America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 188 The Birth of a Profiteer

Chapter 188 The Birth of a Profiteer

Kate was not originally a skinny type, but now that she is pregnant, it is inevitable that she is a bit chubby; there is no way, pregnant women are often like this, and they don't need to deliberately consider the figure and the like.For the healthy growth of children, more nutrition is still needed to be true.

Seeing Kate eating big mouthfuls of braised pork, Qi Ping felt very happy; Kate didn't have much liking for greasy food before, but now she doesn't mind eating it anymore, she thinks the taste of these foods is very good.And she prefers these foods now, this is pregnant women, because they have children in their stomachs, there will definitely be more changes.

"Fortunately, my body has always been healthy, and the environment in the forest farm is very good, which will make our children grow up healthily and happily. My dear, our baby will be the strongest child!"

Kate has a surprisingly good appetite. Although the family also pays attention to scientific and balanced nutrition, it is not enough to rest assured, and more careful care is needed.For example, after eating well, you need regular checkups.

"You are more and more like a pregnant woman now. Not only is your appetite surprisingly good, but you look a little pregnant now. You need to be more careful and careful now. Don't think about your clothes that you can't wear. After giving birth, I'm sure your body will recover."

Qi Ping gently stroked Kate's lower abdomen, and Kate began to show her pregnancy slowly; as for some of the previous clothes, it was indeed inappropriate, and the figure became a little fatter, and the most important thing was that the lower abdomen began to bulge.For now, it's better to wear some loose clothing, which is what pregnant women should wear.

"Haha! I knew I was the most amazing, but I have two children in my belly! This is a gift from God, we have two children!"

Kate yelled proudly, but soon she looked cautious; twins, Kate was pregnant with twins.This made the whole family very excited, the twins are definitely the expectation of parents, and it is not an exaggeration to say that this is a gift from God.

The thought of having two cute little angels soon makes Qiping and Kate extremely excited.In fact, Qi Ping's parents are not calm anymore. If it is not difficult to leave temporarily, they will definitely come to the United States immediately.What is needed now is for Benben to quickly adapt to being with his parents and life in kindergarten; because his grandparents are going to the United States to take care of their little mother.

"The USDA standard-level certification has entered the final stage, and our forest farm is developing very well. Boss Xiao Qi spent all his money in vain, and finally got those equipments up. This kind of food really needs to be taught. , otherwise it’s really hard to take care of.”

Huang Siqing was in a good mood. Although he worked in the United States to make money from the beginning, he also knew some green vegetables and organic vegetables; but he never thought that growing vegetables is very particular, just a lot of equipment and the like Just dazzling.

But it's really good. The environment of the forest farm is scary. After more than a year of acceleration, I have been constantly picking up and filling in the gaps. I finally added all the equipment required by the Ministry of Agriculture.Now basically there is no problem, this is not 'closest to USDA standard grade', but completely USDA standard grade.

"It's just a few kinds of vegetables, and not all of them are organic vegetables. But it doesn't matter, these vegetables are enough for us to make a lot of money, and we will make more and more money in the future. In the past two days, the Ministry of Agriculture People are going to come down, and we have prepared earlier, so we don’t have to worry about anything at all, we will definitely be able to take it down anyway.”

Qi Ping is full of confidence. Although the USDA standard certification is very difficult, Qi Ping knows that it is not difficult for his forest farm to obtain this standard certification.In the final analysis, the environment of the forest farm is very good, coupled with the strict requirements on some operational matters here, so there is no need to worry about anything at all, no problem.

"At that time, the output of the forest farm will be more than one notch higher, and the fruit trees on the mountain will also grow very well. I think you can discuss it with Luo Yi. The matter he mentioned can really be considered. Money is such a thing, no one really thinks too much, it is a good thing to be able to earn more, and it is not against the law anyway.”

Huang Siqing reminded Qi Ping that he also has his own thoughts; he can be regarded as a supervisor now, and if the forest farm earns more, his salary and bonus will be more.Although there is already a lot of money that can be obtained now, no one really thinks that there is too much money. Huang Siqing also hopes that he can earn more.

Qi Ping nodded, he would indeed seriously consider this matter.The key is that no one will think too much money. Although the forest farm is enough for him to earn a lot of money, Qi Ping still hopes to earn a little more, which is better.

"We make our own channels, and now you know the reputation of Fairyland Forest Farm. Not to mention monopolizing the top vegetable market, we will definitely not be able to do this. But our products have been recognized by the market and have a great reputation. .Our products are of excellent quality, and we can win the USDA standard grade in the future. We can do the channel ourselves, and we have already done the terminal sales, so we don’t have to worry about being stolen by others.”

Luo Yi is ambitious. Although he can indeed make a lot of money now, he still hopes that he can make more money.The current channels are all owned by others, and he is at most an agent or something; as a human, he still needs a little ambition, and he will definitely encounter some difficulties in doing his own sales channels, but once he succeeds, he will be able to earn money. more money.

"We are now doing channels and terminals by ourselves. Look, the quality of your products must be fine, and there are only a few vegetables now, but there will be fruits soon. We are laying the foundation now, and when you The products come out in large quantities, we have just completed the accumulation and can completely explode."

Luo Yi continues to persuade Qi Ping that this matter is worth a good gamble for him. After all, he still hopes to make a greater breakthrough in his career.This matter is normal, because the current career has reached a bottleneck, Luo Yi undoubtedly hopes to make greater progress, and he hopes to earn more money.

"Then let's test the waters in the American market, first in a few states on the California side. One store in a small city, like Los Angeles, we can open a few more stores. We only do high-end, cut off the supply chain The supply from supermarkets or restaurants. If we want to get it in the future, it can only be in our own hands; we made them a lot of money last year, and we will let them see our face in the future.”

Qi Ping thinks that this matter may be worth a try; after all, he hopes to earn more money, has his own channels and terminals, and does not need to look at other people's faces.The most important thing is that in this way, there is no need to give others a false hand, and the profits in this will fall to the greatest extent, or even all, in their own hands.

"Then I will take it as if you agreed. After the contract with these suppliers expires during this period, I will not renew the contract with them. Anyway, they are signed quarterly or monthly, and there is a lot of flexibility. I By the way, let’s check the storefront again, it’s really not necessarily that you can afford a house or a storefront now, it’s no problem to rent it.”

Luo Yi is very happy. He feels that once this matter is completed, he will earn more money in the future; the quality of the forest farm's products is getting better and better, which means more and more wealth.

"Once the USDA standard grade is certified, we have to pay attention. Now our supply and marketing channels are actually not neat enough. There are high-end restaurants and ordinary vegetable supermarkets. But when we get the standard grade, our The shelf is up first. We have good products in our hands, and then others will beg us. Our environment here is very good, and the requirements will naturally be higher than ordinary organic vegetables at that time!"

Luo Yi is a little complacent, the wine is not afraid of deep alleys; he has good products in his hands, and he has more top-notch goods.Then those who come to ask are those restaurants and supermarkets; the big shop bullies customers, or it can be said so; after all, whoever has better goods in their hands will have more initiative.

Obviously, the products of Fairyland Forest Farm now have this right; because good things are in their own hands, so these people are naturally asking for them.

"I plan to set up a certification mechanism. If you want to get products from our forest farm in the future, you must pay attention to the grade of the restaurant. If it is a high-end restaurant, you must also consider their soft power; not only is it famous, but also let those restaurants Show enough strength to keep our vegetables from being buried there."

Luo Yi is a full-fledged profiteer, and it is obvious that he intends to lure those people's appetites; since he intends to make high-end products, he must make a high-end gesture.Let those people know that it is an honor and affirmation to want to get the products of Wonderland Forest Farm.

This is the meaning of brand value. Luo Yi plans to make some articles around the products of Fairyland Forest Farm now; if the brand value of Fairyland Forest Farm has been made, then it is very reasonable to want to increase the price in the future.Because being able to eat vegetables and fruits from Fairyland Forest Farm is a symbol of identity and taste.

Qi Ping nodded straightly, although he knew that it was definitely not an easy thing to make this brand and grade; but he really didn't need to worry too much, because the quality of the product had nothing to say.And now there is plenty of time, so I can do this thing calmly and slowly.

Once it is made, it will be an unimaginable wealth, which can make a lot of money.

The two laughed triumphantly, they are complete profiteers! (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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