America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 163 Can't Miss One

Chapter 163 Can't Miss One

"Joshua, I really can't have too high expectations for you! I just want you to take care of the little ones for a day and see what you have done!"

After glaring at Joshua, who was pretending to be stupid, Qi Ping had already started to gnash his teeth; Joshua was really unreliable, too unreliable.

"Qi, black bears like to eat honey, there's nothing wrong with that! You know, I like Pooh as much as you, and it's not wrong for me to take it to taste honey, I insist!"

Joshua has no consciousness of making a mistake at all, and he is still brazen here, which is really disgusting!

"But those bees have just been transported into the forest farm. They haven't adapted to the environment yet, and they don't produce much honey now! Joshua, you are killing chickens to get eggs!"

It’s not unreasonable for Qi Ping to gnash his teeth. Joshua is such an idiot; he actually took Pooh with the idea of ​​three boxes of bees that had just been transported to the forest farm. Bears like to eat honey, so there must be Joshua in it Small calculation.He knew that everything produced by the forest farm was delicious, so the honey must not be bad.

"I didn't know this would happen, I've learned my lesson! Dude, stop talking, I already regret it!"

Joshua's regret was not that he opened the beehive with Pooh, but that he was stung several times due to lack of preparation.Although those bees were not very lethal, but Joshua did have several small red envelopes on his face, all of which were left by those bees.

"What I don't know is how you sneaked there. I believe Huang and the others will take good care of the bees. Boy, you asked for this. I remind you not to sneak there when Qi and Kate are not at the tree farm. Do something bad. Only Pooh believes in you, but it's as stupid as you!"

Eric was a little gloating. Although his youngest son was stung by bees several times, the boy was naughty and there was no problem after some beatings and beatings.Anyway, it was just a few small stings, and there were not too many problems at all; this is a good thing, it made Joshua a kid with a long memory, he was too jumpy, and this lesson came very timely.

Joshua had indeed learned some small lessons, and Qi Ping was too lazy to say anything; Qi Ping sometimes couldn't do anything about this brother-in-law.A half-grown boy, he is indeed a mischievous age.Anyway, Joshua has learned some lessons a little, plus there is no danger or loss, this is almost the same.

It's just that Qi Ping and Kate also got a reminder that this kid Joshua is really not very reliable, at least before he is not sensible, they need to guard against this naughty ghost.No one can guarantee that Joshua will have a long memory after this lesson, and it may be possible that he will not change his mind.

After being reminded by Professor Bruce, Qi Ping introduced three boxes of bees because there were not enough native bees in the forest farm; bees are very useful, and getting some delicious honey is just a trivial matter.The most important thing is to spread pollen. The forest farm now grows a lot of vegetables, flowers and even some fruits.Really need some bees now, pollination is important.

Qi Ping was looking forward to it at first, hoping to get some delicious honey; but Qi Ping also knew that the bees had just been transported to the forest farm, and honey production might not have started yet.But the result was good, Joshua took Pooh to pretend to be a honey thief, and these two unreliable gluttons almost succeeded in stealing the first batch of delicious honey produced by the forest farm.

The development speed of the forest farm is very fast, but sometimes Qi Ping can feel that the construction of the forest farm may not be able to keep up with the speed of the development of the forest farm; there are still many details that need to be constantly improved.These are very important, and Qi Ping is also working hard to fill in the gaps, hoping that the forest farm will develop better.

Dinner is here with Eric, and since they lived together with Kate, the two of them will come back every now and then; it's Kate's 'natal home' anyway, and it's very close, so there's no reason not to come back and so on.Having a meal, chatting, these are actually very good, especially now that we are going to start our own family, and we can spend less and less time with our parents, so both Qiping and Kate enjoy being with their families good times.

Pooh's mood is a little low, and he has not been stung by a bee because of his rough skin and thick flesh; but for this greedy guy, it is depressing to find a new delicacy and not be able to eat it.

I have eaten chocolate, and I often eat candy; it's just that Pooh hasn't eaten honey before.But now it's all right, the greedy worm has been hooked out, it's really hard to make it forget the delicious and sweet smell that almost hooked out the little heart.So he lay down at Qiping's feet sullenly, protesting and cheating while seeking comfort.

It is not an easy task to get rid of this little guy, but it may not be as difficult as imagined.It may be enough to give it a little delicious honey. This matter is actually easy to handle, and the difficulty is not too great.

Qi Ping is not a stingy person. In fact, Qi Ping has been calculating the honey for a long time. He believes that the bees in the forest farm are actually collecting the best pollen, so the brewed honey is naturally the best. up.There is nothing to doubt, the products produced by the forest farm must be high-quality products, Qi Ping firmly believes in this!
To be honest, it is difficult to be perfect everywhere, and it is impossible to have enough honey immediately; after all, those bees have just been moved into the forest farm, and it will take more time to adapt.Although those honeys have been pre-ordered a long time ago, I really can't just put on a look of can't wait now, talking about Pooh!
There are too many delicacies in the forest farm, but it's a pity that these little guys in the family are all gluttons, and they are the type who will not refuse food.Therefore, the pressure on Qi Ping is really not small, because he knows that no matter how hard he tries, it will not work, because the little guys really don't know how to be satisfied, they are always thinking about getting more delicious teething offerings.

"Now they don't like eating strawberries very much. I have grown a lot of strawberries at home, but they are really too greedy. I also planted some watermelons, which should be almost ripe. Other melons, grapes and the like are also very greedy. I have planted a lot, but it’s really not enough to eat. I really can’t do anything now. I have planted a lot of fruit trees. In addition to the large-scale fruit trees, there are also peach trees, pear trees, persimmon trees, cherries, etc., but these It takes two or three years for the fruit trees to bear fruit, and there is nothing I can do."

Seeing Qi Ping's worried look, Kate also felt helpless; there are indeed a lot of fruit trees planted at home, and these fruit trees are basically to meet the family's demand for higher quality fruits.But the little guys are all greedy little ones, and they may not be able to wait at all; even if it is peach trees and persimmon trees that bear fruit earlier, it is estimated that there will still be some pressure in the past two years.As for cherry trees, apples, etc., it will take longer.

"I think Pooh and King Kong may be in a hurry, but it doesn't matter. I believe that we will have a small range of fruit production starting next year. We must continue to enrich the types of fruits so that we will not lack delicious ones in the future." Fruits. Honey, our orchard needs to be continuously expanded, and I hope that if there is a next piece of blessed land, then we will not develop it and keep ourselves to plant fruit trees."

Kate's opinion made Qiping's eyes shine. This proposal is very good and must be supported.

Although it is true that a lot of fruit trees have been planted now, especially those fruit trees that are ready to be eaten by themselves, basically there are a few here and there, and it is not considered a scale at all.But now there are still many fruit trees that have not been planted. Don't think that the fruit trees reserved by oneself are very small. It really takes a lot of land to enrich the varieties.

Qi Ping thinks that Kate’s opinion is very good. It’s true that making money is very important, but more importantly, enjoying life; now, except for strawberries, you basically don’t worry about eating, and you basically buy other fruits outside, which is really not good. If it is too high-grade, it will lose the reputation of Fairyland Forest Farm; if you can eat enough of the top fruits, this is what needs to be done.

"I decided to plant a few lychee trees and banana trees. Although the climate here may not be the most suitable, it is not bad. We need to satisfy the tastes of the whole family, especially our children, When they grow up and know how to eat fruit, they can enter our orchard under the leadership of Pooh and King Kong, and they can eat whatever fruit they want!"

Kate's beautiful big eyes were fascinated, full of anticipation and longing; thinking of the cute children running into the orchard holding King Kong's hand, she thought this would be the most beautiful scene.And the orchard accommodates almost all the delicious fruit trees, which is naturally better, because the children will be extremely happy; not only have their favorite fruits, but also enjoy the fun of picking fruits by themselves.

"I'm really looking forward to another piece of land that we've developed. We need to hurry up and get ready, maybe we'll start now."

Joshua ate a large piece of barbecue speechlessly, and Kate was really crazy; if there is a new blessed land, just continue to plant fruit trees, just like the current mango groves and pear groves, there is no need to plant a variety of them of fruit trees.

I really don't understand the thinking of these rich people. What they think is to keep all the good things by their side, and they don't even think about whether it will pay a big price.Forget it, this is a matter for Kate and Qi, let them figure it out, anyway, Joshua feels that he can't understand the whims of these two rich people who only know how to plan their beautiful life.

Striving to make sure that none of them are missing, this is the new plan of Qi Ping and Kate; delicious fruits, just wait to settle down in the Fairyland Forest Farm!

(End of this chapter)

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