America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 152 Development in full swing

Chapter 152 Development in full swing (please subscribe!)
Rudolph, the little deer, was hopeless, and Kate tricked him into going home; now Rudolph has no intention of following the deer, he follows Kate all day long, even if he doesn’t follow Kate, he follows King Kong and Pooh they.Now, Rudolph is a new member of the family, and he knows it when he puts on a little dress that says 'I am Rudolph'.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are not the only ones who can't wear clothes. They are all parrots, and they can't fly out to play when they put on clothes.Pooh can't wear clothes, he likes to roll around all day, how can he wear clothes; King Kong is more reliable, either he likes the clothes of Big Mouth Monkey or fake tiger skin skirt to pretend to be Monkey King.

"Qi, can I go to the forest farm and bring some of my friends with me. They all know that the owner of the fairyland forest farm and I are very good friends, and they are all looking forward to seeing the charm of the fairyland forest farm."

Heitan was grazing leisurely, and Qiping was busy secretly arranging a sixty-acre gathering spirit array in front of Muse Lake; the phone rang, friend Steve.

"No problem, but you have to tell them something. Although I'm not a Puritan, I don't want the place to be full of smoke. Also, don't throw any garbage, you can bring it back and throw it into the trash can."

Entertaining friends, no problem; but Steve guys' parties, sometimes really do not fly.I don’t want to see used condoms thrown everywhere, and I don’t want to see those plastic bags in the forest farm. I really need to discuss these things with Steve in advance, otherwise it may not be very reliable, because Steve Husband is very unreliable.

Steve repeatedly agreed that this matter is not too much at all; the outside world is now spreading the beauty of Fairyland Forest Farm, but in fact Steve already knew about it, because he has been here several times.This time, it was only because the supposedly powerful Professor Bruce had some research results and was recognized by the academic circle, which caused more sensation and attention.

Knowing such a great owner of the forest farm is still very face-saving; although he is a playboy and rich second generation, he is usually a bit idle.But Steve is not the kind of person who is full of fertilizer, otherwise Qi Ping and him would not have maintained a good friendship all the time.

Intentionally or unintentionally, it was revealed that the owner of the popular fairyland forest farm is a good friend of himself, which is enough to arouse the envy of some partners in the circle of friends.Whoever said that Laomei doesn't want to fight for connections, knowing some big shots and great businessmen is a very face-saving thing for these rich second generations, and Steve is no exception.

Although there are many restrictions, Steve thinks it is normal; the environment of the fairyland forest farm is now being praised by the outside world, so it naturally needs to be well protected.In fact, even if Qi Ping didn't say anything, he knew that he really couldn't play too much here, at least not cause some pollution, otherwise it would really look bad.

Qi Ping really didn't care about Steve bringing his friends over here; he has so many things to do now, how could he have the mood to take care of so many trivial matters.

The two formations chosen by Qiping are arranged in front of Muse Lake, that is, Qiping's new house; they plan to create a blessed land of about [-] acres around the house, which can be regarded as the potential of the surrounding Muse Lake. It was all dug out.

The new home is built near the lake, which is the villa by the lake; but Qi Ping is not satisfied, he plans to turn this piece of land near the lake into a real fairyland-like residential area in one place.

About 350 acres of land is almost [-] acres of land; [-] acres of land belong to the potential development space of the villa, which needs to be planted with a large lawn and some landscape trees; in addition, it needs a basketball court or even a football field. Class outdoor playground.This is intended to be built as a manor, and it is normal to leave a little more land.

This piece of land is actually not very suitable for growing vegetables, but it can be considered for development; golf courses, high-end leisure centers, which also have great potential.

Sunny, picturesque, and the most beautiful air that can make people healthy, Qi Ping can't believe that such a resort is not attractive.Moreover, there are mountains and lakes here, such conditions are too attractive for some successful people and retired rich people.

We don't sell the land, just set up a membership system; we don't have to worry about too many people or future property rights disputes, anyway, this forest farm only belongs to Qiping.If you want to come in and enjoy the fairyland-like environment, you need to spend more money, and it's the kind of place where you may not have the opportunity even if you spend money.

Qi Ping feels that he still has such a capital because the shop bullies customers; when everyone flocks to the Fairyland Forest Farm, Qi Ping can pick and choose there.Do not accept those without quality, do not accept those without taste...

The construction team has already come in. In addition to the villas being built, some workers are also busy clearing the land of the forest farm; leveling the soil, planning, etc., there are too many things to do.

Heitan was in a good mood, and happily ran with his elder brother, and bought a can of beer from his elder brother, so he was in a good mood.Back home with a snort, he shook his body to tell the eldest brother to come down quickly. It was going to hang out with the deer. That was its new partner, a playmate who grazed and ran together.

Professor Bruce, who passed by with a large group of white-bearded old men, snorted coldly, and didn't pay attention to Qi Ping, the benefactor.Psychologically unbalanced, just took away a hundred thousand dollars in research fees, and this is a bridge over the river!
"Keeping some bees is good for the development of the forest farm!"

Originally, he planned to confront Professor Bruce, but when he heard Professor Bruce's words, he immediately lowered his eyebrows and followed his eyes, which was almost like a dog's leg.Bees need to be raised, but how many and what species to raise need some advice from Professor Bruce's research team.

The more Professor Bruce looked at Qi Ping, the more he disliked it, and another mountain forest was destroyed; a mountain forest that had been a blessed land was taken by Qi Ping to plant mango trees.But two days ago, I discovered that a piece of mountain forest next to the mango grove has the tendency to become a blessed land, and the area will reach [-] acres!

Professor Bruce, who had just obtained some research results, was elated. He felt that he was about to figure out the reasons for these blessed lands.But soon, I saw Qi Ping, the owner of the small timber processing factory with a smile on his face, appearing, pointing fingers, and naturally cut down the forest cleanly and completely!

Capitalists are hateful, they only have dollars in their eyes, and they don’t pay attention to academics at all; now they just see that the blessed land is about to be born, and they immediately take a chainsaw and plan to cut down trees. This greedy look is really disgusting up!
"Professor Bruce doesn't want to talk to you now, the old guy is angry!"

Kate, who was sitting at the door, was playing a cuddling game with Pooh. It was a little funny to see Qi Ping's deflated appearance; after wiping off his sweat, he ignored Qi Ping.Pooh is waiting, it is showing its powerful strength now, if it can't beat the elder brother, then it can still suppress the elder sister in terms of strength.

"If you are not in charge, you don't know how expensive the rice is. He wants this and that with a big wave of his hand. I don't have to make more money. The development of the forest farm really needs too much money. We also need to develop a leisure resort. That money Now there is nothing to settle, and now we can only level the land first.”

Directed King Kong to fetch a bottle of drink, and sat down on the threshold to rest; the money is still not enough, there are too many places to spend money.

"Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai don't want to learn to speak now, you have to teach them lines as soon as possible. Our villa budget is not fully in place yet, almost all the income in the first half of the year was spent on the construction of the forest farm."

After all, it is a black bear with great power; the triumphant Pooh went to harm the butterfly, and catching butterflies is his favorite game.It is very fulfilling to beat the elder sister, but it is unwise to compete with the elder brother in strength, it is better to get revenge when you grow up, now it is better to be honest and play cute.

"They ignored me. They told me in the morning that they wanted to go out to play, and when they came back after playing, they yelled for food. Playing wild, the proud appearance when they were young is an illusion. These two guys are sullen and greedy. Typical of playing, they are more playful than the lively Pooh and King Kong."

Looking at a squirrel standing on the big tree in front of the door, it made a grimace to scare these little things rubbing against the ground; but it didn't show face, it turned around and pointed it at Qiping with its big tail, and continued to eat the delicious food Pine cones are more important.

After receiving the drink that Qi Ping handed over, I didn’t dislike that Qi Ping drank it; Kate was a little funny, the little guys were very clingy when they were young, but now that they have grown up, each of them is highlighting their own The character will also become more mischievous.Although they may seem clingy at times, they are more often than not mischievous.

For the big brother Qi Ping, the little guys are naturally very close; but the little guys will not become the big brother's followers, they have their own lives.It's like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, they can fly when their wings are hardened, and often they don't pay attention to the big brother Qi Ping, and even fight with the big brother; now this kind of virtue, why haven't I seen the big brother for more than ten days? He looked out of his mind.

King Kong sat next to Qi Ping and Kate and played with his toes for a while, but he was not interested and continued to sit here in a daze; he dragged out the golden cudgel he had collected from behind the door, and continued to smash flowers and plants.It's not just the eldest brother who knows kung fu, King Kong can too; aspiring to become a big man like the idol Monkey King, King wouldn't just sit here and chat just now.

The little ones ran away to do their own things; the construction and development of the forest farm is in full swing, but for Qi Ping, he is still enjoying a leisurely and comfortable life.

(End of this chapter)

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