America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 160 One more preparation

Chapter 160 Prepare More

"Liang Shanbo, what did you do today?"

Although Qi Ping looks a bit dusty, Kate will not believe the illusion she sees; hearing is believing and seeing is believing, sometimes it is really wrong.It's more reliable to listen to it, she has eyeliner.

Qi Ping's face suddenly changed, the legendary 'Cha Gang'!
Liang Shanbo and the others are indeed very smart, but this is only in relative terms, compared with their peers; playful, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are not tied together enough for some small ideas that Kate came up with when she turned her eyes.It is also impossible for Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai to play tricks on Kate, they have personalities that will not lie at all.

"Go and play! It's delicious!"

Liang Shanbo shouted at the top of his voice, even if Qi Ping didn't look ashamed; he hasn't entered the house yet, Kate has all the movements of the day under his control!

Glaring at the unreliable Qi Ping, it was all a good thing done by this unreliable leading brother; but Kate took the wild fruit from King Kong's hand with a smile, the little guys are very good, even though they played in the mountains One day, but I still remember to take home any delicious food, which is much better than that unreliable big brother.

Pooh is okay, unreliable little brother; squeezed away Kate and ran into the house excitedly, I was too tired from playing today, and now I need to rest.Watching Pooh climb directly onto the sofa and lie down, watching this guy lazily trying to stretch his limbs to occupy the sofa, this is the highest state of laziness!
"I knew you couldn't find something right away, and I knew you would definitely take them to play games with you. If you want to go into the mountains tomorrow, I will go too! You can't just take them to the mountains to play, I will also go!"

Kate pouted, and took Qiping's hand to act like a baby; now that she knew that Qiping was just going to the mountains to play, Kate would also go.Although the physical fitness is not as good as Qiping, Kate believes that she will not just be a hindrance, and she can also find some interesting games in the mountains.Kate was moved, and it would definitely be interesting to go into the mountains.

"It's really not just playing today. No matter what they find out, they think it's playing games. Don't trust these guys." Although Kate still looks skeptical, Qi Ping is full of confidence. Playing games and doing some things, "I met some small animals today, and even chased and killed a lynx. Although it escaped in the end, we really did a lot of things."

"Then I'm going too! I've never really hunted before. I'm curious. I want to be with you. I'd be bored if you weren't home. Rudolph ran off with the deer again. I can only Do something in the flower garden." Holding Qiping's hand and shaking it, Kate still likes to act with the big team.

Qi Ping nodded, and went into the mountain, but didn't find too many dangers, so he can take Kate into the mountain.Not only does Qi Ping believe that he can protect Kate, but also because Qi Ping thinks that entering the mountain will also have a very interesting game.There is no objection, this thing will be a lot of fun.

Kate smiled, put her arms around Flush's neck, and kissed him hard; she had the pistol strapped to her waist, and she was ready.Now there is no need to show your ability at all, which is naturally better!

Although I ate a lot in the mountains, they were just some fruits, not enough to fill my stomach; Kate made a big meal and prepared a lot of delicious food.Roast chicken, barbecue, as well as pizza, stir-fry and so on, are prepared in abundance; let’s reward these warriors who protect their homes. Although they ran to the mountains to play games for a while, their most important task is actually to protect their homes.

Enjoying this warm dinner very much, Qi Ping was telling Kate some things he had seen and heard in the mountains today; The son dared not go home because these guys were playing with the lynx like a cat and a mouse.

Kate is praising King Kong and them vigorously. The little guys are very powerful. One of the most powerful animals in the forest is hunted down and killed in a very embarrassing way. This is enough to explain a lot of problems.It must be praised well, the little ones are not only smart and cute, but also have excellent abilities, but they don't usually show it very much.

"Boss Qi, do you have any place to live? I plan to take my wife to the United States for honeymoon. Can you let us stay there for two days?" The phone rang, and it was from my friend Qin Biao.

"Round-trip air tickets are not included, and board and lodging are all included. I said that you have been organizing your wedding for a while, and now you want to go out for your honeymoon?" Qi Ping was happy, and of course his friends would be very welcome when they came, "What are you guys doing?" When the time comes, I’m sure it’s okay to entertain you. I’ll take you to eat, drink and have fun, the forest farm is still very suitable for vacation.”

Qi Ping is full of confidence in the forest farm. There are mountains and rivers here, and the environment is first-class; vacation here is of course a fantastic treatment.Needless to say, entertaining friends to come to the forest farm for vacation; Qi Ping still has a little show off mentality, although he has posted a lot of beautiful photos of the forest farm in the QQ space, but Luo Yi is the only student who really saw the beauty of the forest farm.So when Qin Biao came, he had to be warmly entertained.

It is more convincing to say a thousand words and ten thousand, but it is really better to come to the forest farm to see for yourself.

"We are not like you as a big boss. We have a lot of time and freedom. It is not easy for us to take a leave. It is said that it is a honeymoon. It is only ten days before and after, which is not bad. I plan to go to If you want to see the US emperor, you can’t just stay at the forest farm, it’s too quiet; if you’re going to Los Angeles, Luo Yi will entertain you there. Your forest farm belongs to San Diego, right? Take us to see the west coast of the United States.”

Qin Biao felt that his arrangement was very good. He went to Los Angeles to experience the prosperity of big cities, to see Hollywood, the Avenue of Stars and so on.You can also go to the forest farm to experience the leisure and comfortable life in the forest farm; then go to the seaside to have a look, these are extremely beautiful entertainment arrangements, very fulfilling and looking forward to.

Well, Qin Biao has his own holiday arrangements, and it looks really good; Qi Ping thinks there is nothing much to say, just warmly entertain Qin Biao after he comes, and by the way pretend to be a native and arrange some interesting activities it is good.For other things, Qin Biao is already married, so there is no need to arrange other people's lives and plans.

"Qin will come to the United States? When, we have to entertain them well! This is their honeymoon, and they can choose our forest farm, which is also their trust in us!"

Kate is very happy, Qi Ping's good friend is also his good friend; of course it is very happy to entertain good friends, especially it is a good friend's honeymoon trip, which is even more happy.Like Qi Ping, Kate hopes that her relatives and friends will know the beauty of the forest farm; but among her classmates and friends, although some are married, none of them are close to get married during this period, and because some of her friends are busy with work, It is difficult to have time to come to the forest farm for vacation.

Hospitality is a characteristic of Qi Ping and Kate, and they are looking forward to these things; they are close friends, and there will naturally be more interesting things when they come to the forest farm.

"I will go to the United States the day after tomorrow, but they will play in Los Angeles for two days first. Hollywood and the like are very attractive to them. And I plan to go to see the NBA live. Now that it is the playoffs, I have to give them an early Book a ticket. The arrangement is quite substantial, and it should be pretty good. It doesn’t matter to us, we are tired from playing in Los Angeles and come to our forest farm to recuperate.”

Kate has long been the hostess of the forest farm, so she is naturally very concerned about the guests; this is not Steve bringing his female companions here, so more serious preparations are needed.In the final analysis, Steve's forest farm visits have their own arrangements, and they don't need the hospitality of Qi Ping and Kate; while Qin Biao's visit requires careful arrangements.

Well, Kate doesn't have much thought about hunting in the mountains anymore. She has other important things to do now;

Kate plans to be a full-time wife, so when guests come, she will be prepared to entertain them.Although Qin Biao and the others will spend two days in Los Angeles, they still need to prepare; for example, the room, vegetables and fruits at home, etc., Kate thinks she needs to do some big shopping.

Shaking his head, there is nothing to say now; once Kate enters the working state, then Qi Ping belongs to the state of watching from the sidelines.If you want to intervene, it's a woman's business, the stinky man should go away", Qi Ping has heard a lot of words like this, for example, when he wants to cook more meals, he is often kicked out of the kitchen by Kate.

Qi Ping is very busy, busy planning activities after Qin Biao's arrival; although the forest farm is already fun, there are indeed many good games here that are worth enjoying.But it is far from enough, because Qi Ping knows that he can do better; when a friend comes, of course he must return with a full heart, this is what the master should do.

Neither Qin Biao nor his wife had ever been in a helicopter; this would be very interesting, and it would be very interesting to take them to enjoy the beauty of the forest farm in a helicopter.I probably haven't driven a beach car before, so it's quite interesting to let them have a little fun.

Jenny, the docile mare, is about to come in handy. Riding a horse will be very interesting, especially since Qi Ping knows that it is too difficult to find a horse farm in China to ride a horse. Generally speaking, there is no chance to ride a horse.It has to be in the plan, galloping can be fun, even if it's just a little lap.

Take Qin Biao to the gun store to shoot a few targets, this thing can be done; then go to the strawberry garden to pick strawberries, it can also be done.Go fishing, swimming in Muse Lake, it's all available.

It seems that there are still many interesting things, but you can continue to increase the fun!
(End of this chapter)

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