America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 169 Very Happy!

Chapter 169 Very Happy!

"Hurry up, you two, run faster!" It's time to practice, not flush, but the playful King Kong and the surprisingly lazy Pooh; in fact, King Kong is right, but Pooh really can't be so lazy It's going down, so it's necessary for Qi Ping to take these two little guys out for a run and exercise.

Pooh, who followed Qi Ping, only thought it was a pretty good game. It was lazy, but it was more playful.Running around in the forest with Qi Ping, Pooh temporarily felt that this game is still in the past, but it may also be thinking about it. This game can be more exciting and interesting, but now it is really a bit boring.

No matter what you say, you can't make Pooh turn around and run back, let alone make him lazy; it doesn't matter if you are lazy when you are a child, it is more cute.But Pooh is already over one year old now, and he is still a little restless and a little puffy, which is unreasonable.White and fat may be cute, but it is not necessarily healthy; the necessary amount of activity must be there!Especially for Pooh, the sloth bear!
"Honey, it looks like Pooh has really run a lot today, and he's exhausted."

Kate was a little funny, and it took about half an hour to go out for a run; just after returning home, Pooh immediately crawled onto the sofa and stretched out his limbs to look like he was exhausted.A bit cute, more people feel funny and helpless, it's really a bit lazy!
"We need to increase the amount of activity slowly. Except for playing games every day, Pooh basically doesn't have much exercise. This is not acceptable. Silently, his stomach is full of fat. I want him to become a muscular man, no Just a chubby little chubby. Although he is cute now, we need his health more."

It was funny watching Pooh growl impatiently, then turned his head in a sulky look; it seemed that Pooh was really angry, he was dragged out for a long run today, and he hadn’t played yet What an interesting game, this is unacceptable to Pooh, because it is the laziest and most playful!
"A good boy needs to work harder. I know you are a good boy. You need to lose weight now so that you can be healthier." Kate smiled and tickled Pooh. Pooh was angry with Qiping and was having a fight ;But for Kate, it is still very trusting, and even now its chubby head is in front of Kate.

Kate was teasing Pooh with a smile, shaking her big head while holding it, scratching it, kissing it a little, and it was almost done.This naughty and lazy little guy actually doesn't have that many tempers and personalities. He is a good boy type, except that sometimes he is really lazy and can cause headaches.

"Honey, Pooh needs a better body shape now, and they will start shooting their first advertising campaign in the forest farm soon, I think they all need to prepare. I heard that there will be model cooperation, and King Kong may be very happy. Happy." Kate pouted, and Pooh immediately stretched his head; although Kate smiled and tilted his head, Pooh still stretched out his tongue and licked Kate's face a few times.

And Qi Ping came up, and Pooh, who used to like to play kissing games with Qi Ping the most, suddenly became depressed, so he ignored Qi Ping. He was too tired from running just now, and he was cheated by his most trusted elder brother. Physically injured, even if Pooh is the prime minister, it will take some time to fully 'recover'.

"It just so happens that our house needs more funds. Now that the advertising fee has been paid, we don't need to move the funds in the forestry account. It's another million advertising fees, and these little guys can always come back in time. Bring us these building funds. Keep going, we can continue to expand and continue to break new ground."

Although Pooh was angry, Qi Ping still had the cheek to hug Pooh's big head; and Pooh is actually a child at heart, and he likes to be coaxed by others.Qi Ping and Kate have known about this little character for a long time, otherwise the whole family would not be able to get along so happily.

It's really not that easy to build a mansion, it really requires too much money; don't look at the millions of dollars in advertising expenses that have already been invested, and Qi Ping also made up a little bit from the account .But these are really not enough, because a Qiping mansion is definitely not something that can be built with 200 or [-] million US dollars, and now more funds are needed, a lot of money.

"The construction site has been sorted out long ago, the foundation has been completed, and the basement cushion has begun to be prepared. I think it will be the construction of the foundation wall and ground load-bearing soon. We don't need to worry about anything at all, our design drawings have already been drawn up Well, and our funds are already in time. I believe our villa will be completed before the end of the year, in time for our wedding." Kate is really looking forward to it, although the wooden cottage where she lives now is also very nice, but this is not The villa, the most important thing is that the villa will become her and Qiping's wedding room, this is what people look forward to the most; there should be some pursuit, who makes the villa more meaningful.

The little guys King Kong and Pooh are still very powerful, as long as they are willing, they can become small cash machines; this time the commercial shooting will be done in the forest farm, but this is not an advertisement for their own forest farm.Qi Ping didn't understand these things. He only knew that there would be a venue fee plus King Kong's appearance fee, and millions of dollars would be properly credited to the account, and that would be enough.And compared to commercial shooting, this time I just took some photos, well, Qi Ping thinks that photos are more classy.

Qi Ping has been quite busy these two days, and from time to time he has to deal with some matters; especially the new house, although the construction party is in charge, but it is still a multi-million dollar villa, how can it be completely at ease, not to go It is impossible to stare at one point.

In particular, Qi Ping hopes that the construction of the villa will be faster, which also means that the construction period will be shortened.Qi Ping doesn't care about that much, buddy's money can't be spent in vain, since you are going to do this job, you need to do it well.Qi Ping is obviously a black-hearted capitalist, constantly squeezing the value of workers.

When you are rich, sometimes you can really be willful when you are rich; there is no doubt that Qi Ping can be willful now, otherwise he would not be able to directly create a luxury house with a budget of more than 500 million US dollars.Otherwise, he would not have considered the super transformation plan of the forest farm, because these all cost money, very expensive!
As for money, Qi Ping certainly knows that he may not have too much spare money in his account, but he can be sure that as long as he is not extravagant, then there is no real shortage of money, and his small life can still be prosperous smelly.The current King Kong and the others are really good at making money, but they are just a little lazy.

"Honey, do you want King Kong to wear his tiger skin skirt today? We're about to set off, but he's still hesitating about choosing the tiger skin skirt and T-shirt."

As a housewife, Kate has a daunting task; therefore, she is at a loss for the commercial shooting that is about to start, because she does not need to worry about making money, and Qi Ping can do it well.As for the details of those advertisements, she doesn't even know, which needs to be mastered by Qi Ping. Kate only needs to take care of the little ones.

"It can wear whatever it likes. It doesn't matter. I just took a beauty bath for them yesterday. The most important thing is that they are clean. We will set off later. If it is late, I will go out again. It is delicious now. How nice, and the hair is soft and fluffy, I guess it will be covered in grass clippings in a while, I can guarantee it."

Hurry up and put on your shirt and pretend to be a business person; although King Kong and the others already have an agent, Qi Ping is the first guardian and must appear on the stage.Qi Ping felt that those advertisers had earned a million dollars. King Kong, Pooh, Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai, Heitan, and even Rudolph all wanted to make a guest appearance.

Not to mention such a luxurious lineup, and Qiping also provided a venue; Muse Lake and some mountains and forests were partially filmed, and he, a multi-millionaire, ran to accompany him.It's so luxurious, it's definitely a conscience price, even a jumping price!Anyway, Qi Ping felt that the million dollar remuneration was not easy to earn, and he had to pay a lot.

Kate sat on the side with a smile, she was very proud, because she knew that the people in these crews were talking about the scenery and environment of the forest farm.It was also because a few models came, very pretty; but they could only talk about Qiping and the forest farm in a low voice, because they all knew that the hostess of the forest farm was watching.

The most proud ones are Pooh and King Kong, these little guys are very good to Kate; they surround Kate, they are very clingy and mischievous.But I have to admit that this will make people envious; because these little guys are very smart, and because other people simply don't have the opportunity and courage to live with these little guys.

Qi Ping is negotiating with directors, photographers, and advertisers, and Qi Ping has already entered the role; this is his forest farm, and King Kong and Pooh are his younger brothers, so of course Qi Ping needs to do these things.Making money is important, but you can't just ignore everything just to make money.

The crew is not familiar, but definitely not unfamiliar; Qi Ping feels that his ability is still very good, and even if there are some small differences, he can quickly resolve them.This cooperation is still very happy, and there is a tacit understanding, there is no need to worry about anything!

The money is earned and the work is done. I am very happy!

(End of this chapter)

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