America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 193 I'm a little nervous

Chapter 193 I'm a little nervous (please subscribe!!!)
The villa is completed, not only the appearance of the villa, but even the lawn outside the house, the basketball court and other facilities have also been built. In fact, the only thing left now is the interior decoration.

"According to the relatively rough decoration style, don't worry about any styles that don't match. In fact, our villa style itself is a bit mixed. Especially some furniture, it needs to be more sturdy, otherwise Pooh and King Kong will definitely mess up. There is a lot of damage, and our current house often needs some renovations."

Kate talked eloquently, she is indeed the chief designer of the family now; Qi Ping decides the major events in the family, but it is a pity that basically no major events will happen in the family.It's just decoration, Kate can take care of these small things; Qi Ping, the head of the family, should continue to wait patiently here, maybe he will make up his mind sometimes.

Qi Ping's parents actually don't say much at this time; they actually don't have any opinions on decoration and the like, so it's good to follow Kate's opinion at this time.

"I took a look at the new house, and it's really very good. I think Pooh and King Kong are about to be happy. Especially Pooh, who didn't have to play well and suddenly ran outside. The bathroom prepared for them is huge."

Yu Lan's words amused the whole family. King Kong and Pooh are good boys, they know that the toilet needs to be flushed, and they know not to defecate anywhere.King Kong is a bit better, knowing how to press the button to flush the toilet with his small hands; but Pooh is a little bit difficult, his limbs are not as flexible as King Kong.

The house I live in now has naturally been slightly remodeled, otherwise it would definitely be inconvenient; but in the final analysis, it is not as convenient as the custom-made special bathroom. Now the mansion has prepared bathrooms for them, considering Pooh Condition.

The flush button of the toilet is only less than half a meter high, and Pooh just needs to stretch out his claws; a light-emitting poop button, Pooh must know how to use it.And the toilet in the bathroom is super big and powerful, so there is no need to worry about this big guy like Pooh.

Seeing Pooh lying obediently on his feet and unwilling to move, Qi Ping laughed; the playful Pooh actually doesn't like flushing toilets very much, and it is a bit difficult for him to operate.So I often see this guy running up the mountain in a hurry. This is because he can't hold it back;

"Our baby room is right next to the master bedroom. There are four rooms on the second floor, excluding our master bedroom! Mom and Dad, you can definitely know what Qi and I wish for. We have prepared a lot for the children Room, each of them has a room!"

Kate rubbed her stomach and proudly announced loudly; four children, this is the least amount of goals.In fact, the two of them don't have any specific plans or anything like that, everything follows fate; just like the twins who are pregnant now, this is the existence of letting nature take its course and God's will, making people feel extremely happy and happy.

"That's great. Four rooms are definitely enough. These two little guys may have liked living together when they were young. In fact, babies like to be lively. They must like living together. It will be fun then. Just for fun." Yu Lan and Qi Weihui smiled happily, a full house of children and grandchildren is naturally the best thing for them.

Qi Ping and Kate felt that, in fact, the children could live in a room by themselves; but this kind of thing might happen, such as twins, it is no problem for them to like to live together.Qi Ping and Kate just don't want children to be clingy since childhood, at least what children need is to develop the ability to sleep independently, otherwise it will be a big trouble when they grow up.

The end of the year is indeed very busy for Qi Ping and Kate. Although the villa has been built now, it seems that there are really not many things to be busy for them.Now I'm not just busy learning about babysitting, but I'm also busy with decorating and moving into a new home, which is a really big deal.

It's a new year, and it's been a year of anticipation and nostalgia for Chipping and Kate; they're married and have a baby.The current life is very happy and joyful, and they also understand that this kind of happiness and joy is just the beginning, and the next life will naturally be even happier and happier.

The children are about to be born, and they will naturally bring more joy to the family.

As this day got closer, my mother got busy and started to prepare when she was in China. Naturally, she also prepared enough luggage when she came to the United States this time.There is no doubt that these items are reserved for the precious grandchildren, and this is for the children.

All kinds of high-end fabrics that have been prepared long ago have been handed over to Qiping, and a lot of summer cloth with the "King of Natural Fibers" and "Chinese Grass" has been prepared, which may not be the most suitable now.However, this kind of fabric has the advantages of sweat removal, breathability and heat dissipation, coolness, and natural antibacterial.

Considering the delicate skin of the babies, we have prepared a lot of pure cotton fabrics, which are used to make new clothes and diapers for the babies.Although there are all kinds of paper diapers on the market now, there is no such thing as pure cotton diapers for paper diapers.

Disposable diapers are indeed very convenient, but traditional diapers are more breathable; it is difficult for many families to take care of their children all the time.However, these problems do not exist in Qiping, because the whole family revolves around the children, and there is no need to worry about taking care of the children, let alone worrying about not having enough time.

Mom also started to prepare small quilts for the two babies, and even Qiping and Kate followed suit, and they also got some quilt noodles and the like.After all, my mother is in a very good mood now. For these lovely children, there is nothing to worry about spending some money. Although these are very good fabrics and the like, the family really does not lack this money!
Although California is known as the Sunshine State, it does not mean that there will be no winter here. The temperature here will still drop a little in winter.It is winter when the children are born, so you also need to prepare some clothes for the little ones.These are all good things that my mother prepared when she was in China, a long time ago.

Tiger head hats, tiger head shoes, tiger head pillows, tiger bibs, tiger face bellybands and the like are all ready.These children's clothing with distinctive features still got Kate's favorite.

These children's clothing with red as the main color are all handmade, and the materials are also very particular; moreover, the meaning of these clothing is also very good. I hope that the children will grow up healthily and happily, and hope that these children will be tiger-headed and tiger-headed.These are all auspicious and blessing meanings. For Kate, what she likes most now is to let the children grow up healthily and happily.

Qi Ping began to get a little nervous. He knew that the time for the child's birth was getting closer and closer; seeing Kate's big belly, and Kate's pleasant surprise from time to time said that the children learned to kick their mother's stomach in a playful way. These are all very happy things for Qi Ping and Kate. They chat with the children very happily every time, and listen carefully to every little movement of the children.

As long as you think about it, maybe soon, there will be two little guys showing the most innocent smiles, as long as you think about the children with their own blood, babbling and acting like a baby.Qi Ping felt that he couldn't calm down. That was the time he was looking forward to the most, and it was even the most beautiful thing in his life.

"I've already thought about it. Although we don't know the sex of the children yet, I have already named them. Believe me, there is absolutely no problem!"

Full of confidence, Kate skillfully wrapped the diapers on the model baby and was praised by the baby-care trainer. Kate proudly walked down with her big belly.She leaned into Qiping's ear and whispered that during this period of time, the Bible had been torn apart by her, because some traditions here still have to be named according to the Bible.

"I don't think it's a problem. I also want a name. These have historical allusions. I am their father, so I have the word 'ping' in my name. I hope the children I can also understand this truth, I have been studying the "Book of Rites" during this period of time, and I hope that they can become real gentlemen when they grow up."

Qi Ping is very proud. For the children's names, although he has not reached the level of looking through a dictionary, he is almost there; names, in fact, often contain the expectations of parents for their children.

"And what about the girls?"

Kate asked curiously, she was also looking forward to it now, she wanted to know if Qi Ping was ready; boys' names were very important, and girls' names were also very important.In fact, two people can naturally do some pre-pregnancy examinations in advance. It is naturally not a problem to know the sex of the children, but neither of them has.

To Pin and Kate, the sex of the children didn't matter at this point; whether it was a boy or a girl, it was their baby.Or more or less, there is still a little bit of feeling, such as hoping to have a boy to inherit the family business, but Qi Ping and Kate don't plan to just have one child, their goal is to have both children.

So at this time, don't say that Qi Ping and Kate don't care about the gender of the children; even Qi Ping's parents don't care much about it, even if they are a bit patriarchal, they don't care.Because they know very well that there are many opportunities to have grandchildren, and Qi Ping and Kate will definitely give birth to a boy.

And don't forget, the fat boy Benben is here, and the parents even think that if they have a fat grandson, they should also have a beautiful fat granddaughter.

(End of this chapter)

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