Chapter 173

"I think this is very good. If you, King Kong and Pooh drove all these little squirrels away, there would be one less interesting game now! Benben is very cute, and he has become the most popular among small animals. baby!"

Seeing Benben sitting on the grass surrounded by four or five little squirrels, Kate praised him; Qi Ping didn't think so, Benben was just good at bribery, and these little squirrels were totally addicted to fruit Delicious!
"Mom, he's framing Benben again!" Kate complained, and after hearing Qi Ping's explanation, Kate was very angry; the mother came out, and the daughter-in-law gave a simple explanation, and she didn't need to understand more about those meanings. This kid Qi Ping is lawless, he dares to speak ill of my fat grandson!
"Mom, Benben is very powerful, and Benben is the cutest!" Qi Ping raised his hands in surrender, and his mother taught him that there was really nothing he could do. Who told his daughter-in-law not to turn her elbows inward, and she even took the initiative to report. He was beaten, "I'll be honest, it doesn't matter how many squirrels we keep in front of our house, but it really doesn't matter if we keep too many."

"Squirrel, how much trouble can such a small little thing cause. I think you are just lazy. It's okay for King Kong to eat so much. It's not enough for Benben to raise a few small squirrels?!" Mom's opinion is very Big, how interesting that Benben's little playmate is a squirrel.

"Mom, look. There are several types of squirrels. The ones that climb on trees are called tree squirrels, and they may not necessarily be very harmful. It's just that you look at the few squirrels in front of you. They look a bit like mice. Right; the tail hair is fluffy and sparse, the back hair is blue-gray, very ugly. These squirrels can climb trees, but they mainly live on the ground, they seem to be called rock squirrels, they can eat crops, they are pests!" Qi Ping hurried He explained that it was really not that he was lazy or didn't like these squirrels, but that he had to guarantee a certain amount, and it would definitely not work beyond the bottom line.

"Look again, these guys are chubby and cute, but these guys are called groundhogs. They are good at digging burrows, and they live in groups. Once dug, the holes are several meters long. It's one thing to be cute, but these You really can’t raise more guys, or they will not only eat grass, leaves, branches, but also vegetables. And these little things may be a little unhygienic, unlike Pooh, they are actually vaccinated.”

Although Yu Lan felt that these little playmates of Benben were very happy, but when she heard that these little things might endanger the forest farm, then these squirrels were not cute, but hateful.

"Mom, it doesn't matter. I mean it doesn't matter if you raise a few, but you really can't raise too many! Now I can't help it. I plan to catch a small squirrel and bring it back to raise it from childhood to adulthood. If it is clean, don't worry about it. It's hygienic!" Seeing that his mother seemed to want to drive away these squirrels, Qi Ping quickly grabbed his mother.

"Then I don't worry, I don't understand these things. You pay attention, Benben doesn't understand anything now, you pay more attention. Also, the forest farm is the foundation of your life, don't feel embarrassed or It’s difficult, if it’s really bad for the forest farm, drive it away immediately! Benben just thinks it’s fun, even if there are no squirrels, it doesn’t matter, King Kong, they are all very good.”

Although I know that cute Benben likes these little squirrels very much, the attitude of the family members clearly knows something, that is, although these little animals are cute, they must not harm the interests of the forest farm.Now these little squirrels are just little Benben's playmates, so there is no need to care too much about their status.

Qi Ping became proud, now he has obtained the imperial decree; with the Shangfang sword, if he wants to hunt down these squirrels in the future, then there is no problem, anyway, he can stand on his feet, and he has got his mother If the will is fulfilled, then there will be no problem at all.

"Grandma, this is Big Tail, it's Mommy! This is Little Tail, Little Tail, and Little Little Tail!" The happy Benben took his new playmates to show off, and the little guy made friends with this family of little squirrels Very good, now the little squirrels started jumping and running, and they found the benefactor and backer.

Qi Ping's eyes widened. I was still planning to drive these little squirrels away; The new playmate entered the house, started to show off, and introduced his little follower to the family.

Well, these little squirrels have completely found their backing, and now they don't need to worry about being driven away.There is no doubt that even if Qi Ping has just received the imperial decree, it doesn't matter to my mother that things like changing the order from day to day.Now these little squirrels have won the super death-free gold medal.

Being ignored again, Little Sun Benben has made a new discovery, a great and important discovery; so at this time, no one cares about Qi Ping, surrounds Little Benben and has a good relationship with these little squirrels.

I have nothing to say, completely speechless; this time I have no initiative again, because these things are really not something I can make up my own mind.It was such a failure, now it is Xiao Benben who has the final say. He is the little sun, who can make his family pay special attention to his precious opinions, and even small things will be completely let Xiao Benben take them idea.

Not to mention, it is estimated that the status of these little squirrels who have found a backer has soared. At this time, let alone expecting to drive them out of the country, Qi Ping thinks that there may be four new members in the family.Just think about my baby nephew's skill in naming, forget it, after all, it's just a fat boy who is a little over four years old coming up with ideas.

"Benben, if you want them to play with you, you must pay attention to hygiene. King Kong and Pooh are clean and delicious, but Big Tail and Little Tail are dirty, which is not good. You take Let them go to the bathroom, let's give these little guys a good hygiene!"

Benben is an obedient and good boy, he also thinks that Big Tail and Little Tail are dirty, they need to be fragrant, so that they can be hugged.Benben happily ran to the bathroom with a large number of his followers. This is a trivial matter, and he can handle it easily.

Qi Ping suddenly felt that his forest farm was becoming more and more lively, and there were more and more "natives" here.This is a good sign. The forest farm is getting more and more prosperous now, and it can be regarded as a thriving population.For this matter, we must applaud and be happy.This is also an affirmation of Qi Ping's work. If Qi Ping hadn't been working hard, there would not be such a lively and energetic scene now.

It's just that Qi Ping suddenly realized a problem. The forest farm now really has a lot of small animals; black bears, chimpanzees, shepherd dogs, macaws, deer, and squirrels have all become natives of the forest farm.Moreover, an aboriginal like Heitan is even more of a tyrant in the forest farm.

Now it seems that the forest farm is really lively, and it really has a tendency to develop into a zoo; of course, this is not a zoo in the traditional sense, because these little guys are carefree in the forest farm. The task is to live happily in the forest farm. It is not an exhibition at all, and their freedom will not be restricted.

"I think we need to think about it now. Think about it, our forest farm is called Fairyland Forest Farm. It's so beautiful here. I think we can consider making this place even more beautiful. We can make this place full of fun. Benben Remind me that we can bring more cute animals here, which will definitely be interesting. For example, beautiful peacocks, mandarin ducks that symbolize love, I think we can all let them live in the forest farm .”

Qi Ping's opinion made Kate feel very interesting. Now that she knows the symbolic meaning of mandarin ducks, she thinks that if there are more small animals that symbolize auspiciousness and happiness in the forest farm, it will definitely be very interesting and beautiful.

"Peacocks symbolize beauty, deer represent good luck, we can consider introducing some lovely turtles here, they are a symbol of longevity. I like cranes, they are also auspicious representatives. Most importantly, I need I saw couples of mandarin ducks and beautiful swans here, they should all enjoy the beauty of the Fairyland Forest Farm with us!"

Kate enthusiastically started to plan, she felt that the forest farm could have more beautiful animals.If there were no dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, she would have wanted to get them to the forest farm.Among the four spirit beasts, it seems that only the tortoise is the most reliable, and it must be introduced to the forest farm.

"And we can be sure, looking at the current state of Benben, if there are many cute animals in our forest farm, then our children will be extremely happy and happy. Their childhood is definitely the dream and expectation of all children childhood. We need to start preparing for our children to have a fairytale childhood! This is something we have to work hard and seriously, we can’t just think of ourselves and our children selfishly.”

Qi Ping is enthusiastically starting to plan to build the forest farm into a real fairyland forest farm. This is Qi Ping's current idea.The development of forest farms should not only consider economic matters, but also consider comprehensively improving the quality and style of forest farms.

It's not necessarily just to make all kinds of animals run all over the ground, but you can consider introducing some more distinctive and beautiful animals.Of course, it is also necessary to ensure that these animals will not be difficult to take care of and will not cause danger to people.This matter must be carefully calculated, and the plan of introducing small animals must be thoroughly implemented!

(End of this chapter)

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