Chapter 187 Honey
Qi Ping gave an order, which made Pooh and King Kong follow; Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai found out that the eldest brother was going out with other friends, and he must be going out to play.

It's nothing to say, you have to keep up. Since it's going out to play, it's interesting to go out with everyone; yelling and following, it's also an 'air force', although it's not as fast as an eagle, but it's definitely not slow. It is enough for the large group of people to be equal, and they keep up with the large group.

"Let me tell you again, when we go to fetch honey later, we must provoke those bees. It's one thing for you to have rough skin and thick flesh, but it's not easy to provoke them. It's true that you were stung by bees. It hurts."

Riding a horse, with a lot of younger brothers; although Qi Ping is talking seriously now, but looking at the casual appearance of those younger brothers, and even running around in the mood, it is estimated that this matter is not reliable up.

There are already ten boxes of bees in the forest farm. Qi Ping is thinking that even if he does not hire a full-time beekeeper, he still needs to ask Huang Siqing to arrange more people to take care of him.The number of employees in the forest farm is actually quite small.

Planting vegetables, taking care of fruit trees, and people with some technical skills are needed to manage the factory buildings. Now there are almost [-] people.For Qi Ping, this scale can only be said to be barely enough, because he knows that the forest farm will recruit more employees in the future.

The life of bees in the forest farm is very happy, under the conditions of rich honey powder source, suitable climate and strong bee colony; these are the reasons for the rapid reproduction of bees, coupled with conscious guidance, so the development speed of bees is still very fast now .
Qi Ping is naturally very happy that the bees reproduce very fast, but he also needs to be careful not to let these guys go on indefinitely, and he needs to control it.That's how it is now, and the needs are met for the time being, so we can't make them more. It's almost the same if we continue to maintain the current scale.

I went to learn it temporarily. In fact, Qi Ping does not know how to cut honey, and there is no centrifuge or the like at home to shake out the honey.But it really doesn't matter, as long as the effect is good, then you can definitely consider buying a centrifuge for better honey production in the future.

Don't look at Qi Ping running here to make honey in high spirits, but Qi Ping, who put on a thick coat, cuffs, and a hat, even put on a mask in the summer; this is definitely a bad spirit. Normal patient attire, this is really an ill-timed outfit.But it is really necessary for flushing, because it is self-protection.

Because Qi Ping wants to collect honey now, although these bees usually live in peace with Qi Ping and the employees of the forest farm when there are many bees, but now Qi Ping is going to move the old nest of these bees. Provocation naturally requires more caution, because a careless one will basically be stung all over the head!

Although there is no shortage of honey in the market now, there is only royal jelly everywhere; but Qi Ping doesn't trust those very much, because Qi Ping believes in the honey produced in space even more.

Honey is a nutritious natural nourishing food, known as "the most perfect nutritional food in nature".

In fact, these bees are the more common Italian bees, Western bees; although I heard that the honey produced by the indigenous bees in China is more delicious.But there is no way, who let this be the United States, and it is not an easy task to get Zhongfeng.

So there is no need to think about so many unrealistic things, it is better to keep Italian bees honestly.And one thing is certain, that is, the amount of honey produced by Italian bees is actually very large, enough to ensure that Qiping has more honey.

He also doesn't expect the honey produced by these bees to be sold. He keeps it for his own consumption, which should be almost enough.Kate is still thinking about these honeys, because she knows that honey has a beauty effect, not drinking honey, but making facial masks and the like.

"Bosses, you need to know that being able to live here depends entirely on my care. Everyone gets what they need. You can't eat and drink for free and don't even pay rent. Let's discuss it. I'll take some honey. Harmony makes money! We continue to get along friendly, and you will definitely have more top pollen to collect in the future, and I can provide you with a better living environment!"

Qi Ping was still a little nervous, seeing bees flying past his ears from time to time, Qi Ping was really afraid that these guys would make such a blow to him.Although Pooh and King Kong have a good relationship with themselves, these bees are almost wild. The most important thing is that these small insects have limited intelligence, and they don't understand that Qi Ping is taking care of them.

Pooh seemed to smell the alluring sweetness in the air, and he was about to move; but Qi Ping didn't intend to let this guy lean on him, otherwise he would really cause trouble.

"You guys stay here and practice self-protection on the ground for me later, Pooh, I know you will lie on the ground, brother, I will get you a lot of honey later, you have to trust me, okay? .Like what you do at home, lie on the ground with two fat paws holding your head. As for King Kong, just sit on the ground, I trust you the most."

King Kong and Winnie sat on the ground obediently, although they would feel a little itchy now; but the trust they had in Big Brother, they can only sit here now.I have to admit that Qi Ping's credit is justified. These little guys still trust Qi Ping very much, and they will not make trouble at this time.

Fortunately, Qi Ping did not suffer from trysophobia, and carefully opened the sealed box; the pressure is actually very high. Looking at these bees in the beehive, it is not only that too many bees will make people have trypophobia, but also Still kinda gross.

But fortunately, Qi Ping, a pure man, doesn't care about these things, what he's thinking about is actually these delicious honeys; he doesn't care about anything else.

After the yellow honeycomb, the fragrance of the flower source, mellow and delicious; Qi Ping is a person with high goals, since he has already obtained the honey.Then you can definitely aim higher, the pursuit of excellence and deliciousness is the current requirement of Qiping.Therefore, it is natural to come here, buddy is a person of taste.

Fortunately, although Qi Ping was collecting honey, he didn't offend the bees; at least he didn't get stung. It seemed that the bees were very conscious.Knowing that the food is from other people's homes, and I also live in other people's homes, so I still pay the 'rent' honestly.

Qi Ping was very happy, and collected a lot of honey. In fact, it can only be called a honeycomb, that is, honeycomb honey; but now, it is only somewhat like a lotus pod, and further processing is needed to extract the honey.

Generally speaking, beekeepers put the hives into the honey shaker, which is a device such as a centrifuge to shake out the honey.It's just that Qi Ping obviously doesn't have such a device, but there are other options for brewing honey. Qi Ping chose the most stupid method, which is to squeeze.

After completing this important event, Qi Ping was in a good mood; he was not stung by bees, and he easily obtained enough honeycombs.Now basically all that's left is to go home and squeeze the honey out.

"I think you are really gluttonous, forget it. You guys have made money, so come and taste a little bit, you are not afraid of indigestion."

Qiping couldn't walk anymore, Pooh hugged Qiping's thigh; don't look at the boy who was obedient and honest just now, lying on the ground with his big head in his arms, but he was thinking about the delicious honey in his mind.So where is the time, it's all about waiting for that delicious honey to fall into your mouth.

Qi Ping tore a piece of honeycomb, and Pooh was waiting with his mouth wide open; Qi Ping seemed to find that Pooh was smiling, and this guy finally tasted the delicacy he dreamed of, which was the sweet smell that scratched his little liver .

Bears want honey, and it's clearly the best treat Pooh has ever tasted.King Kong and Heitan performed similarly. Although there is no shortage of snacks in the forest farm, they have indeed eaten a lot of delicious snacks.It's just that they are always open to delicious snacks, and they are looking forward to more delicious snacks.

"I've said it all, now I can only taste something new, and I'll make some honey later and let you eat some. Now, go home honestly, I'm going to get busy soon!"

Pooh growled impatiently, and Qi Ping, who was riding on a tall horse, looked like Pooh's enemy now; Pooh was getting impatient because he had tasted a lot of delicious food.Honey is its favorite; now the most trusted "big brother" has betrayed the lovely Pooh, and has such delicious honey that Pooh is not allowed to eat, which of course makes Pooh protest constantly.

Pooh's protest was responded to, and King Kong had already grabbed a handful of grass and chased him, throwing it at Qiping.If there is something delicious, everyone should share it together, and you must not just let the eldest brother eat alone; so King Kong broke out, constantly protesting and asking for more honey, it is indeed delicious.

Qi Ping suddenly felt a little stressed, obviously he should have received cheers and applause; but now it doesn't look like this, the typical traitors of his own group of younger brothers, honey actually started to rebel because of this.

Qi Ping felt that he had really overestimated his status in the eyes of these little things, and he might not be as important as honey in the eyes of these little things.

It was really sad and shocking, so Qi Ping felt that it would be better to ride home as soon as possible, and make honey earlier, so that he could prove his innocence.The most important thing is to be able to restore my position in the hearts of these little things! (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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