America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 151 Harmonious Life

Chapter 151 Harmonious Life

"There is no problem with the soil and water quality. These have been tested. We will also pass the pest control, and we don't have any pesticides." Qi Ping is still very confident. The hardware facilities of the forest farm have completely passed the inspection and USDA standard certification Not a problem at all.

Organic farming uses environmentally friendly methods to produce organic products and avoids the use of synthetic materials such as pesticides and antibiotics.The USDA organic standards detail how farmers grow crops and raise livestock, and the materials they need to use.

Organic farmers, ranchers and food processors follow a set of standards for the production of organic food and cellulose.In the Organic Food Production Act, the U.S. Congress described in detail the various production guidelines for organic products, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture defined specific organic product implementation standards.These standards cover the entire process of organic products from farm to fork, including regulations on soil and water quality, pest control, livestock breeding methods and food additives.

Although not all forest farms in Qiping need to obtain the standard certification of organic vegetables, most of the vegetables still need this certificate, so as to ensure the maximum benefit.As for those very small parts, they are varieties grown in cooperation with some high-end restaurants.

"What we need now is to submit our proposal, and the hardware facilities are completely fine. If there is time, a large part of our products may be able to obtain organic certification in the second half of the year."

Huang Siqing is looking forward to it. If he gets the organic certification, the prices of these vegetables in the forest farm will increase again; the boss Qiping will naturally make more money, but Huang Siqing can also get a lot of bonuses and dividends.

The requirements for organic certification are strict, requiring the Ministry of Agriculture to directly participate in the supervision of farmers and enterprises that produce and process organic crops to ensure that all organic products are processed in strict accordance with the organic production methods.Every year, farmers who grow organic crops are required to submit farm mission statements and complete relevant inspections to confirm that their operations are consistent with records.Farmers must correct any problems that arise to ensure the validity of organic certification, and organic food processors must also meet similar related requirements.

Qi Ping's investment is not free, and his confidence is not necessarily blind.

The most basic condition for the cultivation of organic vegetables is that there is no pollution in the base, water source, soil quality, sunlight, etc., all of which can stand the test and pass the test early.

Moreover, the processing center has now built a small processing plant; there is no harmful or toxic gas around, and it will not pollute the surrounding environment.As for sanitation and other conditions, there is no problem; this is a very important link, and there must be no problems in processing.

As for the transportation, it is also very particular. Not only the processing plant is equipped with disinfection equipment, but also the production area has a strict disinfection system and equipment.Even if it is a transport vehicle, it is necessary to ensure the cleaning system, and the requirements are quite strict.

Qi Ping thinks there is no problem, he has poured a lot of dollars into it, at least more than 500 million US dollars, not including some research institute equipment that the old rogue Professor Bruce wants; this is the requirement to meet the standard , although there is a lot of investment now, the return will be even more generous in the future.Now it is only known as the closest USDA standard grade, but flush is not satisfied at all!
There are also many things to pay attention to in terms of planting, such as vegetable seeds, fertilization, management methods, etc., there are requirements; but Huang Siqing can manage this well, and because the newly recruited employees are all skilled, Although the salary is a bit higher, it can bring more help.

Now, it is really almost ready, and it is the critical moment of the final application; although I am full of confidence, I still have some small expectations and apprehensions.

"The forest farm will burst into unimaginable brilliance in your hands, I know it! Many people have asked me for news, and I am very proud." Eric was very happy, riding a horse to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the forest farm; although I don't want to move here now, but that doesn't mean Eric won't come to the tree farm.

"The certification of Ramona's first organic tree farm may make the whole town happy. I heard some news that the price of several lands adjacent to my tree farm is going up, and they all think that maybe when they The environment there can also be better. And the prices in the High Point Mountains connected to my tree farm are soaring, and everyone thinks that the air can move, and maybe the land there will soon be better."

Qi Ping smiled a little proudly, his forest farm has become a paradise, and the surrounding land has become more and more sought-after; good environment, people like it very much, and maybe these places will get better one day.

Fairyland Forest Farm is becoming more and more famous; because the vegetables here are getting more and more famous, and because of the research results of Professor Bruce.

It is beneficial to the health of the body, how many types of components are beneficial to the human body in the air, and a lot of components that are beneficial to the growth of animals and plants.It sounds very grand, anyway, Fairyland Forest Farm will be the kind of place where people can prolong their lives. The environment here can even be said to be the best in the United States, and it is the most suitable place to live. Moreover, the environment here is getting better and the scale is constantly increasing. expansion.

Professor Bruce is proud, because some of his research results have finally come out, which makes him feel very fulfilled; this is an academic lunatic, it doesn't matter, this top scientist is advertising for Qiping for free, and now Lao Mei's The media reported heavily, and Qi Ping hid behind and laughed, free advertising!
As for receiving some interviews and the like, who cares about those things, and can live a good life with peace of mind; anyway, the big banner of old Professor Bruce is here, if you want to ask some professional questions, just go to the old guy.And if you want to come in and visit, I'm sorry, we don't know each other well, so I don't need to invite people I don't know to my house.

It's good to have fun secretly, although it can't be said to be silently making a fortune now; it's just too high-profile and ostentatious, and it's really not Qi Ping's character.Even though the forest farm has a lot of development plans, it is definitely not being generous now for those illusory fame or face.

Qiping still has a lot of development plans, and there is no need to invite friends there now, let alone some people he doesn't know at all.

To be a commentator or an enthusiastic host is really not the ideal of Qiping; what he doesn't want is that those people will affect the next work arrangement and development of the forest farm.So now, it’s okay to be curious about Wonderland Forest Farm, and continue to be curious and mysterious; occasionally I will give you a little surprise, but if you want to come here, it’s really impossible without a very strong relationship, so you won’t be entertained.

Looking at the vibrant vegetable field, Qi Ping is full of a sense of accomplishment; within half a year, this place has brought him an income of just over US$1000 million.Although they spend a lot, they don't necessarily have much spare money; but the money is basically invested in the forest farm, and the forest farm is getting better and better now.

The scale of the investment is relatively large, and there are many things to be done. Although I spend a little more money, I sometimes feel distressed; but for Qi Ping, I will definitely feel at ease, because every investment will have a great return. The most important thing is that the forest farm is getting better and better now.

A lot of money was spent, and even Qi Ping felt that if he completely turned this forest farm into a fairyland on earth, he might even spend more than hundreds of millions of dollars, which originally seemed an incredible figure.But it really doesn't matter. Thinking about living in a fairyland on earth, such a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment is self-evident.

Not only can you earn money living here, but also because you can make your family's life more enjoyable and happy. This is the additional investment that Qiping does not hesitate to spend.If it's just a small fortune, you can buy the forest farm and develop it simply, so that you can have an income of 2000 to [-] million US dollars a year.

With such a condition and foundation, of course, I intend to do better; money, if you don’t bring it with you when you die, why not enjoy a better life in your limited life.To turn the forest farm into a complete fairyland on earth is one of Qi Ping's goals now, and he has already done a good job with a very good start.

Looking at Nanfeng leisurely lying on the grass basking in the sun, Qiping blew his whistle; they are now responsible for the safety of the vegetable field, not only preventing theft, but also preventing the invasion of some harmful animals.For example, rabbits, mice, etc., these guys have a bad influence on the vegetable production base.

Nanfeng ran over cheerfully, saw Qiping pointing his finger to the chicken farm, barked and rushed towards the chicken farm; Qiping basically came here every three to five times, not just to see the planting base In fact, more of the production situation is to catch old hens, and more old hens in chicken farms are really reimbursed by Qiping.

Catch two old hens and go back, one stewing soup and the other braised in soy sauce; Ji Fei Gou Tiao is talking about the current scene, these free-range chickens once again encountered intruders, although panicked, they will still be caught I can't escape the situation of being tied up and taken away and never coming back here.

Let me shed tears of sympathy, I could have taken a leisurely walk around every day, digging the soil and catching small bugs; however, almost every day there would be a big devil coming and bringing his little brother with him.There are too many chickens of the same kind that were taken away; but seeing the big devil go away, these chickens still returned to their familiar life, taking a leisurely walk and continuing to grow.

Everything is so harmonious and natural, Qi Ping thinks so!

(End of this chapter)

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