America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 167 Red Wine and Stupid Man

Chapter 167 Red Wine and Stupid Man
'I have a house facing the sea, where spring flowers bloom. '

This is a new mode of Luo Yi's QQ personality signature. This guy is a typical peddler, okay? He's just facing a small lake, okay? He actually made the posture of a sea view villa.

It must be despised, utterly despised.

After getting Qi Ping's consent, Luo Yi's mind was completely moved; and some things were basically finalized, that is, Luo Yi chose the land about 100 meters away from Qi Ping's new house.This guy is also a type of action than action. After finalizing the land, he was busy contacting the design office and preparing to start building the house.

He still has some money in his pocket. Although it is only a vegetable sales company, he has also made a lot of money; the most shares are one thing, and because he monopolizes the vegetable sales power of the Fairyland Forest Farm, he really has a reason to make some money.Although it is not as luxurious as Qi Ping's, Luo Yi can guarantee that his lakeside villa will not be bad.

"That brat Luo Yi is so dishonest that he actually ran away! Forget it, I still have to do business and can't get away, I can understand. I can't understand that kid's showing off his virtue. The classmates thought he had created a sea view villa."

Sitting upright, although he knew that the horse named Jenny was very docile, it was the first time for Qin Biao to ride a horse, so of course he didn't dare to be careless.He despises Luo Yi, and he will also be a little envious; because the environment of the Fairyland Forest Farm is so good, and because he knows that both Qi Ping and Luo Yi belong to the type of local tyrants, and a house is basically a type of several million or tens of millions of RMB. .

"He's really out of tune. I really want to make a real one facing the sea. The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. But after thinking about it, let's forget it. There is no money, and the money is not enough. Let him get away with it first." , My house is not finished yet, I am still keeping a low profile, planning to post all kinds of beautiful photos to the space to sow hatred after the construction is completed. But now it is all right, he actually built it ahead of time, and I was a step late."

Peel off the candy wrapper and throw it away; Pooh ran over with a huff, and those who didn't know it thought it was training a hunting dog. This is not the attitude that a forest overlord like a black bear should have.It's too cheap, this kid Pooh not only has no morals, but also no morals.It is estimated that he is not very old now, or he will go to the mountains, and he will lose his chastity by then.

"Honey, can we have some red wine for dinner? I have prepared a very good steak, it will be more atmospheric. Some red wine, rather than dry red; I think semi-sweet red wine is better, not red Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Malbec are all good."

The beautiful cook Kate smiled sweetly, she was very happy; these two days can be with good friends, and let everyone know the beauty of the forest farm, these are the reasons why she is very happy.

"I see, I'll prepare it right away. I'll prepare it for the taste or brand of red wine you like." Of course Qi Ping knew what Kate meant, and it seemed that he had bought a bottle of red wine at home; it was Qi Ping and Kate's occasional romance. I prepared it when I enjoyed a candlelight dinner at home, but it is gone now, and I should have finished drinking it.

"It's still the same, I like the red wine of Pinewood Winery. I know, you have a way to get those rare red wines. My dear, come on!"

Kate cheered Qi Ping up with a smile, then turned around cleanly and got busy, dinner was not ready yet.Kate continued to get busy, and she believed that Qi Ping could do a good job with the red wine.

Pinewood Winery of Napa Valley Pinewood Winery in the United States, the winery maintains excellent traditional quality, and all wines maintain the fine tradition of hand-picking, with scores above 90, which are rare wines.And Napa Valley, which is the best wine region in the United States, produces wines that can rival Bordeaux wines.

"I don't know red wine. If you make some top-notch red wine, it will be like chewing peony." Qin Biao was a little stressed. He knew baijiu and he could drink a little beer, but he really didn't drink red wine.

"I don't understand, it's just the atmosphere. Kate is a little researcher, and she often talks about red wine for beauty. She also likes to drink some red wine before going to bed. She doesn't like Lafite and Bordeaux wine very much, basically it's from the United States. The red wine from Pana Valley. The quality is also good, the best red wine producing area in the United States, not necessarily worse than Bordeaux red wine." Qi Ping was about to start making calls, and was going to buy red wine.

Qin Biao straightened his tongue. Although Qi Ping has never shown off his wealth, it can be seen from many places that Qi Ping is really developed now; now it is not like eating a bowl of rice for a few yuan in college. poor boy.

For Qi Ping, getting a bottle of good wine is naturally not a problem. Although Pinewood Winery is a relatively famous winery in the United States, it is not so expensive that there is no market.The most important thing is that Qi Ping can be regarded as a rich man anyway, even if he doesn't care much about the sales of vegetables, he does cooperate with some high-end restaurants.

"We went to San Diego, brought back a few bottles of red wine, and then bought some bouquets of flowers. Kate's family grows flowers, and we also have a flower garden in our forest farm. But women just like these flowers, and they don't think they are enough; the flowers in the vase last for two days. Yes, you can consider changing it. Every time I go to San Diego, I basically bring back a few bouquets of flowers. Kate has been praising me for this habit and wants me to keep it up."

The family will be handed over to the women for the time being, and Qi Ping plans to go to San Diego with Qin Biao; it is quite interesting to drive an Aston Martin rapide for a ride.

"Qi, where are you going? Can you take me with you?"

Just out of the forest farm, going to San Diego to pass through Eric's house; Joshua appeared, and he knew Qiping's car.Ramona does have some nice cars, and the small Californian town is fairly affluent; but the Aston Martin rapide, as Joshua knows, is as long as it has.

"I'm going to San Diego, and I can take you if you drop by."

Seeing Joshua open the car door and climb up directly, Qi Ping didn't say much; this brother-in-law is only 11 years old after all, he is a half-child, and sometimes he is really naughty.

"That's right, I have something to do. I want to buy some game cards, I think this will be the way. Hey, man, I'm Joshua Lee, Kate's brother."

He greeted Caroline, who was about to become the mother-in-law, and watched Joshua shake hands with Qin Biao like a little adult, and Qi Ping shook his head and started the car.

"Joshua, we are going out to sea tomorrow, are you interested in going with us? But it may not be the yacht parties you imagined, but we will go fishing, sunbathing and maybe swimming." For the brother-in-law, Qi Ping is still very caring; Joshua is only 11 years old, a playful age.

"OK, I just wanted to tell you. If my presence doesn't affect your party, of course I want to go there together. Then I don't need to play games at home tomorrow, and my budget needs to be reduced. I I need to buy a pair of beach shorts and swimming trunks.” In order to play in the sea, Joshua decisively reduced the budget for game cards. Although he likes playing game consoles very much, he thinks going to sea would be more interesting, because he has never gone to sea before.

"I heard that you are organizing a party recently, right? Kate told me. It's okay to bring your friends to the forest farm to play, but pay attention to safety and environmental protection. I don't have so much time and energy to take care of you, Muse Lake can It's open to you, but don't cause me any danger."

It’s almost summer vacation, and I heard that Joshua is hosting a party led by him. Qi Ping also wants to remind Joshua; although Joshua is still relatively sensible compared to his peers, he is only 11 years old At this age, no matter how sensible you are, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are mature, and you are still a playful age.

"I know, there will be parents attending the party this time, and they don't worry about us kids going out together." Joshua curled his lips, a little regretful; if only their peers were there, then he would be truly happy, he But she was ready to confess to Emma, ​​a cheerleader, at the party, but it was basically dead because Emma's dad would come over. "Qi, what are you doing in San Diego? Did Kate think of anything else, she is a woman who knows how to spend money."

Although Qin Biao's English is very average, he can still barely understand the meaning of the chattering Joshua.A very interesting boy who hurt his sister behind his back.

"Buy some red wine, this is a fun you don't understand. You still need to grow up a little bit, although I know you have drank secretly, but I will never allow you to drink in front of me." Only 21 years old can drink, That's some American law; while a brat like Joshua might drink in secret, getting caught is a big deal.

Joshua didn't care. Although those prohibition laws seemed strict, they were fine as long as they weren't caught; there were many people drinking secretly.

"Qi, I know you planted some grapes on the forest farm, and they will soon be ripe. Have you ever thought about making wine, you know what I mean, every crop in the fairyland forest farm is top-notch, I believe you if If you get involved in the red wine industry, you will definitely become the best winery!" Joshua is full of confidence, he belongs to the type who blindly believes in the fairyland forest farm.

"Red wine, I haven't thought about it yet. The environment of the forest farm is very good, but it doesn't mean that it is the most suitable for planting ordinary wine. You also need to consider sunlight, soil quality, and temperature differences. There is a lot of knowledge in it. Pana Valley is more suitable. The development of the winery, but you reminded me that I will consider the winery if I have conditions in the future, because Kate likes it very much."

Rolling his eyes, thinking about the winery for Kate, this is a silly man who is completely confused in love!
(End of this chapter)

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