America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 153 Falling into Money Eyes

Chapter 153 Falling into Money Eyes

"Delicious!" Driving straight to Los Angeles, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai were about to shoot an advertisement, "I want you, California walnuts! Remember, just speak well, and I'll let you guys hang out when I get back."

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai can actually talk a lot, and the most slick ones are self-introduction, Qi Ping and Kate; they also talk about their simple wishes, such as going out to play and getting hungry.These two guys belong to those bastards. Although they are very smart, they really have no intention of studying hard. They are too playful.

"Have you learned it, we want to make money! If you don't help me shoot the advertisement well, our house will be closed soon, waiting for you to make money!"

Looking at Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who were absent-mindedly standing on the seats, Qi Ping felt a lot of pressure.If I had known it earlier, I would have taught them a few days in advance, so I didn't use it to sharpen my guns like this now; I was too careless, overestimating the learning ability of these two little guys, or underestimating their playful character.

"I want you! Follow me and say it a few times, you must learn it, this sentence is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars!"

The head is as big as a bucket, and Qi Ping is suspicious because Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, who were arrested today, are playing passive resistance. The two guys were arrested before going out to play this morning, so the two guys are not in a good mood. He is already depressed now, feeling unhappy that he can't fly around in the mountains and forests.

King Kong sitting in the co-pilot is the best, honestly eating fruit, it doesn't matter if he can't play the golden cudgel in the forest farm, the most interesting thing is to hang out with the big brother.Where to play is actually not the most important thing, the key is to see who you play with.

King Kong can open the door by himself, the little guy is still very smart; pull his small fruit bag from the co-pilot and hang it up, although the fruit bag is already empty, but there may be fruit later, just put on the small bag In order to pack a little more fruit.

As soon as Qi Ping opened the car door, Pooh, the chubby little bear, jumped out of the car. This big little black bear really doesn't like to be nestled in a small car, and the big sofa at home is more comfortable.It's better to growl a little to feel more comfortable, stretch and move your muscles and bones by the way to feel comfortable.

"It's a bit playful, sorry!"

The commotion just after getting out of the car scared many people, and even scared several children to tears; it can only be said that Pooh has a bad reputation and has too much deterrent power.The younger brother made a mistake, of course Qi Ping apologized quickly.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai were fighting with Qiping, angry for not being able to go out to play; but nestled in the car, it was even more uncomfortable.Two colorful parrots jumped out of the car, landing on their shoulders with a flutter of wings.

Pooh has grown up now, and he doesn't hug Qiping's thigh like he did when he was a child;Pooh still knows that he can run around in the forest, but when he comes out, he has to follow in the footsteps of his elder brother; the little guy is very smart, although he looks a little fierce.

Leading a chimpanzee in a leopard print suit, two parrots half a meter in size from head to tail are on the left and right shoulders; they look weird and quite attractive.Qi Ping is used to it, and it is difficult to take these little guys out without attracting attention; anyway, with the IDs of the little guys, there is no need to worry about complaints or police.

Qi Ping is just a small role, so he doesn't necessarily need to be entertained; but Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are small stars.Celebrities and small stars are sometimes treated very mediocrely; but for some big names, they can play big names, and they will get more stars like the moon.

It's a big profit, because it has received a lot of attention during this period, and because these reliable younger brothers have made a name for themselves, the status of Qiping has risen with the tide.As soon as he entered the set, he was taken care of by many crew members.

The chair was moved, and Qiping sat on it with peace of mind; Pooh didn't care about so many strangers, and his big head rested on Qiping's lap.Vajra looked at Qiping eagerly, and after seeing Qiping nodded, he happily took the fruit handed over by the staff, and it was very happy to eat.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai stood on the chairs arrogantly, not planning to talk to others; it's just that these two little stars have a lot of things to do today.Not only do you need to say commercial lines, but you also need to remember some simple positions. Anyway, it sounds like a very profound knowledge. Qi Ping’s task is to direct them not to draw with the help of the director.

They are no strangers to the set, the little ones basically advance and retreat together, they have filmed several commercials together, and they are really no strangers to such occasions.Not to mention being like a fish in water on the set, anyway, you will never feel flustered, and you can even hang out and play games on the set with ease.

Now I really need the help of these little guys. The family needs to build a house, and they want to build a very luxurious and comfortable manor. Although they don't expect them to bear all the expenses, they have to make some contributions.Life is still very interesting, it is better to find something interesting to do.

The more you earn, the more you spend; especially now that there are too many development and construction plans for forest farms, which require a lot of money.There is no such thing as a tight capital chain, and it is definitely not ample anyway; now it is a good plan to get some pocket money by the way, and Qi Ping thinks that such a life could not be better.

"Mr. Qi, have you ever considered officially entering the entertainment circle? They have great potential and will become the best star in the animal world." I don't know where the agent came from, but what is certain is that I want to sign King Kong them.

No one has money to live with. The famous Grumpy Cat is sought after because of its stinky face. Its owner has earned nearly tens of millions of dollars through book publishing and beverage sales, and even has an exclusive manager to arrange "schedules" for it.And King Kong, they are so smart, they have greater potential.

"It's too tiring. They don't necessarily like that kind of life. And they like to play games in the forest farm. They arrange announcements and attend activities every day. It's really tiring. That's not the life they should have." Although these little guys Occasionally do part-time jobs, but it is not enough to become a real star, such a life is too hard.

"No, Mr. Qi, I don't think you understand what I mean. They can continue to live as they are now, except for occasional commercials or movies, and there is no need to increase the workload at all. It's just that we need to tap their talents to a greater extent. Commercial value, I mean your current operating methods are too basic, and even let Liang Shanbo's value drop a lot." The manager looked heartbroken, and he looked down on Qi Ping, a layman.

Qi Ping's eyes widened. One of my advertisements will earn more than 50 U.S. dollars. How low-level is this kind of operation?Is there any mistake, I sat at home and picked things, but those advertisers are still very popular with King Kong.I am like this, this is hunger marketing, okay, there is no need to belittle my ability so much!
"Their appearance fee can be higher, and we can't judge by the usual price or fame. King Kong and them are not only cute, but the most attractive thing about them is their intelligence. And Mr. Qi, I don't know if you have Never heard of Creative Artists Agency (CAA), they represent a lot of clients, and one of the most famous marketing methods is bundling.

Qi Ping was stunned, but he had heard of this CAA agency; there were actors, tour guides, and editors... So if you want actors under CAA, you have to use CAA directors and screenwriters.Although it is not the earliest performing arts agency in the United States, it only took them 30 years to complete the legend that their opponents failed to achieve after a hundred years, occupying half of Hollywood; most importantly, such bundled sales can increase the number of agents worth and earn more money.

Qi Ping really didn't think about this. He just did the simplest way of operation, that is, after receiving the invitation intention, he studied the advertisement and the like. If the price and product were suitable, he might consider taking the job.Qi Ping didn't think about this at all, that is, he could make more money without increasing his workload.

Now it is others who want something from him, and he has the capital to pick and choose; so at this time, it is only natural to make a little more money, and there is no reason to be troubled by money.This is a very good way. Although Qi Ping is a layman and doesn't know much about being a broker, he really needs to find a professional person to be reliable, so as to maximize his benefits.

Big-name celebrities, in fact, may not necessarily have a heavy workload, but they can earn a lot of money.This is the reality, the characters occupying the top, they can receive the greatest benefit at the least cost.King Kong and the others fully possess such capital and conditions. They can become big shots, and they can make a lot of money by sitting at home and doing a little work.

I am a little proud, and I feel suddenly enlightened; since we need to further develop the forest farm and need more funds, this may also be a very good way to make money, at least I don’t need to worry about not having enough pocket money.Looking at the foolish looks of these cute little guys, Qi Ping seemed to have seen a lot of dollar bills.

It's just that these little guys still don't realize that the most trusted elder brother has fallen into Qian's eyes.The little ones had a great time, and they didn't care about filming some commercials. Anyway, they will go home soon, and because the big brother is by their side, they can play games with peace of mind.

Continue to shoot commercials, and also consider the future development arrangements of the little ones. This matter is not a trivial matter and must be taken seriously!

(End of this chapter)

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