America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 156 The Fun of Games

Chapter 156 The Fun of Games (Subscribe)

"Honey, quickly put the barbecue grill and bamboo charcoal into the car, and don't forget the vegetables and fruits!"

Kate directed Qi Ping, she was very proud, she knew that the girls who came to the tree farm with Steve were very envious of her.Kate knew this, she knew girls thought they were lucky, and Kate didn't deny it.

As for those girls who may be pretty, Kate is not worried that they will give Qiping a glance; Qiping is not a character who only likes beautiful women, and he is definitely not a playboy like Steve.These girls with heavy makeup are definitely not Qi Ping's favorite character.

"You guys go ahead, just follow Kate, she takes Pooh and Rudolph. King Kong wants to ride a horse, and I have to prepare to take them behind."

After moving the supplies, Qiping’s busy work is not over yet; Kate is driving the pickup, and Steve’s car just needs to keep up.Qi Ping, of course, is riding a horse; King Kong also wants to ride a horse. Not to mention, the docile mare Jenny wants to show her presence; There will be some troubles, King Kong is a little too naughty sometimes.

"Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai! Going out to play games, we have to go!"

Qi Ping roared, and there was no movement for a long time; Kate started the car, and two screaming parrots flew out of the woods and landed directly on the back of the pickup.

"I still know them, and I'm playing hide-and-seek. My dear, they are as playful as you, you just need to make a false impression, they are as easy to be fooled as you, so that you can improve your efficiency!"

Kate raised her eyebrows triumphantly, and started the car after contemptuously. Pushing and hugging King Kong onto the horse, repeatedly emphasizing that this time the horse will run, and keep up so as not to speed up.Seeing King Kong holding the rein honestly, Qi Ping was relieved.

With a light flick of the rein, Heitan ran knowingly; this is a smart little guy, except sometimes he doesn't do his duty well.Heitan ran, and Jenny naturally followed; it was not as intelligent as Heitan, but it was not particularly stupid, and it knew that it needed to keep up with Heitan at this time; as for whether it was carrying a human or a chimpanzee, Jenny I don't care, I'm used to it, even the little chubby bear will occasionally lie on the horse's back.

Heitan's speed is not slow, but it must be slower than that of a car; Qi Ping had just arrived at the Muse Lake when he saw a large group of people standing by the lake.Qi Ping already knew what happened, and Pooh must have gone into the water to catch fish.

The originally fluffy and soft hair is wet on the body, and Pooh doesn't care; black bears can swim, and the water here is not too deep. Pooh gets excited when he enters the water. This is not just a fun game, because of luck Well, maybe you can catch fish.

"It doesn't seem to be able to catch fish, right? The black bear should be able to catch fish, but Pooh has been in the water for a long time, and he hasn't caught a single fish. It looks very powerful and strong, but I can't see it catching fish sign."

Seeing Chip approaching, Steve started asking questions; Muse Lake was stocked with fish, which Steve knew.One of the staples for lunch was delicious fish and it looked like we were going to be disappointed as we were expecting more from Pooh.Pooh isn't catching fish at all now, it's more like swimming.

"Expect it to catch fish? I think you are crazy. It is more reliable if you catch more fish. It will wait and open its mouth to eat the ready-made ones. Don't look at it always looks like I am very good and I work hard. It's just blind self-confidence, no ability. You can't catch fish or hunt. You can't eat meat without cleaning it, including fish that have to be scaled and gutted. Expect it to serve you, stupid! Don't think about getting something for nothing, man I need to take care of my family by myself.”

He took out a pear from his pocket and threw it into the water, and Pooh, who was swimming happily, was excited; there was no way to catch fish, they were too fast, and they always swam away from his mouth ; but catching pears in the water, Pooh is very good at it.He took a bite of the pear, swallowed it thoroughly, and continued to wait with his mouth wide open. It couldn't be just a pear, he couldn't get enough.More is needed, and Pooh believes that Big Brother will not let it down, it is impossible to just carry a pear.

Seeing Pooh like this, even though he has known Pooh for a long time, Steve still feels the corners of his eyes twitch; is this still a black bear, is this still a fearsome forest overlord?Look at this black bear with its mouth wide open waiting for fruit to drop from the world, this is the real rascal, a typical representative of lazy food!
"Let's catch more fish for lunch. The fish in Muse Lake are growing well and taste good, which is not worse than some of the top fish on the market. It doesn't matter if you want to swim, do what you can; the water temperature is not particularly cold, and the bottom There are no aquatic plants or the like, it’s safe. But be careful, the water is not too shallow, tell those girls, I don’t want to be a lifeguard.” Qi Ping reminded Steve that swimming in the water is fine, Such a lake of good water is naturally not to be missed. Swimming in Muse Lake will be a very fulfilling thing.

Throwing the remaining pear out at least ten meters away, driving Pooh and swimming happily to pick up the pear, Qi Ping clapped his hands in satisfaction; Pooh can't just eat, but also exercise, exercise for eating, Pooh does Arrived!
"I want to fish, you have to hang the bait for me. I don't like bait, and I won't take the fish off." Moving down the small stool, it is not convenient for Kate to swim in the water, but she must also occupy the same level to prevent him Go swim with those girls.Although Kate is very relieved about Qi Ping, she will never allow him to pass by.

"No problem, I'll help you. I'm your best assistant. I'll just sit in the water and cheer for you with King Kong." After changing into the swimsuit in the car, I was actually shirtless and wearing swimming trunks; Because those friends of Steve are here, they can jump into the water directly in their underwear, and they don't need to be so sloppy.

Steve and his friends couldn't wait to get into the water. This is a great small lake. The feeling of swimming here will be much better than swimming in the swimming pool, and it will not even be worse than swimming in some well-known sea-view holy places.

Of course the girls like to play games here, such as swimming; although they may not be able to swim, but there are swimming rings; Muse Lake, the name is great, just like this name.Muse is the general term for the nine ancient goddesses of literature and art in Greek mythology who are in charge of art and science. Muse often appears at gatherings of gods or heroes, singing and dancing, showing off their demeanor.

Steve and the other two boys are having fun, the girls are swimming and they can pretend to be swimming instructors, especially since the girls are all in bathing suits.If you make a lot of money, it would be great to have a small lake in the forest farm, and it can even be more rewarding than going to the beach.This Muse Lake has brought more good impressions to Steve.

"Pooh, go away!"

Kate laughed and shouted, and Pooh swam over unknowingly, it is wreaking havoc now, so where can I still fish, and they will completely scare away the little fish.

This boy Pooh is really not reassuring. If you like to play in the water, go play in the water; we intentionally left those swimming crowds at least 100 meters for fishing, but Pooh persistently chased after him, so it was fiddled again. The fishing line is also for diving, so where can I go fishing here?

"It might take a little fruit to trick it away, or let it go to Steve." Qi Ping is ashamed, but luckily it's just Pooh doing sabotage, Kate will happily think this is a game; if Qi Ping If you are making trouble, you will be thrown into Muse Lake, and the treatment is not as good as that of Pooh.

"Go and chase it away, I want to fish today. It is easier for you to gain its trust, you have two choices; one is to take it to swim with you, and the other is to let me throw you into the water! Take away your nasty little brother, before I catch two fish!" Kate showed her power, she knew that she really needed to take Pooh away now.

"Don't worry, I'll catch this little naughty ghost, I'll just sit here, and I'll go ashore as soon as you catch a fish!" Hurry up and chase Pooh with his dog. Just sit in the water; it's Pooh's way to find a chance to swim.

Having fun, Pooh slowly swam towards the shore with his big head on top of him; King Kong, who couldn't swim, could only be in a hurry, and stood carefully by the shallow water, holding a handful of water with his little paws He patted his chest, and it was considered a swim.Although chimpanzees can learn to swim, it takes too much effort. King Kong doesn't plan to learn to swim, it's not worth it, it's better to play in the water a little bit.

Rudolph the deer was also taken into the water by Qi Ping, he is now Kate's darling, so we can't neglect him; in fact, Rudolph is not bad, although he is a bit stupid, but the little guy is very naughty, but very lively and interesting, It also brings a lot of fun at home.

Kate is fishing happily, and her assistant Qiping is waiting in the water, waiting to hang bait, catch fish, and help Kate; King Kong and Pooh, these are Kate's cheerleaders, cheering for the eldest sister.As for Kate, just cast the hook into the water and wait patiently. This is the main way she fishes, and it is very rewarding.

Steve and the others were swimming and playing with the girls; that wasn't how Chip and Kate played, and that wasn't necessarily what they were happiest about.A family fishing here quietly, although they may not be able to harvest as many fish, but it is also full of fun, the family is the happiest when doing one thing together.

This is just one of the joys of Qiping and Kate's life. Even if they often fight and fight sometimes, they will be full of joy!
(End of this chapter)

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