America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 157 A Little Trouble Is Coming

Chapter 157 A Little Trouble Is Coming
Pooh is now the type who can’t walk. It’s not that he can’t walk because he eats too much, but because he is greedy; Kate has a bumper harvest and caught five fish.The group of beauties brought by Steve also came to fish after playing in the water, and finally there was something that could guarantee that there would be no shortage of fish for lunch.For lunch, there was still plenty of fish, even though Pooh ate a lot.

Pooh is following Qi Ping now, because Qi Ping is washing the fish now; roaring from time to time, if the elder brother doesn’t feed the fish to him, he can really consider pushing him from behind, so that the elder brother will fall into the water Yes, these washed fish belong to Pooh.

The washed perch was stuffed directly into Pooh's mouth; the bear was really hopeless, he caught so many fish, he just moved his mouth if he wanted to eat it.It’s fine if you don’t have the ability to catch fish in the lake. This is still the type that is lazy and expects others to serve you. You have to remove the scales and guts to eat. Is this still a bear? !
"Qi, why does Heitan like drinking?"

Eva, who was wearing a gauze dress with choppy waves, ran over. For Qi Ping's little brothers with weird personalities, the girls thought they were very cute, and naturally they also felt quite strange.

Talking parrots are very smart. Although they are very playful, they look very cold and arrogant; smart little chimpanzees are not even worse than some children in IQ, but sometimes they seem unreliable.The chubby little bear is very clingy and playful.The most unreliable thing is that dark horse, for example, he likes to drink, and he still looks like a lot; even if he drinks beer, he actually wants cold beer!
Steve's beauties felt that it was an eye-opener. They had never imagined that these little animals could have such personalities before, and they never thought that these little animals could be so interesting.And these little guys have one thing in common, they are very playful, and they are all very greedy types; among them, Pooh, the little black bear who is always eating, is an absolute representative.

"You still eat meat. You can chop the beef finely. You can't avoid meat and wine, this is black charcoal." Without looking back, Kate is busy making barbecue now, but she will probably be under surveillance; don't mess around It's better to cast a glance, otherwise the eyes would have eaten ice cream, but Qi Ping's end is probably the type that will be miserable.

Qi Ping's attitude is neither enthusiastic nor desolate; these girls who think they are pretty know it. Although their capital is good, they really can't make Qi Ping's eyes stay longer.It's okay to be a guest, but if you want to make more friends, forget it, there is no hope at all.

King Kong was happily performing his martial arts ability, in fact, he was dancing around with his golden cudgel; It is reliable; the aesthetics of these audiences needs to be improved, it is too low-grade.

"Pooh had a lot of fun today, but he never noticed his own image. He likes to roll on the ground and swim, and he always messes up his hair. This is not a good boy, he just It looks so clean and tidy every morning."

Kate is a little helpless, looking at Pooh's current appearance; although it takes a bath every day, and even occasionally gives it a beauty treatment.But this guy seldom has fluffy and soft hair, because he is too playful and often gets messy on his body. He is really not a good boy.

"Its current life is to eat happily and have fun. Its image is not important to it at all. If it is a human being, it is probably the type that does not pay attention to appearance. Things like eating, drinking and having fun are its Favorite." Qi Ping felt that this kid, Pooh, really had nothing but eating, drinking and having fun.

Pooh and King Kong have now found playmates, that is, Steve and his friends; these people are strangers, but they are considered to know King Kong.Now I can show off my abilities and have fun with them; this is very interesting, King Kong and Pooh both like it.

"I finally know why you want to make a plan for a resort. There are indeed too many beautiful scenery here, and we can enjoy every day's leisure and leisure life." Kate smiled and turned the grilled fish to the side, and the sea bass It was directly used for roasting, a very luxurious treatment.

"The resort definitely needs to be suppressed. It can't be done at all now. It needs too much money to develop. The most we can do now is to ensure that our new home is well built." Qi Ping is open-minded, he knows that this is a long-term plan , I really can't figure it out now, "We hurry up and supervise them working overtime, so that when we get married, maybe our new home will be built."

"I think the lawn will be the best plan, so that Pooh and the others can play happily. And after we have children, they will definitely be very happy!" Kate is looking forward to it. A large lawn is the capital; The entire forest farm is owned by my own family, so of course I will enjoy the good life to the maximum extent.

In life, you don’t have to think about making progress; Qi Ping and Kate’s values ​​are like this, and having fun is what they look forward to most.To enjoy the beautiful life every day now, this is the dream of two young couples who like to live at home.It is really better to enjoy the good life now than to make a big career.

"Child?" Looking at Kate's stomach, Qiping pouted.

This time Kate frowned, seeing Qi Ping's eyes, Kate was quite uncomfortable; thinking about it, it was quite depressing, she and Qi Ping were both looking forward to having a child, but now it seems that there is no such sign at all.

"Do you need to go for an examination, I think this is very distressing, we don't do any contraception or anything. I think this is your reason, you don't seem to want children at all!"

Qi Ping is wronged, I really can't just blame me for this matter!It can only be said that luck is bad. Some things really cannot be forced, so there is no way. Now we need to continue to wait. There is not much way to deal with this matter.The mixed-race baby, he had been looking forward to it for a long time, but Kate's stomach didn't move for the time being.

The two of them soon started fighting again. Although they don't have any children yet, they both believe that they will have children soon; the most important thing is that they are still young, and they haven't even officially completed their wedding. Well, so there is nothing to worry about, there is plenty of time.

"If our house is built, we can buy a small yacht so that we can swim in the lake. Even if a resort is developed in the future, the number of yachts will not be increased; you can go to the lake and row your own boat. Here You can swim, you can fish, but there must not be too many yachts. We must not only ensure our absolute status, but also the environment of Muse Lake."

Qi Ping came up with an idea, the Muse Lake is so beautiful, so it can’t destroy the beautiful environment here; the lake in the resort is naturally very attractive, but Qi Ping will not over-develop it, this Muse Lake belongs to him The site needs to be well protected.

Kate agreed with Qi Ping's opinion that the resort can be developed in the future, but it must not be over-developed; and even if a resort is developed, it needs to ensure space, especially the private space of its own.Be it the small lake, the forest, or even the vast land in front of the house, they all belong to their own private space.

In the resort, other people come here just as guests, and they don't have the rights of hosts at all.

Steve and his friends lingered a little bit on this forest farm. Although it was only less than a day, it was enough for them to appreciate the beauty of this fairyland forest farm.Well deserved, I really had so much fun here, I really didn't want to leave like this.

Although these guys often prefer some lively parties, the hustle and bustle of big cities or some exciting games; but they are not fools, and the beauty of Fairyland Forest Farm is enough for them to yearn for.It's a pity that they are just guests, and it is really impossible to continue living here.

During the day, I had a great time playing; although Qi Ping and Kate entertain guests more as hosts, it doesn't matter.I had a leisurely and pleasant picnic with my friends at my forest farm, which was a very happy event; I can’t talk about any reluctance, but I think it’s enough to have a good day anyway.

Life is about to get back on track, and when guests come from afar, Qi Ping and Kate will entertain relatives and friends well; but they are not party animals, and it is impossible to just invite friends and friends to hold various parties every day.Although the current life is very leisurely, and there is no reason to be too short of money, but there is really no need to eat, drink and have fun with friends all day long.

There are still many things to do in life, especially the development of the forest farm, which requires Qi Ping to go all out; constantly tap the potential of the forest farm, carefully and carefully plan the next development plan, these are actually Qi Ping. What Ping wants to do, he also feels that he has done a good job.

Life should be plain and happy, but sometimes there will be some small troubles, and some unexpected accidents will disrupt the plans of Qiping and Kate.But it doesn't matter, no one knows what will happen in the future, and these little accidents sometimes bring some different fun.

Qi Ping has been prepared for a long time, so when some troubles arise, he does not panic or be at a loss; to solve troubles, Qi Ping feels that he has the strength!

(End of this chapter)

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