America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 170 Here Comes a Good Playmate

Chapter 170 Here Comes a Good Playmate (Please Subscribe!)
It's summer vacation, which is a very happy thing.For Qi Ping, the happiest thing is that his parents are going to bring their fat nephew to the forest farm to escape the summer heat.

Must be happy, there is no reason not to be happy!
"We need to get nervous, believe me. Mom and Dad will be praising our house and complaining that we are wasting money! I can guarantee that we actually look like enough upstarts!" Kate is an optimistic girl, Pretty smart too, and it looks like she already has a premonition of what's about to happen.

"We didn't waste it. This is a reasonable consumption. King Kong and Pooh are good boys, and they sponsored and provided most of the house construction funds. Also, don't tell mom and dad all the content, you need a [-]% or [-]% discount , We will consider confessing after they get used to it."

Qi Ping's idea is quite reliable. Although he has two dollars now, it doesn't mean that his parents can accept such extravagant spending.In the eyes of Mom and Dad, this is definitely a waste!So be smart and don't tell the truth for now, so that you will be less nagged and told.

"Believe me, Mom and Dad will know soon, I can guarantee it! Eric and Caroline have criticized me many times, and they will definitely communicate this matter with Mom and Dad. Let's make up our minds, I I will be criticized by my mother for being a useless wife who can't manage the family's accounts. My father may beat you because you spend money again! I expect you will be scolded, I will not help you explain, Because I might get scolded too."

Kate is just gloating, of course she knows some thoughts of Qiping's parents; the reason is very simple, because they used to be small and small, not only Qiping's family, but also Kate's family.Of course, I have some opinions on the lavish spending of these two young upstarts during this period, because the consumption concept really cannot be changed in a short while, not to mention that even rich families may not spend money like this.

Qi Ping scratched his head, thinking that what Kate said made sense; he just hoped that his parents could understand, and Qi Ping also felt that he could convince his parents, after all, he really didn't spend money indiscriminately.Although the amount of money spent is relatively large and the budget is relatively high, but this is really a reasonable consumption, nothing to say!

The two were laughing and joking. Although this matter was a bit of a headache, it was nothing serious.The most important thing is to enjoy the current life well, and these things can only be said to be harmless, no one will care about them.

"Benben will like me. Shall we make a bet to see who Benben greets first. I think it's me. He likes to chat with me the most. We are best friends."

At the airport pick-up gate, Kate put her hands on her chest and looked confident; she and her fat nephew Benben are good friends, and Benben will definitely like Kate more than Qi Ping, who has almost been forgotten. whine.

Seeing Kate's complacent look, there is nothing to say; Kate is only doing this now, and she usually cheats and runs around occasionally, basically thinking about making friends with King Kong and the others every day.Think about it, Kate is just bullying children or ignorant little guys now, and she is still very proud of her achievements.

For these bets that are doomed to fail, Qi Ping will definitely not agree.The chances of losing are too high to be worth the candle.Qi Ping is a smart guy, and he has to consider risks and other situations before making decisions.

Qi Weihui pushed the suitcase, and Benben, who was wearing a sun hat and small sunglasses, was held by his grandma; this kid is used to it now, he has come to the United States several times, and his mother is a foreigner, so he will not Strange.The little guy is very relaxed and at ease. He has come to the United States again, and he can go to the forest farm to play games with King Kong and Pooh.

"Mom, I saw you!"

Benben was happy, and the little guy dragged his grandma to run; it was enough to see the little mother, as for the person next to him, he was in no mood to talk to him for the time being.

"Benben, you don't talk to Xiaobai anymore, Xiaobai likes you so much."

Qi Ping is a little jealous, because Benben has been ignoring him, and because Kate only has cute little Benben in his eyes now.Must be jealous; Qi Ping has always felt that he is the head of the family, but now it seems that he has the least sense of presence.

"I like my little mother, and my little mother wants to take me to play games. Little baby, drive faster, my belly is hungry."

Proud Benben glanced at Qiping who was driving, then turned around and continued to lie in Kate's arms. There was still a lot to say, and there was no time to talk to Xiaobai now.

Kate became proud. She felt that she was the king of children, because she liked children very much, so she had more affinity and could get along better with children.What's more, Benben is still a nephew, so the relationship is naturally better!

"When will you and Kate have a baby? You like children very much. Kate's eyes light up when she sees a baby. Benben is not young now. If you have a baby, your dad and I can come over to give it to you." You take the baby." Yu Lan said half-jokingly and half-seriously, she certainly hoped to see a house full of children and grandchildren.

"This is random, don't worry, you will definitely have grandchildren in the future. Kate and I plan to have at least three children, and the type of both children. I am very happy, so many grandsons and granddaughters will run around with you .” Qi Ping’s words made parents laugh, this is a good idea and must be supported.

"At that time, your mother will hold one in her left and right hands, and carry the other on her back. Benben and I will help take care of it. It will be very interesting. And think about it, there are so many interesting children in our family. It must be very interesting for us to grow up here." Qi Weihui laughed, and the three generations living under the same roof, and the four generations living together under the same roof will really become his expectations, and family happiness will be his greatest enjoyment and expectation now.

The whole family happily set off from the airport to their home in the forest farm, and the whole family will be here throughout the summer vacation.This makes both Qi Ping and Kate very happy, because they now know that the time spent together as a family is really not a lot, and now every day needs to be cherished.

"King Kong, I see you!"

Benben, who was lying on the car window, became happy. After arriving at the forest farm, the little guy was looking forward to seeing his good partner; the first thing he saw was King Kong, who was sitting at the door.Benben shouted happily. For this little guy, the cute Pooh and King Kong are actually the biggest expectations when he comes to the forest farm.

King Kong was a little puzzled, but he saw Benben get off the car; grinning his teeth happily, he ran over. Benben is King Kong's good friend and playmate! Pooh is a kid, he used to sleep at home, but see When King Kong ran out, and it seemed that someone was coming, of course it was very curious, so it would be better to go out and watch the excitement together.

Benben sat happily on the ground, holding Pooh's big head and grinning. King Kong was sitting next to Benben, with his long arms draped over Benben's shoulders. Being together, there is quite a bit of joy after reuniting after a long absence, and now there is also a look of inseparability, and we must continue to stick together.

"I'm going to squeeze some strawberry juice. When Benben came here, he was thinking about playing with King Kong and the others. He never thought of going to bed or eating. This kid is very naughty, so it would be great if he came to the forest farm. This is Sasa Ye Ye, someone here just has a place to make him crazy."

Seeing Benben rolling on the floor with Pooh in his arms, Yu Lan laughed; this cute fat grandson is really happy to be at the forest farm, because he has a good playmate to play games with.And these little playmates are really amazing; the silly black bear, the clever chimpanzee, and the two talking parrots are all good playmates of Benben.

"Little mother, why didn't I see Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, don't they know that Benben is home?" He hugged Pooh hard, wanting to compete with Pooh; or just wanted to trick Pooh, because Benben I want to ride a bear. Pooh has become a big bear now, and he can definitely run around with Benben on his back.

"They went outside to play games, and they will come back later. Mommy will take you to see Rudolph the deer. We have a lot of deer in our house." The communication between Kate and Benben seems to be very enthusiastic, but there are some bumps; Benhui's English is poor, and Kate can only communicate in some simple Chinese now, so it still needs to be on par.

Benben became happy, he didn't expect that there are many cute little deer at home now; he can't sit still now, although grandma brought him a big glass of juice, but little Benben just took a sip and pulled Seeing that Chipping and Kate were about to go out, they were yelling that they were going out to see the deer.

"When did you keep a herd of deer? Benben is calling to see the deer. What kind of deer are you raising? The sika deer is still different, don't make a silly roe deer or muntjac and say you are raising it Deer." Qi Weihui felt a little puzzled, how long has it been, and there are more little guys in the forest farm at home.

"It's not a muntjac or something. It's a serious deer. There are no sika deer here, otherwise they must come here. It's a mule deer. They came here when they saw the environment of our forest farm. We looked at these It doesn’t affect anything at home, so I just keep it. Thinking about it, there is still some artistic conception, deer! At that time, it will be good to catch some cranes and the like. But these deer are not good enough, not sika deer and elk. fairy deer."

Listening to Qi Ping's explanation, Qi Weihui smiled happily; the forest farm is really wonderful, so it's normal for these smart deer to live in the forest farm.The discerning fawn, take care of it!

(End of this chapter)

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