America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 194 Difficult Moving

Chapter 194 Difficult Moving

Moving, going to move; this is a happy thing, and the whole family is busy with it now.

"I've said it all, we're moving, to a big house! Give me a little bit of courage, can you, I don't want to drive you away!" Qi Ping was a little furious, and a little weak; these little things really make people feel too embarrassed , is an absolute typical example of losing the chain at a critical moment.

King Kong stubbornly pulled his small wooden stool, which was its exclusive seat; seeing that Qi Ping wanted to move this small stool, King Kong was unhappy.It loves this little stool and must not throw it away!
Pooh was lying on his thick mattress, and now stand up obediently, probably because he wants to beat and scold him so that he can't let him move.This mattress is Pooh's favorite; Pooh doesn't like other mattresses, but he only likes this mattress with a lot of cartoon bears on it.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are not worry-free either, they are just playful kids and don't care much about other things; but with King Kong and Pooh taking the lead, they are now beginning to know how to protect their private property.Now it falls on the usual bird stand, where there are their food bowls; don't talk about going out to play now, if someone comes close, it is basically the type of swearing.

"The four little guys in the south, east, and north are more reassuring. In your words, these little things are not only pretending to be stupid, but also acting cute." Qi Weihui was a little funny, watching Pooh holding the bench to prevent others from moving, It really makes people laugh; although these little things are usually a little bit of shopping, they are really interesting when they are at home.

"Pretending to be silly and cute is just a hobby. The main task is to eat and sleep. When you are in a good mood, go outside and run around, and then get angry with me! I was a fool at the time, and I started shaking when I had two money I asked for this, if I don't live to be a hundred years old, I will definitely be angry with them!"

Qi Ping was indeed very angry with these little things. There was so much movement here, and Pooh was still lying comfortably in his bear den, and the little boy started snoring.Seeing this big chubby bear trying to stretch out its limbs as if trying to get out in a big shape, Qi Ping really couldn't say anything.

When a bear hibernates, it curls up into a ball like a big meat ball. Why does Pooh have such a domineering sleeping position when he comes to my house? He actually wants to be different when he sleeps!

It's really not worrying. If you want to take care of them, it's not just delicious food. The key is that these mischievous ghosts can really make people angry sometimes, and they can liven their anger out of high blood pressure!
"It's mine, it's all mine!"

Liang Shanbo was shouting at the top of his voice, but he was actually a bit confused, I don't know why the whole family made such a big commotion early in the morning; he didn't go out and fly around today, he just stayed in the room and watched his own Personal belongings, for fear of seeing his lair being taken away as soon as he returns home.

"Blow the whistle and call someone, I'm being bullied!"

Zhu Yingtai started to shout, this guy didn't learn much from the good ones, but he learned a lot from the bad ones; Qi Ping sometimes taught them lines from some movies, these guys learned very quickly, even some For a period of time, I was very good at learning these curse words, whether it was Chinese or English.

I learned that from TV. Anyway, Qi Ping firmly does not think that he has taught these little things badly; fortunately, these two guys who like to talk are very smart. After being taught harshly many times, they basically don’t swear too often. They come out, but occasionally when the anger is overwhelmed, some various national curses will come out.

It is really difficult to move, this is what the Qiping family thinks now; although the big villa is very grand, and the decoration is also very stylish.But wanting to move in does not seem to be a simple matter; moving is a big event no matter when it is, and it is definitely not something that you can move in immediately with a luggage bag on your back.

Some furniture at home must be brought over; in fact, the small wooden villa that Qi Ping lives in now is not bad, on the contrary, it is still very good.It's just that a large family lives here, and it is indeed a bit crowded; the most important thing is that although the environment here is good, it is not comparable to the Lakeside Villa by Muse Lake.

Naturally, we can’t throw away all the furniture; in fact, it’s not just the bed or some unnecessary sofas, but most of the dining table, hangers, etc. are even to be eliminated, because some of the furniture in the villa They are all customized, more in line with the style of the villa, and more stylish and practical.

On the contrary, some electrical appliances, kitchen utensils, etc. can basically be brought together; although the kitchen of the villa is a high-end modern kitchen, it does not mean that modern kitchens do not need kitchen knives or cutting boards, and these must be taken away.

Although it seems that the huge project of moving has encountered a little trouble, it does not affect the whole family's happy plan to move.We should be happy about this matter, because we moved to a luxury house, because the scenery and environment there are better; speaking of it, this is the first time for the whole family to live in a real luxury house.

The current small wooden holiday villa, although no one thinks it is bad, is still a bit far from a mansion.Living in a luxury house is really a happy thing.

"Everyone get in the car, everyone get in the car! I think you are going to visit the new home now, I don't believe you are not tempted!"

It seems difficult to force these little things to move willingly, so Qiping is another way; take these little things to visit the new home, although it is not that they have not been to the new home, it is a pity that they have not yet been there. Too much belonging.So let them like it first, and then these little things will naturally move with them.

I drove a pickup truck, because there are indeed a lot of things to move; also because the kid Pooh is a bit heavy now, plus a King Kong, although it can be squeezed in the car, it is definitely not comfortable in the spacious back of the pickup truck.As for expecting them to run by themselves, there is definitely no problem, but the speed is not very fast, and it is still comfortable to come by car.

"Look, how good our new home is, that is, you don't know anything, and you insist on staying in your old home. The lawn at the door is several acres, and you can run away if you want. And outside our home is Muse Lake, swimming in the water is no problem for you. If you want to go to the mountains to play, you can just run a few steps. There are mountains and water, which is much better than our hometown, so you can be content!"

Holding Pooh and King Kong in his arms, Qi Ping is patiently educating his younger brothers; these little guys still have some problems with their aesthetics, probably because they have feelings for their hometown.The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as your own kennel. These little guys may know that this place is very good, but they grew up in the old house since they were young, and they don't have much ownership of this spacious and bright big house. Feeling, they don't know this is their new home.

"Look at your new room. I have prepared a lot. This room is seventy to eighty square meters, and there is a bathroom for you. There are little suns, small houses and small animals painted on the wall, in bright colors It must be your favorite. The most important thing is this toilet, you can see how modern it is; just tap it lightly, and the water is powerful!"

Pointing to the button of the flush toilet, Pooh slapped it with his paw; Qi Ping was terrified, but fortunately the toilet was made of high-strength stainless steel, otherwise Pooh's slap would basically break it.In fact, King Kong's hand strength is not small, after all, he is a chimpanzee; now Pooh and King Kong are mature, and their weight has exceeded 150 catties, and they are both fat.

"King Kong has a big bed, and so does Pooh. Both are specially made, big and strong! Climb up to experience it. King Kong's bed is only half a meter high, and Pooh's bed is 35 centimeters high. You can climb up on it! And the two of you Well, I even prepared your wedding room, in the style of tropical rainforest!"

Now Qi Ping is quite a bit like a tour guide, and he is taking these little things to visit his new home; although these few unsatisfactory little things seem to be a little strange to this place and have no sense of belonging, Qi Ping can feel that these few things This little thing doesn't have too much resistance now, who made their new room really wonderful, and everything in the forest farm is familiar to them.

Finally, these little things have been quieted down a bit. They are now running around to visit their new home, and they don't need to be introduced.It's really big enough, so these little things can run away completely at home, unlike in the old house, when they grow up, they can't run completely in the living room.

"Pooh, this is your new sofa for you and King Kong. I know you guys like sleeping on the sofa and watching TV! Believe me, we've all thought about it, even if you're going to grow up, this sofa will do it all." Carrying your weight, you can comfortably lie on the sofa and play!"

Kate, who has a big belly, is very happy. The new house has been built and decorated a long time ago; now the whole family has moved into the new home, which of course makes Kate extremely happy.Because the main designer of this mansion is Kate, and the family likes it very much now, which makes Kate extremely proud and proud. She knows that her design is excellent!

King Kong and Pooh, the naughty little ones, are now running around and having fun, although they are still reluctant to part with the old house; but they know better that their home is where there is a level.So there is nothing unhappy, because they saw that the most trusted big brother has dragged the box and moved in, that's all!
(End of this chapter)

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