America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 150 The treatment of the family

Chapter 150 Treatment at home (please subscribe!!!)
As soon as I got out of the airport, I saw Kate; now there is no fatigue from the long-distance flight, Qi Ping can guarantee that he is in the best condition now!
Although it's at the San Diego airport now, I don't care about anything else; hugging Kate will naturally have a deep kiss.

"You are finally back. If you don't go home again, King Kong and Pooh will definitely go out to find you." Seeing Qiping driving, Kate couldn't take her eyes off Qiping; Days, but there is quite a feeling that days are like years.

"Don't worry, it's impossible for them to escape. They are smart and know that I will definitely go home. They eat and drink well in the forest farm, so they are reluctant to leave our home, which is also their home." Pick He raised his eyebrows, Qi Ping knew very well the virtues of those little fellows.

Kate laughed, as long as Qiping is back, this is the whole of life; there is no doubt that Qiping is the core of the entire forest farm, only when Qiping is there is a truly complete home.

King Kong is throwing his golden cudgel around in boredom; Pooh is lazily fluttering at the butterfly in front of him.Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai didn't see it, so they probably went to play in the woods again; Heitan leisurely followed Rudolph, a fawn, among the deer herd.

Dongfeng, who was lying at the door, raised his head, forgetting about the car coming back; roaring excitedly, he ran directly towards the car.The south wind, west wind, and north wind followed closely behind, and the sound of excited dogs barking resounded instantly.

King Kong, why did he still think about dancing the golden cudgel? The golden cudgel, which was usually regarded as a treasure, was suddenly thrown to nowhere. King Kong, who likes to pretend to be gentle, is now running straight on all fours.Pooh is a bit fatter, but his running speed is not too slow, and he has realized something.

"I'm back!"

Stopping, you have to stop; seeing the little guys running over, Qi Ping is full of a sense of accomplishment; as soon as he jumped out of the car, Dongfeng rushed into Qi Ping's arms, sticking out his long tongue, wanting to lick it flush face.Nan Feng and the others followed closely behind. Although Qi Ping is holding Dong Feng now, these guys are also trying hard to get into Qi Ping's arms.

"I've said it many times, don't lick my face!" Although he raised his head to prevent Dongfeng and them from wishing, Qi Ping was really happy and liked the intimacy of the little ones.

Two legs were hugged, one was King Kong with his head up, and the other was Pooh who was trying to climb up with his head buried; at this time, Heitan was the real Black Whirlwind, snorting like the wind It ran over, but it was a pity that the big brother was surrounded by little friends, and it could only snort anxiously on the periphery to show its existence.

"Big brother, big brother!"

There was too much movement in the house, maybe Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai didn't run too far; the two parrots yelled rough and flew over with flapping wings.The Air Force has an advantage, and it falls directly on the shoulders of Qiping, and there is no need to line up.

Kate stood aside with a smile. She knew that Qi Ping was very busy now, and she was not jealous, because the little ones hadn't seen the most trusted big brother for so long.Now that the eldest brother is back, it is normal to get close to these little guys.

Pooh ran in front, and King Kong's little hand was already stuffed into Qiping's; Heitan didn't plan to run far, and squeezed into the gate, intending to pretend to be a small animal and stay in the living room.Surrounded by the southeast and northwest, with two chirping parrots on their shoulders, they returned home mightily.

As soon as he was seated, Pooh climbed up. Although he was lying on the sofa, his big head was resting on his thighs; King Kong was very busy, he was busy climbing up the table to get fruit. The elder brother hadn’t come home for a long time, so he must be starving up.

Smiling, I gently stepped on the southeast and northwest lying in front of me to give them a massage, and I was also chatting with Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai; Heitan, after seeing that my elder brother had no intention of staying at home, he went out. The house is too crowded, and it still prefers the vast space outside.

Qi Ping is very happy and enjoying life at home. The life at home is really wonderful; there is nothing more happiest than being accompanied by beauties and friends who depend on him.The forest farm is Qiping's home, and it is also the place that Qiping cares about the most, because here is already a large part of life, and this is Qiping's home!

"My work is done very well. Although I'm a little busy this time, the harvest is very good." Smiling and chatting with Kate on the sofa, Pooh ran away a long time ago, since the eldest brother is at home , it went out to catch butterflies; King Kong, Liang Shanbo, and Zhu Yingtai were almost the same, and they all went out to play.

"I think you will have more work to prepare, you need to start the construction and development of the forest farm, and you also need to monitor the progress of our new home construction. Professor Bruce can't wait, he knows you have some new discoveries that you want to share with us. You communicate. You will be very busy, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai's commercial shooting is also coming."

Kate said with a smile that she knew that Qi Ping was a lazy person; but looking at Qi Ping's next work schedule, there are really many things.

Qi Ping clutched his head and fell on the sofa speechlessly. He had just returned home, but he didn't expect that there would be so many tasks waiting for him; among them, there were really too many things that Qi Ping needed to solve personally. .

Well, there is still a chance to be lazy; time, there will always be a squeeze, especially a good time to be lazy.Of course, Qi Ping will not let go of work; but when it is time to be lazy, Qi Ping will never be polite.On this point, Qi Ping had a very good experience a long time ago, and he was able to achieve as much balance as possible.

The main work of the forestry farm is actually planting vegetables; and some follow-up investment development, such as the establishment of some production facilities and workshops for testing organic products.In many cases, Qiping just needs to spend some money on these things. Professor Bruce and the people from the Ministry of Agriculture can bring more guidance to Qiping.

As for the cultivation of vegetables, Huang Siqing can stand alone; but now, the forestry farm needs to expand its enrollment and recruit more employees.Although the forest farm now has more than a dozen employees, it is a little insufficient; especially some skilled workers are even more insufficient; USDA standard certification sometimes really needs some knowledgeable farmers.

You can’t be careless at Muse Lake. We’ve been raising bass and salmon for more than half a year. Now we can’t just keep stocking them and ignore them. Hiring a capable farmer is also on the agenda. .

Even the mango grove, although it is just a sapling that has just been planted not long ago, it really needs the care of the fruit growers. These are things that Qi Ping needs to do, and they are also urgent things.

Thinking about it, there are really a lot of things to do, and these are still the work of the forest farm, which belongs to those things that must be done; this does not include taking care of vegetable gardens, flower gardens and the like.Otherwise, things will be more.

Taking the little ones to shoot commercials, this matter cannot continue to be delayed; the contract has been signed, and the reservation fee has been collected, and now it is time to fulfill the obligations of filming commercials.In order to build a better new house, Liangshanbo and King Kong have to put in a little more effort, and go to take a good shot of the advertisement.

Qi Ping had a headache. I thought my life was very leisurely, and I belonged to that kind of lazy person; but it doesn’t look like this now, there are really a lot of work to be done here, and I want to thoroughly It really takes a little time to be free.

This is because Qi Ping subconsciously ruled out the matter of the vegetable sales company. He is still a minority shareholder, even if Luo Yi and the others are in charge of the operation of the sales company, but Qi Ping can't really ignore anything, at least checking accounts and so on. More or less things still need to be done.

"Why do I feel like I have so many things to do? They say I'm lazy every day, but if you look at my schedule, I'm really wronged. Even if I'm not a workaholic, I definitely don't belong to the kind of person who does nothing all day. They are all lazy people!"

Qi Ping is shouting for grievances loudly. He really has a lot of work. If he continues to wear the hat of being an idler or doing nothing, Qi Ping will feel very unfair. This is the biggest misunderstanding, and it should not belong to With the hat Qi Ping put on, he felt that he was still a hardworking person at work.

"Honey, you're only busy every once in a while, and I know there's absolutely nothing too hard about it. I know it, I know it all; God can testify that you've got plenty of time more often than not. Now Such an intensive work schedule, this is an illusion, they are not your daily life!"

Kate didn't give Qi Ping a face at all, and unceremoniously exposed Qi Ping's old background; obviously, Qi Ping's busy appearance now is a complete illusion.

Busy, maybe there is a little bit now; but what is even more important is the leisurely and comfortable life in the forest farm.

Kate knows it very well, so she doesn't feel distressed; Qiping is not a workaholic who works a lot, and finding a job occasionally may be more like adding a little different embellishment to Qiping's life.

Well, I have no common language with Kate. This girl who just wants to be a full-time wife is hopeless; I have no experience, and I haven’t seen that my fiancé is going to be busy without touching the ground, and she is still spreading the word with false information.Despise is definitely needed, and by the way, give yourself some impression points.

Look at Dongfeng's cozy little appearance, it seems that they have learned some skills now; when Dongfeng and them are not going out to work, Qi Ping still takes good care of the little brothers, giving them a little massage, let's count it as work.Anyway, Qi Ping felt that he had really done a lot of things.

(End of this chapter)

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