America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 165 Cute little guy

Chapter 165 Cute little guy
"The environment of your forest farm is really good. Not only is the air fresh, it always makes people feel lazy here, just want to sleep." Qin Biao thinks that being famous is worse than meeting each other, although he has heard that there are many forest farms in Qiping. Good or something, but it's not as important as coming and seeing, it's really great.

"You just want to sleep when you are lazy. My forest farm is refreshing. You can go and look up the information. The research results of several old professors are that living in my forest farm will definitely prolong your life. How about the legendary paradise, a fairyland on earth! Just look at my Pooh and you will know, although they have some spirituality, they are more intelligent because they live in forest farms."

The smart Pooh lay on the sofa, trying to stretch its limbs to occupy the sofa; there were more guests, and it was a little worried that its special seat would be occupied by others.Hearing the elder brother mention its name, he raised his head with some difficulty and gave a little cry to show that he knew it, and then lay down on the sofa while occupying the seat and sleeping.

Both Qin Biao and Chen Yan were amused to see Pooh's cute little appearance; this is not the cute little bear seen in the photos, only by getting in touch with it can they know how cute and naive this cute little bear is.And I heard some gluttony, clinginess, or likes to occupy seats, these are actually Pooh's cute performances.

"Chen, Nina, we will go to Muse Lake later, the environment there is also very good. The forest farm is actually not the best environment, but the area around Muse Lake has now become a wonderful place, we can go swimming , you can go to prepare a barbecue. And our flower garden, strawberry field, are very interesting. I think you will love this place, and it will make you very happy and comfortable on holiday here."

Enthusiastic Kate sent out an invitation, which she had already prepared.

"I know, we're all set. Rob has his swimsuits ready, he's been looking forward to Lake Muse for a long time, and he's got his fishing rods, he knows Qi keeps a lot of fish there. Our plans include swimming in the lake, Fishing and picnics, as well as forest exploration, horseback riding, DIY strawberry jam."

Nina talked endlessly, her boyfriend Luo Yi is a frequent visitor to the forest farm, and he is very familiar with the forest farm; he had already made preparations before coming here, and it was obvious that he planned to have a good time in the forest farm.

"We have the same idea. If Qin and Chen come to the forestry farm next time, there will definitely be more interesting games. As you know, the forestry farm is developing very fast now, but it has only been under Qi's hands for a year. The potential of the forest farm has not been fully explored. Believe me, we have already started construction on our new house, which is on the edge of Muse Lake. This is a lakeside villa, and we are already planning to buy a small yacht.”

Kate is not a person who likes to show off her wealth, but she likes to show it off in front of her friends; she has proud capital, because the new house will be better, because the forest farm is worthy of her pride.

"That will cost a lot of money. I heard that Qi Ping is always short of money. Two days ago, I received a call from Professor Bruce, asking me to send the money for vegetables earlier so that he can buy instruments. It is said that Qiping is building a house and engaging in development, and the funds are a little tight."

Luo Yi's words made Qi Ping and Kate stunned, followed by Kate's snickering and Qi Ping's appearance of eating a fly; although Professor Bruce couldn't get the vegetable payment directly, but the old hooligan had bad intentions and had already The idea of ​​​​the vegetables that have not been delivered yet, he has the demeanor of a master!
"Our new house is a joint effort of the whole family. Although Qi will contribute some money, our lovely Pooh, King Kong, Liang Shanbo, and Zhu Yingtai are the main force. They have already received 110 million US dollars in advertising fees, and they have all invested in it. To the construction of our new house. And there will be some advertisements in the future, our new home will be beautiful, we worked hard to build it together!"

Kate is even more proud, this woman with no ambitions is always thinking about showing off her little family; happiness, joy, unity... She has no reason not to be proud, especially the efforts of the little ones in the family on this matter Kate is even more proud. Her relatives and friends all know that the new house is basically created by Pooh and King Kong, and Qi Ping just made up his mind later.

Kate's goal was achieved. Qin Biao and Luo Yi stared at the super sloth Winnie the Pooh who was sleeping on the sofa with wide eyes.And Chen Yan and Nina covered their mouths, and then ran over to rub Pooh's big head; Kate's mission came, teaching Chen Yan and Nina to tickle Pooh.

"You can see the virtues of my Pooh. This kid is completely hopeless. I used to teach him to exercise or do things, but he didn't learn. He knows how to eat, drink and play without a teacher, and he is so lazy."

Watching Pooh roll over comfortably, half-closed his eyes to expose his belly so that Nina could tickle them, such a lazy look is really hopeless.This is not a bear. Generally speaking, the belly of animals will not be exposed easily, unless they gain their trust or show submission; Pooh doesn't care, just give it a massage, anyway, Qiping and Kate are by his side , it is also reassuring.

Luo Yi is better, Qin Biao's astonished eyes lingered back and forth between the chubby little bear and Qi Ping's face; this little bear's current humanized performance is completely due to Qi Ping's washing up The performance of sauna massage.He half-closed his eyes leisurely, and hummed a little bit to show that his strength is not bad.

Am I mistaken, is this still a bear? !

"I'm back!"

"I'm back too!"

Qin Biao was taken aback by the sound of the broken gong; then he realized that it should be the two parrots raised by Qi Ping, who can talk a lot.I can speak some Chinese and some English. It depends on my mood. Anyway, they can only speak some simple words.Think about it, too, such a strange and unpleasant sound, it is probably a parrot.

As expected, two colorful parrots flew into the house and landed directly on the table; they were obviously taken aback when they saw a large room full of people, but they didn't express much.

"I'm hungry!"

"I'm thirsty!"

In addition to the flushing of black lines all over the forehead, and Kate who was busy preparing food and drinks for the two little guys, Luo Yi and Qin Biao all laughed.These two brightly colored parrots are really powerful, making such a big commotion as soon as they come home; this small appearance is really the appearance of a child who is tired of playing outside and runs home to act like a baby to his parents.

"Liang Shanbo, I don't even know how to say hello when I see my brother, why are you so impolite now?"

Luo Yi teased Liang Shanbo, and looked at Liang Shanbo standing on the table with his head upturned. Luo Yi, who knew everything, knew that these two proud-looking parrots were actually very playful, not what they looked like on the outside. The ones that are so inaccessible are actually very playful and interesting.

"Hi brother, I'm Liang Shanbo!"

"Hi brother, I'm Zhu Yingtai!"

Not to be outdone, Zhu Yingtai had to wait to see it; she was still putting on an arrogant look, but when she saw Liang Shanbo being hugged by Luo Yi, she quickly flew to Luo Yi's shoulder, and started to shout at the top of her voice up.

Everyone laughed, these two little parrots are so pitiful, they are so cute and funny; Nina has only seen Liang Shanbo and them less than three times, so she naturally wants to play with them.But just when Nina was about to leave, Pooh turned over and hugged Nina's hand; the massage was so comfortable, how could he leave at this time!

Nina and Chen Yan couldn't laugh or cry, the two little parrots are very interesting, but this little bear is also very funny; they are all so cute, and it is Qi Ping and Kate who are able to raise such a cute little guy.I also envy Qi Ping and Kate. It must be very happy to be able to play games and live with these cute little guys.

King Kong came back, and King Kong who finished smashing flowers and plants was very happy; he dragged his golden cudgel back home, saw many people sitting in the living room, and smiled to say hello.Then it was very precious to put away the golden cudgel, and the weapon rack was right next to the door.

The laughter burst out, Qin Biao and the others laughed so much that they even had a stomachache.

The little orangutan named King Kong likes to practice martial arts and even knows Sun Wukong as an idol, but watching him come back with a golden cudgel is funny.And it's more fun to lean the golden cudgel upright on the coat rack in a very serious and serious way.

Because it is not simply to lean on the golden cudgel, it seems that some paranoid and obsessive-compulsive disorder require that the golden cudgel be placed naked is the most fun!
"They are just naughty, and none of them are worry-free. But they are all cute, and it is actually very interesting to carry them. Their presence here also makes my life with Kate a lot more fun."

Dotingly glanced at King Kong, this guy had just placed the golden cudgel just now, and then ran over quickly; grabbed the corner of the table and climbed up directly, sat on the table and grabbed the fruit from the fruit plate to feast on .

Skillfully tore open the banana, peeled the banana peel and stuffed it directly into his mouth; it might be impolite to think about it, brother Luo Yi is an acquaintance, so he had to entertain him.After being in a dilemma for a while, I grabbed a pear and yelled at Luo Yi a few times, then threw it over.

"There are others, don't be stingy."

Luo Yi received the pear, and became proud; see, the buddy and this little orangutan have a close relationship. This orangutan who was originally very enthusiastic but is now a bit stingy doesn't like to take the initiative to distribute fruits. It depends on friendship. Only those who have a solid relationship will have fruit!
(End of this chapter)

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