America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 175 The wedding is coming

Chapter 175 The wedding is approaching.
"Let's go, let's go shopping!"

Qi Ping is in a good mood, which cannot be better; after Kate is pregnant, the family is full of joy.In the past two days, Qi Ping and Kate can't wait to announce the news all over the world. They have indeed received a lot of blessings.It's just that those are small things, the most important thing is to do your own thing well.

To go shopping, although Kate is only one month pregnant, she still needs to prepare seriously; anyway, it is not bad for money, of course it is how comfortable and safe it is.Qi Ping's family doesn't care about money anymore, it's not as important as the big fat grandson, just spend a little money.

"Boy, give me the car keys. I know your car is full, give me the keys, and I'll drive the sports car!" Eric was very happy and went out together; the news of Kate's pregnancy made him and Caroline very happy. Happy because they both know how much Chip and Kate love children.

Joshua ran away. He was sitting in the back seat playing games with King Kong and the others, but he ran away in a hurry; the SUV is good, but it is definitely not as good as Aston Martin.Joshua knows very well that sports cars are more handsome and cooler!

"We need anti-radiation suits. My children can't be disturbed by too much radiation, although I'm far away from computers and mobile phones now. I also need maternity underwear, and I need books similar to those that pregnant women must read. I don't need health products, Milk powder and the like, I know we can now eat a lot of delicious food every day, they are full of nutrition."

Kate occupied the co-pilot, happily planning her purchasing goals.Qi Ping listened cheerfully. Like Kate, he is now in a silly mode, and everything is so beautiful and happy now.

When you are pregnant, a little life begins to conceive and grow in your body. It is a wonderful thing.

"Do we need to prepare some wonderful music? Many people say that prenatal music is very good for children's development. You can adjust your emotions by listening to music, create a sense of tranquility and comfort, and make the fetus quiet down quickly. At the same time, sound waves It can also be directly transmitted to the auditory system of the fetus through the mother's abdominal wall, promoting the intellectual development of the fetus." Qi Ping asked enthusiastically, he has worked hard now.

"We still need to wait. We should not blindly determine the type of prenatal education music before we know the gender of the child. We need to find the most suitable type of music for the child." Kate said with an expert attitude, looking very serious , "Let's not buy coffee this time, I know you have a lot of delicious coffee. But it's better not to drink coffee for pregnant women, I can't drink coffee, you have to accompany me not to drink coffee!"

Qi Ping nodded straight. He had heard that some beverages such as coffee and tea contain caffeine. It is best for expectant mothers who are just pregnant not to drink coffee.Fortunately, Qiping doesn't smoke very much, so there is no second-hand smoke.Diet, health, etc., these things are really important, and for expectant mothers, there are many things that need to be thought twice.

Yu Lan and Qi Weihui sat in the back seat smiling, leading Benben, and Pooh and King Kong who insisted on joining in the fun. These little guys also wanted to go shopping.It doesn't matter, these little guys all have 'identity cards', as long as they don't cause trouble, anyway, the whole family is here, so they can take care of them completely.

A large group of people ran into the supermarket in a mighty way, and they were not afraid of scaring people anymore; it didn't really matter, although many people were pointing fingers, they were already used to it.Especially Qi Ping and Kate, they are no strangers to taking these little guys out for shopping.

"You two just pamper them. When others take their pets out, even if they don't need to be pulled by ropes, they must be watching closely. It's good for you two, it's fine if you don't hold them, and let them Scared them away everywhere. Others brought dogs, you are black bears and chimpanzees!"

Yu Lan was a little amused, seeing King Kong pointing at the potato chips on the shelf, she thought it was funny; she also understood that this little guy likes to eat snacks very much, and potato chips are one of King Kong's favorite snacks .

"I didn't think about making them uncomfortable. It's definitely uncomfortable to tie a rope. Anyway, they are so obedient and sensible, so there is no need. Look how good it is, they can run around freely and have fun." Qi Ping said He couldn't turn his head anymore. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai stood on his shoulders, one on the left and one on the right. It was really hard for these two big parrots to turn their heads when they landed on his shoulders.

"I think Benben is the happiest. He is crazy. He is happy when so many people are watching." Qi Weihui laughed. The mischievous fat grandson liked to ride a bear when he was in the forest farm. Running around; now at the supermarket, Pooh, the little chubby bear, is very cooperative, and Benben sits on the bear's back and starts shopping.

In this way, it naturally attracted the attention of too many customers, and they were also taking pictures, and Benben was very happy with such a 'popular'.

The whole family is shopping slowly, enjoying the fun of shopping; no one cares about the curious eyes of those people.It is the most important thing for my family to feel happy, so I don't care about other people's opinions.In the end, life is for yourself, and the most important thing is to live happily, there is no need to worry about others' gossip; what's more, if you come out with these little naughty people, you really don't have to worry about others' gossip.

Shopping happily will make the whole family feel very happy; as for things to buy, two shopping carts are not enough.Although most of them are snacks and the like, it's good to be happy. This time I came here to buy some delicious food.And Kate has some maternity products, which are the most important and will never be forgotten.

"Have you two thought about this matter? If the wedding date you set before, Kate will be seven or eight months pregnant by then, it will definitely not be convenient to get married. I mean, if you agree, you can put the wedding date first A little earlier, that’s okay; Kate’s belly hasn’t risen yet, and she’ll look pretty in her wedding dress.” Back home, my parents put forward their opinions, which they felt should be put forward after thinking about it for a while.

Qi Ping and Kate were stunned for a moment. In fact, they really didn't think about it that much; now they are completely happy because they have a lovely child.The wedding date and the like, originally the two of them thought there was no big problem; the simplest reason is that they are both young people, and some concepts are still relatively normal.

It is normal for Laomei to get pregnant before marriage, and even many young people have given birth to several children, so it may not be that they propose to get married.Kate, of course, doesn't think there's anything strange about this; she knows that she and Qiping's wedding date has already been set, and the relationship between the two is very good, so she doesn't worry about anything at all.

As for Qi Ping, although I have heard that many people get on the bus first and then pay for the fare, but when they really come to him, they have not considered the matter of getting married with their son.Because he doesn't think it's necessary, just do it step by step; everything has been planned and prepared, and he will get married during the spring period, so he can have enough time to prepare for this matter.

Now that Mom and Dad have brought up this matter, Qi Ping and Kate really need to think about it seriously; they still look a little young, and the most important thing is that the two of them are completely ecstatic because they have a child, how can they think about it? Everywhere.

Qi Ping naturally doesn't care so much, he just wants to spend his whole life with Kate; Kate must also think so, she has found her own destination, and she knows that she has met the one person who can grow old together.It's just that the wedding date is advanced, and this matter really needs to be carefully considered, because it must have broken some plans.

"Kate, I think what Mom and Dad said is right. If we still come according to the original plan, then you will already have a big belly by then. Don't talk about whether you look good in a wedding dress when you get married. It has become a key protection object, and getting married is too tiring. In my opinion, it is better to advance the wedding date!"

Qi Ping knew that Kate would definitely prefer an early marriage date to a later date; Qi Ping thought it was fine, as getting married with a child would be something to be proud of.Now we must pay attention to this matter, Qi Ping does not want to encounter some troubles at this moment when he was extremely happy and happy.

"I think that's the only way, if you don't object to let me become Mrs. Qi earlier. I thought maybe our wedding anniversary could be Valentine's Day, but now I think it might be better on your birthday. In this way I I don’t need to worry about forgetting your birthday in the future, because I won’t forget my wedding anniversary!”

Kate smiled proudly. She lay on the sofa, her face full of complacency and happiness; for Kate, it didn't really matter if the wedding was earlier or later.It's just that now that she has a lovely child, Kate can't wait. She thinks it would be a good thing to get married earlier.

"I'm going to celebrate my birthday in more than a month, so our whole family is going to be busy now. I'm busy deciding on the wedding dress, and I'm busy contacting the church. These are all things that need to be prepared. Alright, let's make an appointment at Get married on my birthday, and I will have presents from all over the world on my birthday!"

Qi Ping smiled triumphantly, the wedding date is approaching.

"My family's fat boy is really good. He hasn't been born yet, which makes parents busy. When this boy is born, I will give him a good spanking. This little rascal, It’s just unnerving.”

Gently stroking Kate's belly, Qi Ping was full of expectations and felt full of happiness and joy. This is his life!
(End of this chapter)

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