America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 140 Kate's Great Ambition

Chapter 140 Kate's Great Ambition (Subscribe in the third watch)

Kate ambitiously took King Kong to continue to harass the deer herd, and by the way, Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai, and Heitan were forced to pretend to be relatives.

Naturally, Qi Ping is not allowed to follow, the vicious one will frighten the deer; just take Pooh with him, these two brothers are definitely the natural enemies of these mule deer.

Black bears are easy to understand, because they regard mule deer as their main hunting object, and mule deer is their food; even, it is easier to understand.This is a hunting enthusiast, even if he didn't get too many newborn prey, but Qi Ping really really likes hunting, and mule deer is definitely one of his goals.

Fishing, Qi Ping is mainly responsible for fishing now; Kai especially went to find the deer, but she did not forget the main task of coming to Muse Lake this time.Trout, the main ingredient of Kate's lunch; Qi Ping now has to work harder and catch more fish to be reliable.

There are many fish in Muse Lake, such as salmon and perch, which are excellent fry and species specially selected by Qiping; but there are also indigenous people in the lake, such as trout or catfish and other fish, crucian carp Also, they can be regarded as indigenous, and they were introduced to the United States very early.

Qi Ping felt very happy. There are a lot of fish here. Anyway, there are freshwater fish that Qi Ping likes to eat, and some fish that Kate likes are also available.Although not all the fish are stored in Muse Lake, there are enough fish here. Anyway, Qiping and Kate have no shortage of fish they like to eat.

Now salmon and sea bass are still a little smaller, so it’s good to eat fish with a little restraint. You can’t finish eating these fish before the fish has fully grown; Americans also like to eat fish, but they prefer seafood fish, rarely Eat some freshwater fish with many thorns; unlike in China, they usually come from whole fish.

"Honey, did you see, I have gained their trust!"

Kate was very excited as she held a sika-like calf mule deer; because mule deer always looked like this when they were babies, and they were so cute with their spots.And once he grows up, he will naturally not be as cute as he is now; just like Pooh, he was very cute when he was a child, but now anyone who is not familiar with Pooh will think that this little chubby bear is fierce and intimidating when he first sees Pooh.

"I think it's due to the grass, Heitan will be angry!"

Qi Ping revealed the old story, and Kate was a little frustrated; she successfully approached the herd of deer, especially the fawns.It's just that it was cheated, and the black charcoal pasture was used.

The aura on the Muse Lake side is sufficient, but it is more in the lake area, and the aura around the shore is not so sufficient; this is naturally the effect of the formation, and the aura cannot be evaporated.

Without enough spiritual energy, the grass that grows is mediocre; especially the pasture that Heitan eats, which is fresh and juicy pasture grown with sufficient spiritual energy.Heitan drove Kate to Muse Lake and naturally needed to replenish his strength. Heitan didn't like the general forage. Need a good tonic.

King Kong is very happy, and has an interesting playmate; the deer is indeed very cute, with slender four long legs, cute and smart big eyes; it is normal for Kate to fall into the charm of the deer, where is she still thinking about fishing, sitting on the grass Just play games with the deer on the Internet.

"Rudolph, I know you'll like me as much as I like you!"

Holding the deer in her arms, Kate tried to quickly establish a relationship with the deer; the name has already been chosen, Rudolph!
Rolling her eyes, Kate is beyond redemption.

This small deer is a mule deer, named for its mule-like ears, also known as black-tailed deer.And Rudolph, that is the reindeer pulled by Santa Claus, and Rudolph is the leader.

Although they are all deer, they are also divided into races; mule deer and reindeer are completely two groups.

The easiest way to distinguish is to look at the antlers; both male and female reindeer have antlers, which are like tree trunks, very tall and branched.As for the antlers of mule deer, only male deer have horns. The horns have an obvious trunk, and the forks of the horns are separated from the trunk, which is not so developed.

Kate is unreasonable, the reindeer of the famous Santa Claus pulls the sleigh has been impersonated; the leading Christmas reindeer is named Rudolph, has a red nose, the only reindeer with a red nose.

The stubborn Kate is not easy to communicate, and Qi Ping has a deep understanding of this; so he still admits it, even if Kate points to Rudolph and says that this is Heitan's younger brother, Qi Ping will beat the drums and find a theoretical basis.

It doesn't matter if you point the deer at the other end, the most important thing is that the fiancée is happy!
Seeing Kate and Rudolph having fun, King Kong, Liang Shanbo, and Zhu Yingtai all accepted the newcomer; even Pooh, the unreliable fat bear, joined together, and Qiping was under a lot of pressure.

It seems that only Heitan is more reliable, and he did not welcome Rudolph the deer; maybe Heitan has a bad temper and is not easy to get close to, or Heitan remembers that the deer ate its pasture just now and is holding a grudge!
It doesn't matter, the key is that Qi Ping feels that once Rudolph has gained a foothold at home, there is really no good choice for hunting in the mountains in the future.

Bear, you need to consider Pooh's feelings, so naturally you can't fight.

When hunting, many people go after bears and deer; bears will definitely not be able to hunt, so they naturally look for deer.

But once he can't even hunt deer in the future, Qi Ping really can only hunt wild boars, pheasants or rabbits, but this will really make hunting less fun.

Qi Ping's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he suddenly felt that this mule deer named Rudolph was no longer cute, and even looked hideous.Deer, it's better to go away quickly, so that you don't need to have any fear of killing the killer in the future, so that this little thing that can only be cute will steal Kate's favor.

"Rudolph is so cute, dear, did you see that!"

Kate shouted happily, and the little deer's pink tongue was licking Kate's palm. Kate was naturally very happy to receive the intimacy of the deer.

I curled my lips, I just caught a big fish and no one cared about it; sticking out your tongue is not difficult, everyone, Pooh, King Kong, and even Heitan can do it.Except for Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who can't stick out their tongues, I can stick out my tongue too, which is extremely flexible, and I have a big tongue when I speak English!

Being jealous with a little deer is really cheap. Qi Ping, who thinks he has some qualities, doesn't intend to do such shameful things; anyway, this little deer is only here for a while, and the little deer is only two or three months old. Living with the deer, even if you are temporarily attracted by the delicious pasture, you will still follow the deer in the end.

Qi Ping didn't think there were too many things to worry about, but he seemed a little blindly optimistic, and slowly realized that compared with Kate's ambition and courage, Qi Ping seemed really not up to the mark.

Kate, this shot is going in the direction of blockbuster.

Qi Ping's eyes widened, feeling unbelievable; Kate just deceived the inexperienced deer, which is nothing to be surprised about.As long as it's time to go home, the deer will naturally follow the herd back.

But it doesn't look like this now, Kate is planning to take away the deer completely; not just the deer, including this herd of nearly ten deer!Obviously, in order to win the fawn's favor and keep the fawn, Kate really did anything.

This is a good idea, because once the whole herd is taken, the fawn will naturally follow.Now the fawn is inseparable from the herd and mother deer, but when it grows up, it will be fine; it can live on its own, and it can make its own choices.

The most important thing is that at that time, Rudolph and Kate will establish a relationship; Kate also believes that as long as Rudolph follows her, he will definitely not be willing to leave, and will become a member of the family just like King Kong and Pooh.

The ambition is very big, Kate is trying to take Rudolph away, and she is planning to buy the whole herd of deer; well, it would be fine if the deer also live in the forest farm.Qi Ping still has a good impression of deer.

Although there are many types of deer in China, although traditionally the deer and the like are more worthy of the sika deer, but they belong to the deer family anyway.

Spirit beasts, fairy mounts, and even treasures such as deer antlers, these are the reasons why deer are very popular, because they are indeed a symbol of auspiciousness.

It doesn't matter if a group of deer are raised in the forest farm, it means that the life in the forest farm is very beautiful, and it means that this place is a fairyland on earth.Now that there are already deer, you can also consider catching a few swans, cranes, etc., this is a real paradise-like scene, and it also has the characteristics of a fairyland.

Qi Ping had a big brain hole. After Kate made the decision to raise deer, Qi Ping quickly made some plans.

Kate, who proposed the fishing plan, doesn't care about fishing at all. Her most important task now is not only to gain the trust of Rudolph, but also to gain the trust of the entire deer herd. Forest life.

"Heitan, trust sister, trust me. I'm just borrowing some of your pasture temporarily, just temporarily; we will have more pasture, you are a good boy, I know you will share."

Kate is trying to communicate better with Heitan because of the fresh pasture in King Kong's backpack; perhaps it is because of love and kindness to attract deer, but for this group of deer, especially those adult deer, interests are the priority .

Having excellent pasture is naturally a great weapon and the biggest reliance on attracting these deer; Kate is confident that she will take these deer away and let them live happily in the forest farm with peace of mind.

Qi Ping felt that he was looking forward to it. With this herd of deer, it was something worth looking forward to.

(End of this chapter)

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