Chapter 162

"That cougar was really disappointing. It didn't look like a beast at all when it ran away in embarrassment. Pooh didn't have enough fun playing. The cougar ran too fast and couldn't catch up. It's not as good as the lynx I met the day before yesterday!"

He was talking while driving, his words were full of contempt for the cougar; after all, he was also the top predator, but in front of King Kong and them, there was only escape.The most important thing is to run away, which is too embarrassing.

"You can pose a deadly threat to it with a shotgun, and there is Dongfeng's help. In fact, Pooh and King Kong are very good. Although they don't know how to use their power yet, they can really scare those beasts. !"

Kate, who was sitting in the co-pilot, pursed her lips and smiled. The little guys are very capable, not to mention just a puma, even a pack of wild wolves can only flee in embarrassment when facing such a combination.So the cougar didn't dare to turn back after being hunted down. This is normal, because the opponent is too strong.

The flush Aston Martin rapide comes in handy. This car really rarely has a chance to be driven out, and more of it is stored in the garage; there is no way, who makes the SUV more spacious.But if you go to Los Angeles now, you don’t need an SUV. If you don’t bring Pooh and them, then the space is enough, and the cool sports car is still very attractive.

"Brother local tyrant, I am very honored! Qi Da local tyrant is going to take me to dinner, I am so excited that I can't sleep! The plane is too slow, otherwise I would have arrived long ago!" Qin Biao began to talk poorly, He is in a good mood. "Aston Martin, I haven't sat in a supercar yet, remember to take a few photos of me and show off later."

"There is no seat for you, this is a two-seater." Qi Ping joked, his Rapide is a standard four-seater, "Go to my forest farm, there is a beach buggy over there, you can drive it around."

"Forget about the beach car, it's not attractive, it's like a kid's go-kart, I don't like it. It's more exciting to run a supercar. By the way, is there any difference between your car and an ordinary car? Let me enjoy it when I go to the forest farm .” I don’t care about Qi Ping, it’s still more attractive for a supercar.

"It's a bit different, but it's not a big difference if you know how to drive. You can enjoy yourself when you arrive at the forest farm. You don't have a U.S. driver's license. If you let you go on the road, I might cause trouble. It doesn't matter how you want to drive when you arrive at the forest farm. But I don't sit. In the co-pilot, I'm afraid there will be threats." Opening the door, the car is still big enough to sit in.

"I don't ride either. This car is quite high-end. I'm afraid he won't be able to play it well. He's a bit unfamiliar with driving, and I'm a little nervous about riding in his car." Qin Biao's daughter-in-law Chen Yan was dismantling the car. , Kate just met once, but they are also familiar, at least these names are not unfamiliar, and I know that they are Qin Biao's real buddies.

Kate and Chen Yan sat in the back seat, and they had their own topics; there was a little language barrier, but basically there were not too many problems.Qin Biao sat in the co-pilot and started chatting with Qi Ping.

"Go to The Original Pantry, the original kitchen! It claims to be a pure American-style steak. Luo Yi has reserved a place there, so let's go directly. Don't say anything else, since we're here, let's enjoy the flavor here ;Fortunately, everyone is young, and there are not too many incompatibility in taste."

Now that we are here, we should try our best to enjoy some American customs and customs as much as possible; taste the authentic American steak or gourmet food, and then go to some famous scenic spots.Such an arrangement will be fun and will make the holiday more fulfilling.

The taste of American food is relatively light. In fact, it does not necessarily mean that you can completely adapt to the American taste; but if you eat a little bit to adapt to these tastes, it is really not a problem.Qi Ping has long been a citizen of the world, and he may not completely like all kinds of tastes, but it is still possible to enjoy a little bit of food, and Qi Ping enjoys it.

Luo Yi and his girlfriend Nina have already prepared, and a delicious meal is waiting; although the American cuisine claims to have only one main course, considering that Qi Ping is a super big eater, one The main course is definitely not enough.Only a large table is full, abundance is the way to entertain guests, and the most important thing is not to be short of money!
"Let Nina and Kate take Chen Yan to Fashion Street in the evening, which is Ladies' Market, or Rodeo Drive. They will definitely like it, and shopping must be very interesting. It's a shopping paradise. When you come here, go shopping Alright. Let's find a bar or go directly to the hotel and have a good drink."

Luo Yi's proposal is very good, although Qin Biao and Chen Yan have just arrived, and they still need to consider the time difference; but since they are all here, everyone is still young, so it is important to hurry up and have a good time.Qin Biao and the others are short on time, and they can't stay for too long, so they still need to enjoy this trip well.

Having been unanimously recognized and welcomed, both men and women will have their own interests and hobbies.

Kate drove away Aston Martin, who said that women don't like luxury cars; in fact, Kate used this car more time, and usually drove Aston Martin when going to town or San Diego.But now that I go shopping, a good car is more comfortable; as for Kate's Ford, it has long been thrown in the garage, basically retired.

"I plan to take you to the nightclub for a while. We are all honest people. Just take a look. There will be no meat scenes. We still know what is good or bad. Go to the nightclub and drink a little, and then go directly to the hotel. Drinking in the nightclub is not good. Have fun, and you won't have so many scruples when you get to the hotel." Luo Yi smiled and arranged, saying that there are nightclubs in China, but the old-fashioned nightclub culture really has a long history, just go and have a look, so as not to make troubles just married Qin Biao was about to kneel on the washboard.

Don't look at Qin Biao's disdainful look, his attitude of being unfriendly when meeting friends; but when he got in the car, he snatched the co-pilot, and was even talking about whether striptease in the United States is very common or not.It seems that his request is a bit higher, as long as the news is not exposed, it is fine to go and see.

Well, both Qi Ping and Luo Yi are very strict-mouthed people, so of course they won't leak their words; just go and have a look together, the most important thing is to have fun.Looking forward and backward is not the character of Qi Ping, anyway, as long as you pay attention to the scale a little bit, there is no problem, there is no need to worry too much, these three big men still have a sense of proportion.

Qi Ping doesn't come to the nightclub very often, but it can't be said that he doesn't understand anything; Luo Yi seems to be a frequent visitor, although this guy keeps talking about business needs and the like.

This is fucking shit, you have to know that this kid is not a salesman, he wants to accompany customers to eat, drink and have fun; the most important thing is that the vegetables in Wonderland Forest Farm seem to be in short supply. Could it be that Luo Yi, the manager of the vegetable sales company, is often called Customers come to nightclubs to discuss business, and Americans are also used to discussing business at wine tables or hotels to engage in sophistication?

Congratulations, Lao Mei is finally making progress!
Eating, drinking and having fun is still a very happy thing. Both Qi Ping and Luo Yi think that they have done what a landlord should do.At any rate, I have two dollars in my pocket now. Since a good friend is here, of course it needs warm hospitality; eating, drinking, and fun are all included. Qin Biao’s mission is to have fun and enjoy the honeymoon trip!
"Fortunately, I prepared it in advance, I knew they would be drunk. Let them live here, I don't want to clean up this stinky guy after shopping!" Kate shouted lucky, she already had the foresight; She knows Qi Ping's virtue, and when a good friend comes, she will definitely go crazy.

Seeing Qi Ping and the others passed out drunk in the hotel, both Nina and Li Yan felt that what Kate said was right; although women like shopping, shopping is physical work, and now these stinky men are completely drunk, or It would be better to let them continue to fall here, otherwise it would be too troublesome to help them into the room, take a bath and so on.

Kate felt that Qi Ping stinks, and even more decided to let him continue to collapse in this messy room; well, now Kate is not as gentle and considerate as when she was just in love.Now it's more like between husband and wife, and some things won't be so detailed.

The smart Kate, Nina, and Li Yan lived in the suite next door, and the three drunk men were ignored; there was no need to worry about them catching a cold, as the air-conditioning system in the room was very good.Just let them get drunk, it's what they asked for!
The hangover was really bad, Qi Ping felt dry mouth and dizzy head; he only drank a little gruel in the morning, and sat in the co-pilot weakly, it was better for Kate to drive.That kid Qin Biao still has two days to play in Los Angeles, so he won't be going to the forest farm for now.

"Boy, how much wine did you drink?"

Eric has the attitude of someone who has come here. It's normal to be drunk, especially at a men's party. If you don't get drunk, it really doesn't make sense.He knew that Qi Ping was not a person who liked to drink heavily, and he knew that it was because Qi Ping's good friend came to the United States and got drunk with his best buddies, which was a good thing.

"I don't know how much I drank. I drank a little martini, brandy and whiskey in the bar. Then I went back to the hotel and drank a little beer and red wine. I was completely screwed. I woke up with no energy at all. Kate finally Damn, she knew I was drunk, but she didn't care about me at all. It made me feel like I was going to smell bad when I woke up in the morning, and that feeling was really uncomfortable!"

"That's what you asked for, you're not very drunk! Dude, I don't feel sorry for you, if I babysited you last night, I'd be exhausted! That's your men's party, I'm not going to spoil you party!"

Kate in the kitchen yelled loudly, seeming to be very considerate; however, her "considerateness" seemed a little disgusting!
(End of this chapter)

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