America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 189 Come and spend 0 money

Chapter 189 Let's Get Some Pocket Money (Subscribe)

In business, Qi Ping is really a profiteer; but for his wife and family, Qi Ping has absolutely nothing to say.This is a guy who can make his family feel happy and dependent, although he is a bit unreliable in many cases.

"Hurry up and buy a honey maker, although I know you are very strong, you can squeeze the honey out. But believe me, it is not enough; and Pooh and King Kong, they can't just eat The remains of those hives, they want more delicious honey."

Seeing Qiping sitting on the floor and pushing Pooh with a faceless face, Kate laughed; she knew that the gluttonous Pooh was protesting and acting like a baby, and he was completely caught in the charm of honey, unable to extricate himself !

"We do have some honey right now, but trust me, baby, if it's left open to eat, it'll eat up all of our dot stores. I'm fine with them, but you know it's a super greedy guys, even King Kong! For honey, I guarantee I'll be beaten by them!"

King Kong jumped over from behind, putting his arms around Qiping's neck as if he was about to choke his throat.Although this guy doesn't necessarily like honey the most, but it would be even better if he could be given a glass of honey water.

Kate smiled. These are children who haven't grown up, including her husband. Seeing these three stinky guys start to fight on the floor again, Kate finds it very funny and very warm.

"In the future, our honey needs to be carefully planned, including our consumption, and the consumption of these guys. We can't be sloppy, especially you; hurry up and prepare more honey, you are just now Using the most primitive means of making honey is too wasteful, we need to increase the yield of honey!"

Kate had no choice but to prepare honey water for these little things; seeing Kate going to the kitchen, she smelled the sweet smell she had dreamed of.How could they care about fighting with Qiping now, and ran towards the kitchen in a swarm.

It is really necessary to think about increasing the amount of honey produced. It would be too wasteful to just use the most primitive extrusion method.Qi Ping thinks, just buy a smaller honey brewer; in the end, it is not bad for money, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Just look at the state of Pooh and King Kong. They drank a large plate of honey water in one gulp; then they hugged Kate's thigh and continued to act coquettishly and play rascals. Such a typical dissatisfied person is still expecting Kate to show kindness and prepare for them. Too much honey water, these two guys are really greedy.

"Kate, can I drive the ATV away? I know that you are the one who decides about the forest farm. He is just an illusion! I won't discuss these things with him, there is no result!"

Qi Ping's face was ugly, and he was completely despised by his brother-in-law; there is no way, some housework is really decided by Kate; the big things are made by Qi Ping, and the small things belong to Kate of.

Building a house is not a big deal; and it is also a housework, so Kate can actually make up her mind.It is Kate's job to make the life of the family more enjoyable and happy.Besides, for borrowing a car or adding some furniture to the house, Kate is enough.

Speaking of which, the family's major issues are limited; in fact, Qi Ping's current major issues may only be in the construction of the forest farm.Other times, he was more of a posturing guy, because he didn't have much to make up his mind at all, because these were Kate's tasks, and the division of labor between Qi Ping and Kate was very clear.

It's just a beach car, and Joshua can drive it out; not to mention, the car keys are already in Joshua's hands.It is estimated that this kid will not return the car for a while. Qi Ping has already realized this. Joshua is a careless type, and he has been thinking about this beach car for too long.

The yelling Joshua drove away the beach car, and he asked out his girlfriend. This was the first official date between him and Jaina; not at the movie theater or in the park, but at the forest farm.This playboy seems to have moved his heart, this time he is very serious, otherwise he would not have come here for a date.

No problem, let the kid go on a date with his little girlfriend; it's not just driving off the beach buggy and taking the girlfriend on a date, it even abducts Pooh and King Kong.No way, for girls, these guys have a huge lethality, taking them away will make this date more interesting.

Qi Ping still has to go to the market and buy a honey brewing machine; he just adopts the most primitive method of squeezing honey, which is indeed too primitive, and still needs to consider high technology.Even if it's not high-tech, it can't be too outdated anyway. Qi Ping is ambitious, but it's just to get more delicious honey.

These honeys are delicious and everyone loves them; but there is a huge shortage, not much production and too much demand!

Qi Ping, who was humming a song, was very happy, and Kate was also very happy; although she was no longer a slim figure, Kate felt that such a figure was the most beautiful.She likes it because she can feel the growth of her lovely children, because she knows that the little ones need more nutritional supplements.

"I figured it out, you took King Kong to make a movie, it's just a cameo. We need more money now, dear; I suddenly found out that some of your plans are not good, you always don't follow the plan, so we The villa has repeatedly overrun. Hurry up and get busy, I hope our children can grow up in the villa by the Muse Lake, because the environment and scenery there are better.”

Kate packed the luggage for Qi Ping and was going to make a movie; King Kong's guest appearance was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, which was a very good deal.If it weren't for the fact that King Kong is hard to take on important tasks, he could definitely be the protagonist, and the salary would be higher; but a cameo is enough, because Qi Ping doesn't have that long to make a movie, and he needs to be accompanied all the way.

"Our villa budget is indeed a bit high. Originally we thought that the cost would be around 200 million to 300 million US dollars. Then our interior decoration may also need 200 million US dollars, so around 500 million is completely enough. But our ambition is too big. Strong, we are always making some adjustments except for no major transformation, which is not good news for my account."

Qi Ping thought it was a bit funny, but it was also true; who made him and Kate always hope that their new home could be as perfect as possible, so now some problems inevitably appeared, that is, constant overspending.It costs a lot of money, so Qi Ping and King Kong need to work hard now, take more commercials or movies, and earn some pocket money to supplement their families.

Although he was a bit reluctant, there was nothing he could do; he couldn't stay in the forest all the time, and he really couldn't completely slack off at work, although Qi Ping thought that he had never been a particularly motivated or dedicated person.But the money that should be earned must still be earned, so as to ensure that the family does not need to worry about money.

It is true that the family is not short of money, but there are too many places to spend money, and the only way is to make some money honestly.Supplementing the family, this is a completely ignorant statement; Qi Ping is now a multi-millionaire anyway, and is making a lot of money every day.

This is good, and the vision has become higher, so even the money for building a luxury house is called pocket money, and the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars earned have become supplements for the family.This guy has entered the mentality of a rich man now, and sometimes he is a little unreasonable, it is really unreasonable.

He set off in the car with a large bag of luggage; as well as King Kong who sat obediently in the co-pilot, this kid knew how to advance and retreat.With Kate, or Qiping's parents, it sits obediently in the back seat; but without other people, it must be the co-pilot, and even now this kid can already wear a seat belt.

It's really weird, especially when there is an exclamation from the car next to the red light; although it looks like a chimpanzee doll or costume at first, it can be quickly discovered that this is a real one. The chimpanzee is already grown, and it doesn't look too small anymore. This is a chimpanzee that has basically grown up.

"Dude, is it King Kong? My kids seem to know him!"

King Kong's reputation seems to be not small, the most important thing is that many people can recognize him now; although it seems that every chimpanzee looks similar, but there are not many such smart little chimpanzees, it seems that there is only one The chimpanzee named King Kong has such talent and ability.

"Yes, it is King Kong. It is very friendly. If you greet it, you will definitely get a response. Polite and friendly, this is King Kong!"

Qi Ping proudly introduced King Kong, ignoring that King Kong was just sitting in the co-pilot, let alone that it might feel bored and took out a banana from the strap and was eating happily.

This little thing is not only playful, but also very greedy; but it doesn't matter, because these are enough to show that King Kong is cute, and no one will express dissatisfaction with the gluttonous King Kong, because it is so cute. is what it was supposed to do.

It seems that this cameo movie has already had a place for publicity and hype, and that is King Kong's cameo and real performance.As for box office hits like Qi Ping, don't expect it for the time being, who made this just a guest appearance, there is no box office dividend; but it is also very good, that is, hundreds of thousands seem to be easy to earn!

(End of this chapter)

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