America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 159 Leisurely Mountain Patrol

Chapter 159 Leisurely Mountain Patrol

Hugging the trunk of the tree hard and trying to climb up, bears can climb trees; it’s just a little bear, Pooh is over a hundred pounds now, and he has long since lost the flexibility he had when he was a child. Climbing trees is a must for him. A huge challenge.

Seeing that Pooh climbed up to a height of one meter at most, and then shouted and showed off happily, Qi Ping had nothing to say; This "achievement" is a look of pride and complacency, it is really hopeless!
King Kong is more reliable. Chimpanzees are good at climbing trees, especially King Kong. They eat well and play well in the forest farm. Although they don't know how to hunt, tree climbing is a game for them, and they are very good at it.Now he is standing on the big tree trunk, yelling proudly; he is laughing at Pooh, who is hanging on the tree trunk like a fat intestine, that is a kid who can't climb trees.

As for Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who landed at a higher place, King Kong ignored it; it would be unwise to compete with two flying parrots to see who can climb the highest.As an intelligent chimpanzee, King Kong would never compete with a parrot for the highest climb, just like he would never compete with a parrot for a sharp nose.

"If I don't live to be a hundred years old, it's because of you guys! I've already thought about how I'm going to die, and I'm pissed off by you guys! I'm still young and in good health, and when I'm older, I'm more likely to suffer from heart disease and high blood pressure. blood pressure!"

Qi Ping was very annoyed. I did it this time for hunting and patrolling the mountains; but looking at the team of assistants I brought with me, apart from the conscientiousness in the southeast and northwest, the remaining few assistants are completely out of sight. status.Especially Pooh, this guy was originally going to be brought into the mountain to be trained, but now he only has to make trouble.

Bears are animals with a very strong sense of territory; but Pooh does not have this awareness at all, is there a mistake?In our family's territory, all the intruders ran to kill a deer, and you are still playing the game of climbing trees with peace of mind. It is really a shame, you are a disgrace to the black bear family!

Pooh, don't look at the big shoulders and round waist. Compared with black bears of the same age, they are much fatter, and their strength is not as good as the same level. In fact, they are not much worse.It's just that it is restrained, and it didn't go crazy when it was 'fighting' with Qi Ping.But at any rate, the black bear is more than one year old. Generally, the black bear of this grade can survive in the wild independently.

Shaking his head, Pooh seems to realize that climbing trees is really not the most fun thing, and it’s also because the elder brother is very angry; he squats cleanly and falls down, the skin is rough and fleshy, and he is not afraid of pain. The key is not climbing high. It is more convenient to fall down.Drilling into the grass is much more interesting than climbing a tree. Pooh just plans to play the game well, and don't care about the others.

Qi Ping's biggest mistake was bringing this unreliable assistant team with him. He thought that these little guys could be regarded as beasts after all, and they would grow up to be the overlords in the mountains and forests.But now let's see what this is called. He has become a nanny and part-time tour guide, taking these little guys to visit the mountains and rivers.


Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have enough sense of ownership, they often go to the mountains, they are considered aborigines; now that the eldest brother is in the mountains, these two guys are very happy, and they can entertain the eldest brother well.

The red fruit is almost round; it should be lingonberry, a wild fruit in the mountains.Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai used to bring some wild fruits home, but Qi Ping and Kate learned a lot.Although many of them may not be suitable for humans to eat, but the little brother has a heart, which is gratifying. They also know that they will share with their families when they find something good.

In fact, blueberry is a kind of lingonberry, but blueberry is domesticated by humans; it is a perennial shrub with small berry fruit trees, and it is normal for these wild lingonberries to have red and blue fruits.Among Qiping's next mountain forest development plans is the blueberry plan, which is a very delicious fruit and very nutritious.

Spreading their hands, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai were happy; the eldest brother liked such fruits, so they were responsible for picking the fruits happily.It doesn’t matter if I don’t eat a few, I usually eat them anyway; but my elder brother likes them, this is the greatest affirmation for them, these two smart little parrots are very happy to find these delicious fruits, and they didn’t play in the mountains for nothing!
Qi Ping, who was furious a moment ago, now enjoys the filial piety of his younger brothers with peace of mind. Although hunting is very important, it can't just be hunting.Now that we have already entered the mountain, we need to have a good understanding of some conditions in the mountain, such as the growth of these wild fruits. In the final analysis, it is because the forest farms are all on the same level. I know.

Bearberry tastes good, but you can't eat too much; your tongue has turned blue from eating too many blueberries, but Qi Ping doesn't care.I am quite happy to eat, and I feel very satisfied after eating a lot; the ability of the younger brothers is good, and they know how to find some fruits to honor, which is worthy of praise!

Well, this time the hunting and mountain patrol have changed, and it has become a mountain forest adventure and a tour of the mountains and rivers, Qi Ping takes the lead!

There is no sense of urgency at all, although Qi Ping is a type with a strong sense of territory, and after seeing his herd of deer being hunted, he became furious.But in the mountains, because of this group of unreliable younger brothers, he doesn't seem to be careful all the time now, and he is still very relaxed, walking around with the younger brothers.

Anyway, it's not a big deal, it's just that there are uninvited guests. Speaking of which, this land at the foot of the mountain can be regarded as a blessed land. Although there are some woods, there is no need to worry about hiding top hunters.The younger brothers are unreliable, but they still have some abilities, especially in the southeast and northwest.

At the foot of the mountain, it is estimated that there is a puma; it is good at climbing and jumping, and can be active all day long. It is the second fastest cat on earth.I like to live alone.Carnivorous, often hunt and kill various vertebrates in ambush for food.In North America, it can basically be said that they are large mammals second only to bears. This is the real top predator, and their natural enemy is bears!
Qi Ping thinks that the number of times he has entered the mountains is really not that many. Although he is a forestry owner, although he really likes hunting, the number of times he has really entered the mountains is really limited.It’s still a bit novel, and this feeling is actually very good; Qi Ping took his younger brothers to step on the spot in advance, and he can show his skills when the hunting season comes.

"We can't just be busy looking for food, we have to do some serious business. You have to cheer up and look for it for me. Don't be like this, it's too bad Let’s get on with it! It’s fun here, I’ll bring you here next time, this time we have to do serious business, or we’ll be scolded by Kate when we go back.”

Breaking open the custard apple, the flesh is white and dense, and the taste is still very good; just eat a little bit, and there are a lot of fruits in the pocket, which can be nourished while patrolling the mountains.But you can't forget about the business, if you go home with a big belly, you will probably be severely criticized by Kate, and you have to think about doing some serious business.

They ran happily in the southeast and northwest, sniffing and sniffing everywhere. There is no need to doubt their abilities; although Pooh, who had a good time playing in the mountains, does not have such a good sense of smell, he can fish in troubled waters. This big guy is in the mountains. There is still some sense of existence, anyway, little rabbits, little pheasants and the like are driven around.

King Kong is more reliable, it doesn't like running around in the mountains; although the idol Sun Wukong is very powerful, King Kong, who follows the idol's footsteps everywhere, now has some cleanliness.When I was at home, there were not so many dead branches and leaves, and the soles of my little feet were dirty, which made me feel very uncomfortable. It is better to hold the hand of my elder brother and choose a clean path to walk.

Forget it, I have nothing to say to these little guys, they all have their weird tempers; tired of picking fruit, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are now on Qiping's shoulders, it's really not Nothing to say.Qi Ping is now more aware of these little guys, it's one thing to be playful, but another thing to be lazy.

Now only Pooh is left full of energy, running around; east, west, north and south, he has been conscientious from the beginning, which is the only thing that makes Qi Ping feel more comforted. It's not reliable, and it can't be regarded as Qiping's complete failure, and there is still a little redeeming point.

I actually found some wild animals in this mountain forest near the door of my house; but most of them are small animals, some small pheasants, squirrels or rabbits.These guys can be said to be no threat. Qi Ping thinks that the existence of these little guys is actually filling the numbers, or filling the stomachs of those large carnivores.

There was a big blow to a red cat. In fact, the red cat can also be called a lynx.The lynx can be regarded as a medium-sized beast, and it is also part of the hunter in the mountains and forests; but now it is only in a situation of fleeing, and the opponent is too strong.

The roaring black bear was chasing after him, and there was a chimpanzee who was holding a stick and barking, chasing after him; the most important thing was that four hunting dogs that were not his size ran over ferociously, trying not to run away are difficult.If you climb a tree, there will be chimpanzees chasing you, and if you run on the ground, the enemy will be more powerful.

It was really a disaster, and I was taking a leisurely nap, but a group of evil stars came out of nowhere and ran over; why are you still sleeping now, if you don't want to die, run away quickly.

Seeing these little guys happily chasing the lynx, Qi Ping laughed; although the little guys only think that chasing the lynx is a game, Qi Ping has a sense of accomplishment, and the little guys at home are still very good!

(End of this chapter)

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