Chapter 161
"Kate, you really don't want to go into the mountains with us?"

After checking my luggage, I was ready to go; I looked back at Kate who was writing and drawing. This is a woman who can act when she thinks about it.

Qin Biao is coming to the United States, and Kate feels that she needs to entertain good friends; so she needs to make a list and make a plan when she has no thoughts on mountain tours.Although Qi Ping seems that these things are really unimportant, it is better to be simple, and there is no need to mobilize so many teachers.It's too exaggerated, and it's stressful.

"Go into the mountains and play. I'm going to town or San Diego. I still lack some decorations at home. I've already contacted my parents. Joshua will send flowers in the afternoon. I need to pick some vases and put them in Guest room, so Qin and Chen will be happier. I'm driving the Aston Martin away today, this car is amazing! I also need to pick out some ties for you, we are going to Los Angeles tomorrow!"

Seeing Kate impatiently waving the small note, Qi Ping knew it; since Kate didn't want to go to patrol the mountains together, then forget it.Originally, mountain patrolling is a rather tiring thing, so Kate would just go shopping.

"Remember not to choose a tie that is too fancy for me. I don't like ties that are too bright. In fact, we don't need to make it so grand at all, just treat them to a meal."

"You have no sense of aesthetics and fashion, I have the final say! You guy who even needs me to help tie your tie, you have no choice, I have the final say! From now on, from your coat to your Underpants and socks are all matched by me! This is my business, you don’t need to worry about it!”

Qi Ping was speechless, Kate was obsessed and took these things too seriously; in fact, it was enough to simply entertain, who knew that Kate said with certainty that it would be impolite and enthusiastic to neglect the guests.

I’m also a little disgruntled. Although my buddy really doesn’t know anything about fashion, it’s not bad anyway; the most important buddy now has money in his pocket, and his underwear is Pierre Cardin, Prada and the like, so it’s not too bad. Bar.Dude is not a non-mainstream, exaggerated style that kills Matt, even if you don’t have a sense of fashion, you won’t be scary when you go out.

Forget it, it's better not to say too much, it's useless to say too much; think about it, I still feel wronged, I really don't like suits, it's too formal and serious, and it's more comfortable to wear casual clothes.As for not knowing how to wear a tie, it is even more unfair, but the way to tie a tie is relatively simple, unlike Kate who often researches what kind of tie to match what kind of clothes, which is too exaggerated, and the tie is almost the same.

Pooh ran at the front, it still remembered that it had a good time in the mountain yesterday; so when it saw that the big brother was going to enter the mountain, it became energetic and even a little impatient.Entering the mountains to play, this is the most interesting.It can't continue to delay here now, hurry up and play is what it wants to do most now, and it has even turned around and growled in a low voice to urge Qiping.

No way, now I can only be dragged out by Pooh; no way, this guy is too playful.Obviously it was good to patrol the mountains, but now it seems that it has become going out to play games.It's normal to be despised by Kate. No matter how you look at it, this is a somewhat unreliable behavior, which is really unreliable.

Just go out and play, although theoretically this will be a mountain patrol; Qi Ping still insists that he is going to patrol the mountains, just to play a little game, no big deal.

After waving with Kate, the unreliable little assistants have long been impatient, and the most important thing is to keep up with them.Speaking of which, Qi Ping can't wait any longer; mountain patrolling is still very interesting, Qi Ping thinks that now he can't just go to the mountains to play, but also catch the hidden top predator!
"GO! GO! GO! Move! Move! Move!"

Qi Ping waved his hand, quite like those American blockbusters; but his soldiers are Pooh and King Kong running in front, and the southeast, north, and south running happily.Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai with broken gong voices are typical parrots, and there are 'GO' and 'Move' again.

Kate laughed, seeing Qi Ping running towards the mountains with his little brothers like a king of children, Kate really thought it was very funny.Everyone is busy with their own affairs, doing what they like.The happiest thing now is that everyone is enjoying the beautiful life every day to the fullest.

The southeast and northwest are really happy. It's not like Pooh and King Kong have been with Qiping all the time, but the four of them can really be said to have grown up with Qiping since childhood.Although they are more responsible than the naughty and jumping Pooh, they are happiest when they can be flush with each other.

It will be interesting to enter the mountain; although I wandered in the mountain for a long time the day before, I really didn't find much.But Qi Ping doesn't think so. After repeated searches and large-scale investigations, although he failed to completely find the guy hiding in the corner, Qi Ping believes that he has ruled out some areas at a time, and now he has greater confidence in finding that guy. guy.

Hurry up, Qin Biao will be here soon, and Qi Ping doesn't have much time to continue searching in the mountains in the next few days.We should also pay attention to it. Although that guy hasn't caused too much damage, Qi Ping doesn't like his family's safety being affected; the herd of deer has been attacked, which also reminds Qi Ping that some things must be done. Pay attention to.

The search capabilities in the southeast and northwest are very strong, they are constantly expanding the search range, and they are constantly looking for some clues.As for Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, although they are not Costin, Falcon, etc., they can indeed provide some help. At any rate, they can be regarded as the air force, and they still have some strength, although these two 'air forces' are relatively rookies.

"We must find that guy today, we must! I will run out of time tomorrow, and I can't let him hide in the forest farm anymore. This is such a big piece of land. If we can't find that guy all the time, it's too embarrassing!"

Qi Ping felt that he was still under some pressure, because it was difficult to find the guy hiding in the dark; he had to hurry up, this was a big matter related to the safety and face of the forest farm, and he couldn't delay it any longer, let alone make a mess here. It is really irresponsible to give priority to traveling in mountains and rivers.

All of a sudden, the southeast and the northwest barked wildly, and pressed their front paws fiercely on the ground, making a pounce gesture; obviously, they had discovered something, if it wasn't because they didn't get the command to level up, they would have already rushed out.Speaking of it, hunting dogs alone may not be the opponents of top beasts such as brown bears, but when they play together, even tigers will shy away.

They have this potential and strength, plus the half-toned hunter Qi Ping is here, so there is really no need to worry about it now, because no matter how powerful the opponent is, there is no need to worry about it. What adversary threatens security.

Pooh roared angrily at the guy in the book, the same as in the southeast and northwest; although Pooh's voice is not strong enough now, it already has the demeanor of some top beasts.In addition to having a lot of partners around to protect safety, it is also because it has encountered a deadly enemy!
Its body length is just over one meter, and it is now entrenched on the dense branches; its head is round, its snout is wide, its eyes are big, and its ears are short; although it looks a bit like a cat, there is "lion" in its name, which means America lion!This is the top hunter, with gray brown hair, almost completely angry now, whimpering softly towards King Kong who is constantly beating his chest and feet!
"You dare to catch my herd of deer and don't think about it!"

After finding the culprit, Qi Ping became angry; especially this guy made an attacking gesture, which made Qi Ping feel even more angry.

In the Americas, the puma is second only to the jaguar.But it has a docile personality. Under normal circumstances, it does not actively attack people, but when people attack it, it will kill the attacker for self-defense.Some families in America capture puma pumas for domestication. When they grow up, they can live in peace with cats and dogs and guard the door like dogs.

But Qi Ping knew that the guy in front of him might not be easy to deal with, because he felt threatened, and because he needed food!Now that it has gone down the mountain to hunt for food, it has already tasted the sweetness, so it is really not polite, maybe there will be a next time, because it needs to fill its stomach!

It's not that Qi Ping's aim was lacking, but he did it on purpose; it's just a matter of scaring this guy. Le Ping doesn't care about the deer that was hunted, because he has no friendship, this is the law of nature.Qi Ping is actually not a soft-hearted person, but this puma is considered a low-risk protected animal after all, and it is better to leave a way out.

The southeast, northwest, and King Kong Pooh were all happy, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai also screamed and flew at low altitude; the puma felt threatened, and it knew that if the shot hit it just now, it would die.The opponent is too strong, so it has to flee, and it doesn't want to lose its life; these beasts have keen intuition, and they all know that their opponent is too strong, and now they need to avoid the enemy's edge.

It was a fun game, and the little ones remembered the fun of chasing the lynx yesterday; now it was a bigger toy, a fierce looking cougar.It doesn't matter, the little guys are powerful anyway, they don't think this cougar can pose a threat to them, so now they continue to play the game of 'chasing and killing'!

(End of this chapter)

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