America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 166 Inviting Friends and Gathering Friends

Chapter 166 Inviting Friends and Gathering Friends (Please Subscribe!!!)
"I have a good relationship with these little guys, except for Heitan. The relationship with Heitan can't be said to be bad, but that guy is very arrogant and has a bad temper. He only recognizes Qiping, and I'm so envious. If How fulfilling it is to have a horse that recognizes its master.”

Luo Yi, who was driving the car, was very envious. Qi Ping rode Heitan, which looked very beautiful and handsome; will feel very envious.

"By the way, Heitan still likes to drink, right? You can drink too. I thought it was only in novels. Qin Shubao's horse likes to drink, and it was raised by a horse breeder among the Seven Monsters in the South of the Yangtze River Pony also likes to drink." Qin Biao was a little uncertain, but felt that the world was full of wonders, and the little guys raised by Qi Ping were all very unusual.

"Heitan has a lot of bad problems, not only likes to drink, but also likes to be lazy. It is often disobedient. I can guarantee that the little guys are very playful. It is just an illusion that they seem obedient. In fact, they are all Most of the time, I can't command these little guys. Especially Heitan, once it has fun, it won't be obedient, so it won't pay attention to Qi."

Kate is very clear that Heitan has a lot of bad problems, sometimes it really makes people love and hate it, it is definitely not the famous horse in the legend.Although she has also heard about the deeds of some famous horses in Chinese history, Kate knows better that Heitan is not as handsome as Chitu, and it is not as obedient and serious as those war horses.

Playful, this is a common problem of these little guys in the forest farm; but in the eyes of Qi Ping and Kate, it is true that the little guys are a little bit playful.But to be honest, Qi Ping and Kate both like the happy growth of these little guys, and they are a little bit naughty and even the connivance of Qi Ping and Kate.

Qi Ping was high-spirited, Heitan screamed and ran wildly, while King Kong and Pooh followed behind.It's really important to go out to play together, so that I feel very happy.

"Qi Ping, change clothes quickly, we will go swimming later!" Heitan's speed is not slow, but it is not as fast as a car; when he arrived at Muse Lake, Luo Yi and the others had already arrived, and now they are ready to start swimming.

"Okay, it's about to start. You weigh yourself, the water in the lake is actually not too shallow. It's okay, please be careful, don't tease Pooh and them, they are very strong and playful, They really don't know good or bad sometimes. It's more important to be careful not to be held back by it."

Qi Ping reminded and said, look at Pooh swimming happily in the water, Qi Ping reminded; Pooh is really a playful kid, if he has fun in the water, he might join the crowd.So still, it's better to be a little more careful, and don't overreach yourself to provoke this playful little guy.

After changing into his swimming trunks in the car, when he was about to jump into the water, Qi Ping was happy; Heitan had already jumped into the water, and now he also likes to play in the water.The sunshine in California is very rich, and it is summer now, it is more comfortable to swim in the water. It is actually very interesting to play in the lake.

He grabbed Rudolph the deer wandering on the shore, and jumped into the water under Kate's scolding; Rudolph the deer, he really doesn't like swimming and so on.But now, the little guy is shaking his head, with flush protection, Rudolph feels safe, and he likes to swim now, which is really interesting.

King Kong is in a hurry, it's the one that hasn't entered the water yet; Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai actually don't like swimming, as for flying birds, there are really few people who like swimming very much.As for King Kong, I still have some small expectations, but unfortunately its swimming skills are ridiculously poor, and it needs the most reliable escort escort before it dares to enter the water.

"Honey, hurry up and take care of King Kong, it's a little anxious now. Rudolph, leave it to me, the most important thing is that you take good care of King Kong, I don't want our little friend to be in a hurry when we are swimming happily Kate, wearing a swimming ring, went out and swam over to pick up Rudolph; Qi Ping, it's better to take care of King Kong. "We have prepared a lot of swimming rings and kickboards, so we can enjoy this game very well."

Flush and breaststroked to the shore, he grabbed a swimming ring on the side; clapped his hands, and the happy Pooh immediately jumped off.Although it can't swim, but seeing the most trusted big brother calling it, then there is nothing to hesitate, it believes that the big brother will protect it.

"The water here is not deep, it's just the shore. Let's go to a deeper place to play, don't be afraid. I will push you over, swimming is very fun." Put the swimming ring on King Kong, and watched the little guy get used to it. Now, Qi Ping felt very happy; pushing King Kong towards the deep water, this is swimming, "Our invincible King Kong is here, everyone applaud!"

They had a great time, even though Kate and the others couldn't swim, although King Kong could only wear swimming rings, even Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai just stood on the floating board obediently.But it doesn't matter, in the clear and refreshing Muse Lake, everyone is enjoying the fun of swimming and playing in the water.

"Pooh, we really can't catch any fish if you keep doing this, go, push King Kong to kill your elder brother!"

The men were sent ashore to fish and prepare lunch, and Luo Yi had a headache; King Kong couldn't swim, and the little chimpanzee couldn't move around with a swimming ring.But Pooh's swimming skills are not bad, and he came to join in the fun again, so that wherever he can catch fish, Pooh will only destroy it, okay?

With a roar, the happy Pooh set off slowly with his big head against King Kong, and now Pooh has mastered the skill of holding the swimming ring smoothly.King Kong is very happy. Although he can't paddle, the happy King Kong yelled and let the bear-powered booster work hard. He was happily enjoying the first swimming in his life, real swimming.

"Your little life is so nourishing and comfortable. All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred are not only because of the great environment of the forest farm, but also because there are too many interesting things on your side. There is no way, only a person like you can Enjoy this kind of life better." Qin Biao is really envious, Qi Ping's life in the forest farm is leisurely and comfortable, and full of fun, which is definitely a life that people yearn for.

"Think about it, his mansion over there is still under construction, but the scale is there. There is nothing to say about the top-level mansion, and the construction budget has not yet bottomed out. He lives by the Muse Lake, and there is another mansion at the door. Such a large lawn, how comfortable it is. You can also feel the environment and air here, prolonging your life, it is really like a fairyland on earth.”

Luo Yi expressed all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred. Although he has made some money now, as long as he continues to ensure the development of the sales company, the future should not be too short of money. He can be regarded as a rich man.But if you have money, you really may not be able to find a place in the fairyland forest farm, and you can't buy such a good environment if you have money.

"Envy? I can consider leaving a piece of land for you. We are quite happy to live together. But it's okay, I don't want money for this land, it's a gift to you. But you can't sell it to others, I Although I like to have a few good friends living together, I don’t want this place to become a big residential area.”

Sitting leisurely on a small bench fishing, Qi Ping suddenly said; this is what he discussed with Kate, and he can consider increasing some popularity by the Muse Lake.Although there is a plan to develop a resort, it will be far away from the villa, and this piece of land is a private world.

However, there is only one family in the forest farm, so it does seem a little lacking in popularity; although life is very interesting now, it is just that sometimes it is necessary to find a little like-minded friends.Human beings are social creatures, so we can't always have only one family in the forest farm, because it will appear a little out of the group.

"Really? If you really leave a piece of land for me, well, I'm going to build a house right away. Don't worry, I can't wait to build a house here. No matter how much money you give me, I won't sell the land. Yes. I can’t say that I’m rich, but I’m not too short of money, I don’t bring money with me when I die, and the quality of life is the most important thing!”

Luo Yi immediately became elated. Being able to settle in the forest farm was definitely something he dreamed of; although he knew that Qiping's forest farm was huge and had a lot of land, it was really not easy to ask for land at will.And since Qi Ping spoke up, he was of course happy, because he knew too well the beauty of Fairyland Forest Farm.

"Of course it's true. As I said to Kate, we both feel that we can invite some people who are closer to live together, which will be more lively. Otherwise, it's just our family here, which is more or less deserted. We will have children in the future , Can they still be companions together? I have reserved a piece of land for you, and Douglas and the others can also consider it. And the eldest of my family, Joshua of Kate’s family, has reserved land.”

Qi Ping smiled proudly and proudly; he knew the beautiful environment of the forest farm, and he believed that everyone would like it because it was the most beautiful place.Being able to live in the Fairyland Forest Farm is the greatest enjoyment and fun.

"Kate, is this true? For God's sake, I fell in love with this place a long time ago. I told Ro many times that we love it. I can't wait to start building our home here immediately. !"

Nina jumped up for joy. She was so happy to be able to live in the Fairyland Forest Farm, because she knew the beauty of this place so well. She believed that living in this beautiful and magical forest farm would definitely make her happier!

(End of this chapter)

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