America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 174 Little Angel

Chapter 174 Little Angel (please subscribe!!!)

Qi Ping was still lazily lying on the bed and was about to stay in bed, but suddenly he heard Kate's screaming in the bathroom; it wasn't a scream of panic, it looked more like a cry of ecstasy!

"Honey, look! Look, we did it!"

Kate rushed into the bedroom like the wind, jumped on the bed and immediately grabbed Qiping; Kate couldn't care about the unkempt, she was in a state of obsession now.He was in a hurry, and he looked quite obsessed.

Qi Ping was taken aback and was taken aback; did you make a mistake, you usually pick and choose when I’m a bit sloppy, but what are you doing now!Pregnancy test stick, this is a used one, and it's all under my nose.

"Honey, two red lines! Look, I'm pregnant! This time it's true, I've been waiting every day, I can announce, I'm pregnant! Honey, it's true, they are so cute! "

Kate looked like a madman, and handed the pregnancy test stick in front of Qi Ping; Qi Ping was a little disgusted and a little confused at first.But all of a sudden, he jumped up, he was still a bit confused now, this news was more refreshing than anything else.What kind of bed is there, the wife's pregnancy is a big deal!
"I've always been very careful, and I don't want to disappoint you. So my relative hasn't come for a week, and you may not have noticed. But I look forward to it every day, hoping it doesn't come. Now I can announce I'm pregnant, these are the two most beautiful red lines I've ever seen!"

Kate proudly held up the pregnancy test stick, and was in the bathroom early in the morning, not for this matter; morning is the most accurate time.Kate has been looking forward to it for a week, and this time there is finally news.

Qi Ping looked at the pregnancy test stick seriously, the two red lines were so cute; he kissed the ecstatic Kate hard, and immediately jumped out of bed and rushed out of the bedroom.

"Mom, Kate is pregnant!" Qi Ping didn't care, and started yelling as soon as he rushed out of the bedroom; this news must be yelled out, and it needs to make the whole family happy. This is something worthy of ecstatic joy for the whole family .

"What are you talking about? Kate is really pregnant?"

Originally, she planned to criticize Qi Ping and Kate for yelling early in the morning, but now Yu Lan didn't plan to criticize anymore, she just wanted to confirm the big thing she cared about.Qi Weihui also didn't care about drinking tea, and quickly stood up to get closer to listen.

"Really, it's true! The pregnancy test showed that she was pregnant, but she was just pregnant! I'm going to take Kate to the hospital for a checkup right away. Our private doctor doesn't seem to understand obstetrics and gynecology." I was ecstatic Qi Ping was a little confused, and took two steps; in the end, he turned around and ran back to the bedroom. The good news has been shared with his family.

He rushed into the bedroom like the wind, saw Kate sitting on the bedside and smirking at the pregnancy test stick, Qi Ping couldn't care less; he jumped onto the bed with a wild laugh, hugged Kate and gave him a deep kiss.Until there was a coughing sound at the door, even the parents who didn't usually come here couldn't care less, they wanted to confirm this important matter.

"Shame, Xiao Diao and Mama, Shame!" Benben squeezed in, climbed onto the bed, gestured shyly on Xiaopang's face with his little hands, he could see that Xiao Diao and Xiao Ma were kissing.

"Benben, my mom is pregnant with a baby now, do you like your brother or your sister?" There is nothing to be ashamed of, I hug my fat nephew, although Benben is still a little younger, but I can share the good news with the little one .

"I like my younger brother, and I also like my younger sister. King Kong and Pooh are both younger brothers, and Liang Shanbo, Heitan, and Dongfeng are all younger brothers. But Zhu Yingtai is a younger sister, and Nanfeng and Beifeng are also younger sisters. I like them all , I like playing games with my brother the most!"

Benben's words made the whole family laugh, and children's words are sometimes very accurate.Benben said that both his younger brother and younger sister like him, but he likes his younger brother more, which is a good thing.For Qi Ping's parents, although the granddaughter is very good, it is better to have a big fat boy first; patriarchy makes sense, anyway, Qi Ping and Kate don't just plan to have one child.

Qi Ping smiled and touched Kate's belly. Although Kate rolled her eyes, she only showed a happy smile.Especially when Qi Ping lay down stupidly and put his ears on his lower abdomen, Kate laughed outright.She thinks this is the greatest happiness, the best husband, the cutest child, and this is all she has!
Both of them are very happy, because they are looking forward to the birth of their own child and the addition of a new lovely member to the family.This is a big event, an extremely important big event!

Of course Kate is very happy to have a child, she knows that she and Qiping have a very happy and happy life; this small family is full of happiness, and this is the happiest family in the world.However, there is only one lovely child missing, the one belonging to Chip and Kate.And now, this little family is completely happy, and the little angel is about to come.

Seeing Qiping's ecstatic look, Kate felt very happy; she knew that Qiping was also looking forward to the arrival of the child. Smaller families bring more joy.

"The two of you are grown-ups, don't be afraid of making trouble. I'll take Kate to the hospital for an examination later, so that I can have a clear mind." Yu Lan smiled brightly. Ding Xingwang was the happiest member of her family. things.

Qi Ping and Kate nodded again and again. For them, this incident was very happy, and it was one of the happiest things they had been together.Having a child that belongs to them can be said to be a long-awaited great event for Qi Ping and Kate. Now that they have finally fulfilled their wish, they are about to start preparing to welcome their child.

"You two should also pay attention. Now that you have a baby, don't be indifferent. It's okay for you to make a fuss, but now you have children, so you can't act like a child who hasn't grown up anymore. That’s not good.” Yu Lan beamed, reminding Qi Ping and Kate that since they have children, they need to pay more attention and be more careful.

Qi Ping and Kate nodded again and again. For them, they really need to be more serious and careful.Fortunately, my mother is here now, and I can take care of it; although some of my mother's experience may not be completely correct, it is still more reliable than Qi Ping and Kate, two young people with dark eyes. Know how many times.

Kate is still in the mood to eat now, and she has already started to announce the good news with the phone; first she called home, and naturally told her parents.Then there is a group of good friends and girlfriends, such a good news must be shared with everyone.

Kate is now showing off her happiness to the world, which is what she should do.Now she has too many enviable places, and now she has received too many congratulations and blessings.

Although he has already used the pregnancy test stick, Qi Ping's parents still feel uneasy; if it wasn't because Benben was still around and he didn't know the hospital here, otherwise he would definitely follow him. .Now I just need Qi Ping to accompany Kate, but my parents also mentioned a lot, Qi Ping seems to understand some things.

Although they had the answer from the pregnancy test stick, Qi Ping and Kate were still a little nervous; after a simple examination, the two sat in the doctor's office, waiting for the doctor's authoritative answer.Obviously, although the pregnancy test stick is effective, it is not necessarily absolutely accurate. Sometimes it is necessary for the doctor to give the answer in person.

The doctor took a look at the report, then smiled at Qi Ping and Kate and said, "Congratulations, you are pregnant!".

Qi Ping didn't care too much anymore, he clenched his fist and howled fiercely; how can he care so much now, as long as he thinks that in a few months, a little guy with his own blood will come to this place In the world, there will be a little guy who grows up by his side and will call 'Daddy', Qi Ping is only excited now.

Kate smiled and pulled Qi Ping, who was a little out of control, although she was also very happy and excited now.

"It's been a month, congratulations. This is a healthy little guy with excellent indicators." The doctor began a series of instructions. Both Qi Ping and Kate are very attentive and good students, if it is not because there is no Notebooks, both of them can't wait to take good notes; these doctor's suggestions must be taken seriously!
"Honey! I'm pregnant. Thank God, we're going to have a lovely baby at home soon!" As soon as she walked out of the doctor's office, Kate held Qiping's hand and laughed again.

"I know, I promise I'm happier than you! But I remind you again, you can't thank God for this matter, it's thanks to the two of us!" arrogantly and proudly kissed Kate's pretty face Suddenly, Kate was about to give birth to him, which was enough to make Qiping ecstatic.

Kate touched her stomach with a smile. Although it's only been a month now, she has already entered the state; one hand rests on her stomach and the other on her waist.Qi Ping, of course, knew what he was going to do; he carefully supported Kate, and Kate was pregnant. Of course, he needed to be more considerate and careful, which was what Qi Ping should do.

Although the two of them seem to be crazy and exaggerated, people who pass by can understand it, and they can all see the joy and happiness of this young couple.Perhaps, blessings will also be sent, the arrival of the little angel, this is definitely one of the happiest things!
(End of this chapter)

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