America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 141 Embracing Happiness

Chapter 141 Embracing Happiness (Please Subscribe!!!)
Qi Ping came out wearing slippers wobbly. The sunshine in California is very sunny and very comfortable; anyway, he is in his own forest farm, so he doesn't care too much.

Kate was obviously not in the mood to stay in bed, she got up early; it was just that Kate was not busy making breakfast, and now she seemed to be all focused on the little mule deer named Rudolph, and after getting up early, she was talking to Rudolph plays and connects with each other.

"I know I have wronged you, and I will supplement you well in a while. First, bring these rogues who eat and drink, and help the boss and I coax Kate. Wait a while, I will plant a large grassland for you, what do you want? Eat whatever you want, eat half of a piece of grass, and spit out the remaining half for fun!"

Heitan was a little annoyed. Its canteen was occupied by a group of uninvited guests. Although it showed that it was its own territory, Kate repeatedly asked it to take care of these new guests, but Heitan couldn't help it.

I can only find the boss, and the boss is more reliable; Heitan is expressing his grievances, feeling that his status in Kate's heart has declined, and he has been taken over by those little things!
"Anyway, you and Jenny can't finish eating that piece of grass. Just treat it as helping the poor and the weak. I know you are the most caring. We are all brothers. We eat delicious food and drink spicy food together. I will definitely not wrong you!"

Patted Heitan's big ass, brushed the horse in the morning, and let Heitan go out to play by himself; Jenny is that docile mare, just tidy up a little, not even like Heitan who is beaten every day. It was neatly tidied up.Eccentric, flush it's absolute!
Fortunately, seeing Qiping get up, Kate didn't forget that she was going to have breakfast; but she didn't forget to bring Rudolph, this little deer really became her little follower.Unlike Pooh, a glutton who followed Kate like a glutton, Rudolph just felt that Kate was closer to it. One day was enough for her and Rudolph to establish a relationship of trust, at least an initial relationship of trust.

Rudolph followed Kate and ran back home. Although it still relies on breast milk now, it can still eat a little bit of tender grass; it also has a new discovery, and it seems that lettuce also likes it very much.

To conquer a woman (man) first needs to conquer his stomach, and Kate is very good at this trick; the cooking itself is good, although that may not be able to win Rudolph's liking, but lettuce and the like are all given to him by Kate of.

So this is enough. Although he still follows the herd of deer from time to time, Rudolph will also have this kind of intimacy when he sees Kate. He is now Kate's little follower.

"We have already contacted the design office, and I have selected a designer. You are about to get busy, pay the deposit and come up with the budget, these are all your tasks."

He filled a large bowl of beef soup and rice and handed it to King Kong who was standing by the operating table. He saw King Kong holding the small rice bowl and rushing to arrange breakfast for the southeast and northwest.This is an excellent little assistant. What King Kong likes most is to help Qi Ping and Kate as much as he can. This will be one of the things King Kong feels most fulfilled.

"I'm ready. Our mansions and villas will be extremely comfortable and luxurious. My budget is 500 million US dollars, which does not include decoration or furniture, and does not even include some other entertainment facilities." Qi Ping is full of confidence. He is full of confidence in the mansion, "King Kong and Pooh are making money very fast, and our tree farm's income is good, so there is no need to worry."

"I have known for a long time that our home will become a super manor. Maybe many people think that some sea view villas and some holiday villas are very expensive, and they are super luxury houses that can exceed tens of millions of dollars. But our home is different from those houses. Same, because our home is on a forest farm, we don’t need to consider the land and other potential values. Our home is far more than a mansion with the same price!”

Kate took a sip of the vegetable soup and frowned; it was good, but not at her best.

"I agree with you, every penny of our money will be spent on the construction of the house. I believe that if we are willing to sell the land, there will be countless big bosses who want to come and settle with us."

Kate smiled proudly, the scenery here is very beautiful; with lakes and mountains, the most important thing is that this is a paradise, this is definitely a fairyland on earth that people yearn for.It's just that now, there is no plan to make money by selling land, and that is not Qi Ping and Kate's plan.

"By the way, we not only need to do a good job in the construction of our new home, we also need to go through our relationship and maintain our interpersonal relationship. We are going back to China on May Day. My college classmates and my best buddies want to Married. I can't be absent, or it would be really ugly; I don't want to be a loner, and I need more connection with my friends."

Good buddy Qin Biao got married on May [-]st, and as a good buddy, Qi Ping naturally couldn't be absent; although most of them are now in contact with each other on the Internet, although everyone has their own lives now, as a good buddy, he really has to attend.This is the most important moment in one's life. It is only natural to watch good buddies get married and send blessings.

"OK, I do like to attend the wedding, I am looking forward to it! We can also go home, I have not been to the place where you grew up, I am looking forward to it, I would like to know what kind of land can cultivate me her fiancé!" Kate said with a smile, she is really looking forward to China; the simplest reason is because Qi Ping is her fiancé.

Both of them were looking forward to it, and they were discussing the next plans and arrangements; this event was really beautiful, and it was the most important moment in their lives.

Returning to the country to attend a friend's wedding; returning to the country, of course, to go back to the hometown.

These things are very beautiful, and they are also what Qi Ping and Kate are looking forward to most.As for the work arrangement plan of the forest farm, it will not be affected at all; Qiping is often a hand-off shopkeeper, and the forest farm can continue to operate without Qiping; the most important thing is that it only takes about a week to return to China, and it will not affect too many forest farms at all. matter.

"Our arrangement today is to continue playing games and do some things by the way. In the morning we will take good care of our flower beds. They need weeding and pruning. Although we may move out of here, we must not forget our promise." Qi Ping thought about it, this weekend can't just be playing games, spring outing, there are still some things to do.

"Okay, I get it, I'm going to do a good job. But I know, you're going to take on more work, you're a great, strong guy."

Kate blinked, but it was a pity that Qi Ping smiled and stretched out his hand to push Kate's head away.

"I'm your fiancé, not a coolie! Give up those restless thoughts, it makes more sense for us to do it together. I naturally don't want to see you suffer, but you need to be a cheerleader for me, and you need to be by my side. Don't just think about Rudolph, there are cute Pooh and King Kong too!"

Naturally, Qi Ping is responsible for physical work; Kate, as a technical director and cheerleader, is definitely enough.For Qi Ping's arrangement, Kate raised her hands in agreement; in fact, needless to say, even though she has a good impression of Rudolph now, Kate still hopes to be with her fiancé.

As for the flower garden, the growth is very good; the environment here is very good, there is no reason why the flower garden cannot grow well.As Huanong's daughter, although Kate doesn't know much about flower planting techniques, she can occasionally offer some constructive suggestions, which is much better than Qi Ping's; this is their flower garden, regardless of whether it is good or not It doesn't matter if it's bad, both Qiping and Kate value the meaning of this garden.

Although Eric complained again and again that Qiping and Kate had ruined the flower garden, these two people had no ability to grow beautiful flowers; it didn't matter, happiness is the best!

After changing his clothes, he was ready to go out to work; carrying a small hoe and gardening scissors, he set off with Pooh and King Kong who ran before and after.Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai went out to play after breakfast, they will not follow Qi Ping and Kate stupidly now, they have found their own fun in the mountains and forests; the wings grow hard, that is to say this type, who let They can fly now!
Rudolph didn't follow, it ran back to the deer herd, although Kate called it repeatedly; the deer herd found a real blessed place and shelter, and they didn't plan to move.

There are the most delicious tender grass here, and the environment here is very good and safe, so it is naturally very suitable for this herd of mule deer to recuperate.They are not jungle animals, and their greatest happiness and joy is to find a place with rich water and grass; there is no doubt that they are a group of herbivores with no ambitions, and they have fallen into the charm of pasture.

Seeing Heitan and Jenny join the herd of deer, I have nothing to say; just treat them as distant relatives, they can graze together, take a walk together, and add a jog to exercise after eating and drinking. This is a great enjoyment .Don't count on these guys anymore, and they are not reliable!

"Our life is really beautiful, I enjoy every day now, every day is extremely happy and joyful for me! Honey, believe me, this is just the beginning of happiness! We will always be happy like this Go on, we will have more happiness and happiness!"

Kate comfortably stretched out her hands to embrace the sunshine and happiness. Her pretty face was full of happiness and joy, and she had more longings and expectations.She is very satisfied with her current life, which is indeed the greatest happiness and joy!
"Kate, trust me, this is just the beginning, just a small start!"

Learn from Kate to open her hands and embrace the beautiful life now; it is not hypocritical, but really happy.

King Kong followed suit, stretching out his long arms. Although he didn't understand what his elder brother and elder sister were doing, he just followed suit.Pooh, who can’t stretch out his arms, just let out a snarl. He is very happy now, chasing butterflies!

(End of this chapter)

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