with his grandparents, and he doesn't care about it; the most important thing is to eat big mouthfuls, so that he can have the strength to play, so that a good child will be liked by everyone.

"Tomorrow we will go out to play, go to the zoo, go to the aquarium, Benben will definitely like it there. Let's take him to play, and we will get a lot of money by the way." Patted his belly, he was almost rounded, and Qiping continued to do the next thing Plans and arrangements; although my parents will stay with Benben for a few more days, it is only a few days.

Parents naturally have no objection, they all know that Qi Ping actually doesn't have too many things to do and is still very free; once again, they are willing to take Benben out to play.Spending money, spending some money is really nothing; anyway, the family does not lack these money now, and having fun is the most important thing. (My novel "The King of the Mountains and Forests of America" ​​will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right to add friends ", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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